
Reflex Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"We dodge out of the way gracefully or grab the nearest flat of heavy rock."
"Eyes are fragile and need protection, so the reflex that protects them needs to be as fast as lightning. These muscles can shut the eyelids in less than a tenth of a second."
"I can say yawn 25 times and I won't yawn."
"Our bodies have a diving reflex that slows down or even stops some bodily functions to keep us from drowning."
"It takes everyone way too long to figure out the anti-Starro strategy is just cover your face. Feels like that would be kind of your first reflex if a big starfish was flying straight at it."
"Our brain just goes ahead and launches that set of emotions or behaviors almost like a reflex."
"A reflex is an example of a rapid automatic response to protect animals from danger."
"Jon accidentally pushes a man against a wall out of reflex and later apologizes."
"But one thing was clear: this was his most powerful skill. Even if it was more of a reflex."
"Sorry, I guess it's just a reflex. Well, that's all right. When I see you guys defend my honor, it makes me really happy and it means a lot, really."
"There are cranial nerves that link your eyes and your nose. That's the reason why when sneezing, most people automatically close their eyes."
"Love it's a reflex, it's what you do."
"You say whenever this happens, I need to do this. Whenever X happens, I need to do Y. Now, you don't have to think, but immediately when X happens, you're already doing Y. It's a reflex."
"I slipped and grabbed the statue to keep from falling."
"It's very hard to understand it, but if I put the top of the arm on your knee, if you cross it, it does this, doesn't it? It's an innate reaction, reflex."
"Obeying with a happy heart becomes a reflex."
"I touched a hot stove and it was like a reflex."
"You're in survival mode, you know? It's just, you don't even think about it, it's just boom boom boom."
"I suddenly felt like vomiting and I kept it in my mouth with my hands to prevent any sort of gag reflex."
"Few people know that if there is a reflex, then everything is fine with the spine."
"The reflex of wanting to be right comes from the position of being attacked, because we feel uncomfortable."
"And in that split second, it was as if Izuku's body moved on its own."
"You don't even feel bad, you feel good. That's like the instantaneous reflex you get, right?"
"Semmelweis reflex is the knee-jerk reflex to reject new evidence without investigation and experimentation."
"If you're riding bulls, punching FS, or going to The Honky Tonking old son, doing a little dancing, dancing a jig, you're going to want the reflex."
"What you're about to see is the ultimate test of human reaction and reflex."
"There's actually a reflex that some people have, that when they eat a very nutrient-dense meal, they gotta go poop."
"That's the moment that I went to autopilot."
"Wow, what a save! That was insane, that was a wreck! I mean, he left tire tracks at 175 miles an hour. They might not be done."
"Nice save by Jameson, wow, and like a great goalie, you make a save, you get the ball out of your stick."
"A reflex is an unconscious action in which a body part responds to an event."
"When we fall asleep and we have that feeling like we're falling, it's an evolutionary way to protect ourselves."
"It's a built-in survival orienting reflex that in the moments we feel threatened, fear arises and our attention shifts and scans to find a perceived source of threat."
"That's really handy for muscle memory and when in those times of panic you grab for the 'oh dear' switch, you're going to hit the right one."
"The hand goes immediately to the foot and pulls the thorn out; this kind of seamlessness of response."
"Fear is a natural reflex, but you can overcome it."
"Mammalian diving reflex is like a pre-downloaded app that every person is born with."
"Your body jerks before you fall asleep because your muscles relax before snoozing."
"I saw his spider sense finally come to him, the Peter tingle in full force."
"That's kind of a reflex; we do that naturally."
"A reflex is a fast, predictable, automatic response to an environment."
"We are much stronger if we utilize stretch reflex."
"We all extend our arms when we fall down; that's our natural reflex."
"Neurological signals are crossed between the trigeminal nerve, which senses facial sensations like an itchy nose, and the optic nerve, which constricts the eye pupils when light penetrates the retina, causing somebody to sneeze."
"Critically think about these injuries and not just be reflexive."
"When you see the food, that's the reflex; it makes you drool."
"The drool is the unconditioned response."
"Classical conditioning is all about a reflexive response."
"Are you okay?" I asked without thinking.
"The corneal reflex... triggers the facial nerve, cranial nerve seven, to cause orbicularis oculi to close and protect the eye."
"Eyebrows usually stay symmetrical when the reaction is involuntary."
"In the moment of performance, it's not a rehearsed thing; they have to just almost reflexively respond to the moment."
"Whenever you announce, 'Oh my God, I have to sneeze,' you never do unless the sun is there and you can turn around and just stare down that demon."
"I remember jumping out in the self-arrest pose; I mean, I barely got my axe in before we were ripped from the slope."
"A homeostatic reflex is an automatic, stereotyped response that occurs in everybody to a stimulus."
"Thanks for shooting that thing," he said. "No problem," she said. "I didn't even think about what I was doing. It was so big I couldn't miss it."
"Cardia did not think; not in any conscious, deliberate manner. She ran to the stairs on reflex, sprinting up them two at a time."
"Every time they're attacked, they evade it easily, almost as if they're not even thinking about it."
"A reflex action is faster and involuntary, so it does not involve the conscious part of your brain."
"Reminded me of a Bjorn Borg reflex at the net."
"If you're walking down the street and a jetliner flies between you and the Sun, and the shadow goes over you, you will flinch. There's nothing you can do about it because that might be a hawk coming to get you."
"Laughing while being tickled is actually a panic response from your body."
"I'm sorry, but that was a brilliant reflex."
"It's amazing what an athlete does. They're just so athletic, they feel their balance going one way, the center of mass falling to the right, they just naturally lift the left leg out just to bring their center back."
"Why do we sneeze? It's a protective reflex."
"Reflex action, you know. We see somebody's gonna get hit by a car, you push them out of the way."
"There's no thinking going on there, that's just instinct."
"She just reached out, it was like a reflex, she wiped that cupcake frosting off of her lip."
"Autonomous Ultra Instinct makes you untouchable, no matter what comes his way, Goku will automatically dodge."