
Sea Level Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Many of the turbidites were deposited close to oxygen isotope stage boundaries suggesting a strong relationship to sea level change and climate change."
"Sea level will continue to rise despite greenhouse gas production."
"Sea level got to the present level about 5,000 or 6,000 years ago. That's pretty much recorded human civilization."
"During the Permian, the global sea level continued to drop until it reached a level close to our oceans today."
"When the earth is cold, there's more ice on the land, and sea level is lower."
"Since 6,000 BC sea level in the Black Sea, the Aegean and the Adriatic has risen by something like 50 meters."
"All water on Earth levels out, so we are at sea level."
"If you live lower than 20 feet above sea level, you should plan to move soon."
"Let's say standard temperature at sea level is 15, right?"
"Around 20 million years ago, it goes from near sea level to around 1200 to 1800 meters above sea level, so that's a pretty significant increase."
"It's a minor refinement, but it adds evidence to the idea that sea-level rise is accelerating."
"One of the biggest threats of climate change is sea level rise."
"If the sea level rises, it doesn't rise everywhere."
"The Netherlands literally shouldn't exist, 26% of its area is located below sea level."
"The effects of global warming will cause sea levels to rise significantly, leading to widespread flooding."
"The entire atmosphere... if we take that entire atmosphere and put it on a scale, it weighs 14.7 pounds at sea level."
"Global sea level was 400 feet lower 18,000 years ago than it is today."
"The ocean levels were much lower for a while in the last glacial maximum, probably a hundred and twenty meters lower than the present day."
"What we're hearing about is a really rather frightening new analysis of the extent of sea level rise."
"Sea level rise is one of the most serious consequences of the human-induced climate crisis."
"Sea level will rise by at least another 1 to 3 feet before the end of this century."
"During the last glacial maximum, sea level was 100 meters lower than at present level today."
"The ocean level will rise due to this effect of thermal expansion."
"Water that was previously stored as ice is going to flow into the ocean."
"The evidence in the field, well under the water, for the demise of Atlet Yam is more consistent with the gradual rise in sea level."
"The climate and sea level changed drastically with each ice age."
"The sea level only needs to rise by 5 meters to result in the vast majority of the world cities being underwater."
"In interglacial periods where ice is melting from glaciers, we get rising meltwater from ice into rivers and then into seas, which usually leads to a rise in sea level."
"A eustatic fall in sea level would mean that it's a glacial period, ice sheets are forming, water is evaporated from the sea and then locked on land as ice."
"Emergent coastlines are getting bigger and enlarging due to a fall in sea levels."
"Submergent coastlines are coastal zones where the littoral zone is inundated with rising sea levels."
"Climatic change leads to eustatic sea level rise."
"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that 40 percent of sea level rise in 1990 to 2010 is because of thermal expansion."
"Tectonic activity caused the other 10 percent of sea level rise in recent times."
"Global mean sea level... is basically the average of all those reds and oranges and yellows that I just showed."
"Eustatic change is a global change in sea level resulting from an actual fall or rise in the level of the sea."
"Isostatic sea level change is related to the land, resulting from the land rising or falling relative to the sea level."
"In the air, oxygen exerts around me right now at the sea level the pressure of oxygen is 159 millimeter of mercury."
"This wall has been built to stop rising sea levels."