
Steam Power Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It was here that one engineer would harness the power of steam 1,700 years before the world ever imagined a locomotive."
"Use the power of steam. Steam cleaning tools are very powerful because they're not chemical-based and they can get a lot of things out off of many surfaces."
"Britain built an incredible 000 steamworker motors."
"Steam was the new source of power that came to symbolize the whole Industrial Revolution."
"Public transport adopted more powerful steam traction."
"The steam engine changed society forever, using high pressure steam to produce enormous amounts of power that could literally move mountains."
"The Cass Scenic Railroad is a glimpse into a bygone era, an era where steam was king and the work was plenty."
"Learn all there is to know about operating these iconic locomotives in an era when steam was king."
"The power of steam and its potential applications were now firmly lodged in his mind."
"The Strasburg railroad gives you the rider an opportunity to step back in time to when the world turned at a slower pace and steam was king."
"The addition of steam in 1960 really put the railroad on the map."
"Steam engine is perhaps the nearest thing that man has made to a living being."
"Steam power effectively ended the age of sail."
"The 19th century was considered the Golden Age of steam power."
"The world's rarest steam powered ride."
"The steam powered helicopter utilizes the power of steam to achieve lift and propulsion."
"Strong steam was a game-changer; it was far more efficient."
"Modern technology uses steam most effectively by converting it into electrical energy."
"Without their numerous innovations in steam power, it's doubtful Great Britain would have become the leading industrialized nation."
"The LMS Turbomotive, aka LMS 6202, proved to be one of the most successful steam turbine locomotives ever built."
"Hi there, I'm Steam Locomotive. Look at my top, I can power my engine with hot steam."
"...it was the harnessing of the rotary power of steam engines like this that created a new type of City..."
"He was one of the very first people to realize that steam power was the future."
"It's difficult for us to appreciate how much things changed when steam power arrived."
"Steam continues to fascinate and compel just as its power used to command the awe of small boys a couple of generations before."
"90 percent of electricity today is made with steam."
"The Showman's Dynamo... a large road-going craft powered by steam, able to traverse nearly any road or terrain."
"With a wealth of history and grandeur behind them, the team at Clearwater could see that choosing to focus on steam-powered tugboats would be the next logical step."
"In terms of raw pulling power, steam was King."
"They consistently hauled the fastest steam-powered trains in the world."
"That heat can produce enough steam-generated electricity to power the planet."
"This is actually a fully functional steam engine from the 19th century."
"The steam charged with the energy of a thousand suns is then directed with precision to the turbines."
"It's actually a high pressure steam locomotive, and I mean high pressure by the standards of the time it was built."
"The wheels of industry would not have turned without steam power."
"This was one of the last steam engines built and was designed to haul high-speed express passenger trains."
"Her magnificent old steam engines are a living breathing testament to the wonders of steam technology."
"The dry steam goes through a throttle valve that can be controlled within the cab."
"I love steam power. I'm obsessed with steam engines of all shapes and sizes."
"Steam power not only fueled these iron horses but the dreams of a whole new generation as it moved West into this great Frontier."