
Soundproofing Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The echoing tunnels are totally soundproof from the outside world. All we hear are our own footsteps."
"Closets honestly sound like if they have a lot of clothes and stuff they sound like a radio studio because the clothes dampen the ambient noise."
"Noise insulation is one of the best things they've added."
"Every time I have Rockwool installed is how quiet it makes a space."
"It's just such a dense material that you end up with that happy result where you might hear a little something but it's not gonna wreck your day."
"It offers exceptional thermal properties but also helps with sound insulation and fire protection."
"It's pretty echoey right now but don't worry, we're going to be soundproofing."
"Soundproofing isn't really technology. It's stuffing material between you and the Sound Source. The thicker the wall, the quieter it is."
"I'd like a music studio, something with like a closet. It's a lot easier to soundproof a smaller area."
"...the cabinet can be made partially soundproof."
"The sound deadening in here is incredible. I could barely even hear all the rain on the outside hitting the car."
"The reality is most of the noise coming into a room is either coming in from a door or a window... if you follow those types of advice, how to soundproof for twenty dollars, how to soundproof for fifty dollars, it usually doesn't work."
"The strongest point of this EQS is the luxury, the premiumness, the soundproofing."
"If you want to try and soundproof something on the cheap, I would recommend finding the weakest spots for sound leakage and attacking those."
"Right, it's got some soundproofing in here now."
"It's like a soundproof bunker. You can't hear anything outside."
"All the front windows are also laminated, so these front windows here are acoustically laminated for soundproofing."
"Doors...just these giant gaping holes in your studio that affect the soundproofing."
"So folks that wraps up this little mini series about creating a soundproof Garden Room."
"I think in general what I'm going to wind up recommending to people is, if you're looking at a new construction home, then make the wall behind the speaker sealed up."
"Depending on what sound panels you get, you can also add some sound dampening, you can sound proof it to a point."
"We got 54 and a half decibels. That's a really nice measurement. I mean, I can just tell sitting in here just how quiet it is all the time. You just shut that door and yeah, you just don't really hear the outside world much."
"Once the plasterboard is fully covered in Tech sound, we can then put it back on the plasterboard lift."
"The Comfort, the ride, and the soundproofing is really, really good."
"Thank you so much for listening, as I said before, and oh yeah, one thing, I think I said recently that I was sort of trying to soundproof my pod room and you know those sound absorbent panels that I ordered, they all arrived and I've stuck them all on the walls and things."
"The sound proofing is top notch as you would expect from a Lexus."
"Feel free to leave us a comment below if you have any soundproofing questions of your own."
"The upside is that I get to pick and choose what I'm going to use for the insulation and drywall to make it a little bit more soundproof."
"The best way of blocking the sound wave of soundproofing a room is to add mass."
"Another sure way to help soundproof the window that does work is to replace your window with a double or triple pane window."
"What soundproofing does is it builds a better environment for the system to work in."
"Soundproofing is an incredibly important part."
"Once this is all soundproofed, it's going to sound a lot more solid."
"Soundproofing keeps all of the audio inside the car."
"We've decided to go all out on the 6.1 and soundproof as much as we can."
"It's well worth the extra investment of putting good quality soundproofing in."
"It's Cozier, comfier and helps with soundproofing in the room as well as does a great job of hiding those cables out of sight."
"Effective soundproofing is a balance between cost, practicality, and the desired end result."
"Preparation is key for a good sound installation."
"Soundproof windows is where it's at; I'mma make sure I have soundproof windows in my house."
"I've put soundproof absorption within the wall cavities."
"Soundproofing the room is probably one of the best things I did."
"It's a really nice place to be, they've put a lot of time into the sound dampening on this car."
"Wow, it's really quiet in here. This has really good sound deadening."
"I've applied a bunch of that by cleaning first and then applying the sound deadener and you know just kind of roll it in there and push it in just like you would with a sticker."
"The great thing about building something completely from scratch is that there's going to be very little sound leakage."
"It's going to make it quieter for you."
"It's also dead silent; the soundproofing is fantastic."
"It helps soundproof the vehicle but also protects the vehicle from any types of internal flames."
"Once the car is quiet, you have the best starting point."
"We soundproof the ceiling... you clap, you hear nothing back."
"First thing that I noticed, there is a lot of sound insulation here to prevent any resonating frequencies and to make less noise overall, which is quite good."
"I'm gonna have these things all over where I'll be able to hopefully have a normal conversation without it sounding like I'm Ace Ventura."
"You always remain calm, good sound insulation, the great calming Scandinavian design."
"It's half the price of fat e-tron and it still has the soundproofing as a fat e-tron."
"The carpenter used several layers of wood to create a small soundproof room."
"It does an excellent job of reducing noise."
"If you're doing a project and you want a solid floor, maybe you're going to be doing tile, maybe you want more sound deadening properties, maybe you've got a bunch of little kids that are going to be running around and you want to not hear that as much."
"Drywall is great for sound attenuation; it has good mass, it has good density, it doesn't have a lot of voids in it, and it's easy to work with."
"You can use more than just curtains and things on the wall; you can bring pillows in, stick them in corners, and all kinds of different things just to catch those sounds that bounce around."
"It's very well sound insulated, you don't hear any exterior noise."
"The whole idea of the shop was to build a space that was completely soundproof, had great dust collection, and just enjoyable to be."
"I want to put like some soundproof panels and things like that and just make this place just like a vibe."
"I love bass, and my neighbors really can't even hear the sound, which is nice."
"The clear, undisputed champion of acoustical properties is the half pound foam."
"Adding mass reduces sound transmission a lot."