
Images Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"We feel like we've been there. We associate memories with images that we've never before seen, and for some reason, we become stuck in this trance of eerie fascination."
"Images are crucial. Simply by going through your images and compressing them and fixing them, you can drastically speed up the speed of your website."
"It's Hallowed Ground, right? I mean just look at these images."
"The most important component is the designs, these are the images that go on the mugs."
"There are so many different free images that you don't really need to have pro unless you need all those different functionalities, but let's find something that is pro."
"Analog video is captured in frames per second. But an analog video frame is not a single image: It actually hides two images, captured at different moments in time."
"...especially considering how disturbing some of these images are."
"We can lay out text and images to make books, magazines, posters, etc."
"Here you can add two custom photos and images that will be displayed on your website."
"...what raw really does is it allows me to edit the images as best as I possibly can..."
"It's like light bulb comes off and then I started asking why do our images look the way they do."
"Always use high resolution images for printing. Low res images will result in poor quality prints."
"It's rare to have images that can suck in newcomers so effectively and continue to captivate fashion veterans decades after they first see them."
"JPEGs and .MOVs of the white Hoonigan 911 and green Pandora One became hugely popular."
"...because they look really fake and it's just going to bring down all of the credibility on your store so that's pretty much the full design of the product page on the top of the page we have our highquality images that showcase all of our best features of our product."
"For every mutant still out there who's watching these images, they need hope."
"Containers are runnable instances of images and are built from those images. They contain everything you need to run an application in an isolated environment like your tools, dependencies, software, and more."
"Take a look at these images. These images look absolutely perfect and check how realistic these look, right?"
"So these were absolutely beautiful images, very, very close to reality. Like it's very hard for me to tell like this is not an actual or real image."
"...this trip was a great reminder that photography is about much more than just the images."
"Make sure you're only including images with the highest quality possible."
"I truly believe in seeing my images in print."
"The images are something else, man. You'll love them."
"What people kind of forget to realize is that there's real truth behind those images that's why it all works that's why it has worked and that's why it continues to work today."
"Pexels and Unsplash are great resources for royalty-free images and videos."
"Anything that I do as an architect is not about the production of images but rather about the production of knowledge."
"If you have enough time to get a good layout, decent colors, and some great images from Adobe Stock, you're basically 90% done."
"The spectacle is not a collection of images; it is a social relation between people that is mediated by images."
"...Clip is a embeddings model that can do two things: it can embed text... and it can embed images... but the magic is that those numbers they exist in the same Vector space."
"When you see and look those images to me laying on the bottom I don't know they just they frighten me they scare me."
"Most people use the calendars on their phones these days anyway. It's more about the images."
"Making beautiful images of beautiful people was everything to him and his notion of beauty wasn't just about flawless features it was about the beauty of high style of elegant living."
"You need to balance it out. The most successful posts are the ones with images."
"Machine learning is very useful in e-commerce, where you have a lot of images of different products."
"It's not about images, it's about what the images do."
"Most of the images on this site are listed as creative commons which means that you are free to use them in your commercial projects."
"...setting the alt text on your images strategically."
"Consider adding alt tags to images for SEO benefits."
"You have to use images you have permission to on a website that you're running publicly so you don't get into any copyright issues."
"And because we're using this flexible layout, these images are fitted perfectly three across."
"Images really truly speak quite a bit louder than words alone."
"Go take the images before you show them to anybody. Go and make a print."
"Animation is all about just showing different images at different times. It's fundamentally not that complicated."
"That's a great way to take images or greetings and mask off part of them to use them separately."
"All your images should have an alt attribute."
"If you don't see FF D8 FF at the beginning, you're not dealing with a JPEG image."
"I'm a fan of the contrast levels this lens produces, really beautiful images."
"All you need is images and corresponding masks, that's it."
"Emphasize the styling of our product through high-quality images."
"You could search Google but only pull images that are okay to use without copyright and licensing restrictions."
"It is neat and it is confirmed that we can take these free images from Fortinet."
"With Doodly Rainbow, you'll be able to instantly select full color versions of every single image inside of your Doodly library."
"A Docker image itself is a template which contains instructions for the Docker container."
"I fell in love with them from before I could read just seeing the images."
"All the images that you're going to see today are all 100% original to the respective sellers' listings."
"It allows you to store all types of files, and we're going to be focusing on images for this video."
"It's so crazy how just images can be so nostalgic."
"We've got a functioning image gallery and light box."
"We're going to talk about things like the performance of images, the size of images, how we avoid cumulative layout shift."
"We live in a world of instantly replicated images and you can replicate them infinitely."
"This is a time series of 10 different images."
"Images are crucial... people are using the images to make the purchasing decision."
"Every Docker image has at least one tag, and in fact, the same Docker image can have multiple tags pointing to it."
"So those are two Hubble images of the same region, one in visible light, one in infrared light."
"Adding images... this is exactly the same way that we could do this with a wiki link."
"An animation is essentially just a series of these still images that are played in order."
"Facebook stores over 260 billion images, that's around 20 petabytes worth of data."
"Google stores over 4 trillion images."
"It has image optimization built in using the Next Image component."
"We're going to provide images optimized for different size screens just with a really basic utility here."
"If you want to use the thumbnail images, it's just better for rendering performance."
"It produces incredible images that I have no doubt will get many more people interested in this wonderful hobby."
"I'm going to show you how you can host your images online for free so they can show up in the email inbox like they are here."
"Containers are an instance of an image; people often use the terminology interchangeably, but they are actually different."
"Docker images are pre-built environments used to start Docker containers."
"There's so many ways that you can track down images inside of Lightroom."
"It's irrefutable, like it's crystal clear images."
"A lot of the benefit of mod_pagespeed, the real wins in terms of bandwidth usage and latency, are from making images smaller."
"The space of images that look real to a human is actually bigger than the space of real images."
"These views are then published as images."
"What we really care about is how digital images work in computers."
"Our memories are stored as images. They are stored as pictures."
"First of all you must know that you have images, haven’t you? Then is it possible for you to be free of the image?"
"Images can influence the buying decision of shoppers to a very large extent."
"It's a way to asynchronously load and cache images from the web inside of your project or app."
"Using object fit cover, I can always make sure that the actual aspect ratio of the image is maintained so it doesn't distort and stretch the image."
"Smush actually optimizes images that we upload to our WordPress website and compresses them on upload so that way our pages can load faster."
"Now we all know that you and I have both laid our eyes on some cursed images."
"To make our very own cursed images, ones that we can use to maybe even help conquer that fear."
"I don't see how you could make a two-hour movie out of this book. It's very tightly engineered."
"How can we add images on our websites while making sure we respect everyone's rights?"
"WebP images are at 25 to 35 percent smaller than the equivalent JPEG or PNG."
"Images in scikit-image are represented as NumPy arrays."
"We want to sample only a thousand images from each category."