
Study Abroad Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The best decision of my life was the decision I made to move abroad and study abroad."
"I'm just so excited to go on Exchange in general and study abroad because that's such a once in a lifetime experience."
"Studying abroad has been a dream of mine for literally so long and it is so surreal to me that I'm going to be in Italy in like a month. That's crazy."
"I like the United States. I was supposed to study abroad in Los Angeles, but you know, something happened in the world."
"Studying abroad was one of the best things I ever did."
"'Young people should ensure that their language abilities are good enough before going abroad to study.'"
"So my guess is, although this is very funny and cute, is that you did not do an abroad program for a crush."
"Hope you enjoyed this video and I hope that it was helpful for your study abroad journey."
"Not only is this making you a more respectful, more culturally sensitive person when you're abroad, but it can also make or break your own study abroad experience."
"The most important tool for study abroad is your statement of purpose."
"It's possible for you to study abroad for free. I'm telling you because I studied for free and I'm still studying for free."
"How do I start? I want to come to Poland to do my master's. How do I start? What is the cost of living like? How much did you spend for your entire program? And how much does it cost? Are there jobs in Poland? Can I work as a student?"
"For different reasons, many high school and college graduates want or need to study abroad."
"Scotland is a beautiful place to live and should also be a destination you should consider for studying."
"I wish I would have done maybe another year abroad just because it can definitely contextualize what you study once you get into your master's program."
"The answer for this one is 'study abroad', well done to you if you had the correct answer."
"Do not just write off the idea of doing an exchange because that would really be super sad."
"We decided to visit our buddy, he was studying abroad in Hong Kong."
"Move abroad by force; the idea behind the book is to be able to help you study or move abroad on your own without the need of any agent."
"There are also other amazing countries in the world that you can go to and get the same quality of education."
"All that I do is to share content on your study abroad journey to make it easier."
"I think if you genuinely really want to go and study abroad in the UK, you should go."
"This is an exciting journey, and I hope that everyone who intends to come to Canada to study gets what you are looking for."
"You never know what's gonna happen when you study abroad."
"We really want to see you succeed, especially if you come to Texas A&M for your study abroad journey."
"We're going to cover all the important topics you guys need to know to see if A&M is the best university for you for your study abroad journey."
"Study abroad is amazing here at Lehigh, there's tons of opportunities."
"If you're interested in studying in the US and have been searching for universities that offer scholarships and do not have application fees, then you are watching the right video."
"I'm here to make your study abroad easier."
"Not gonna lie, guys, today has been the first day of study abroad that I've been like, holy [__], this is my life."
"As long as you are able to explain why you want to study in Canada, I think you'll be fine."
"Study Abroad is probably one of the highlights of my whole entire college experience."
"There's a growing number of Howard University students who are interested in studying abroad in Africa."
"I loved my host family. I really think they made a big part of my experience really good."
"Studying abroad is scary, but it's a time for you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone."
"The chance of studying abroad is considered by many as a once in a lifetime opportunity."
"She decides to study abroad in London; she makes a list of things that she's going to do."
"I'm about to study abroad in London, and it's going to be a lot of good content."
"Life-changing things always happen during like an Erasmus year, it's a gap year, it's a study-abroad year."
"It's been a great experience to study a year abroad."
"It's intense, it's about this American chick who ends up doing a semester of university in the UK."
"Studying abroad in America... I would love to see the American adventures."
"Feel free to join my free Facebook group, Girls That Study Abroad, which is a free Facebook community for girls all around the world who want to study abroad."
"I was really scared and didn't want to study abroad, and it turned out to be the best decision ever."
"Junior year abroad and post abroad depression... studying abroad was the best decision ever."
"If you personally think you're ready to take out an entire semester from your college years to live and learn in another country, it's honestly an irreplaceable experience."
"One thing that I regret in all honesty about my study abroad year is not making more of an effort to learn the language."
"Study abroad is super accessible."
"I certainly appreciate a lot that I had the opportunity to study abroad in the first place."
"Study abroad is super accessible; your financial aid from Northwestern travels with you no matter where you go."
"Going to Japan, studying in Japan is definitely an amazing opportunity."
"Please do not jump on every offer just in the bid to study abroad; please do not be desperate."
"If you think all the challenges and sacrifices that I've mentioned are worth it, then I really think that you'd be the perfect candidate for studying abroad in Korea."
"Canada is a beautiful country to study, one of the top study destinations for international students."
"It's a coming-of-age story about a girl who's having a hard time in college and decides to study abroad in London to try to do college again, but better."
"My plan is to do a year abroad in Japan."
"Studying abroad is a big part of the culture here at Salve; over 30 percent of our students study abroad at some point in their four years."
"Although studying abroad is more expensive, millions of young people choose to do this every year."
"I really wish that I would have had a chance to study abroad."