
Congregation Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"I want our congregation to be a place where you can develop your understanding of meaning and truth."
"Father Gabriel, known for his kindness and unwavering dedication, led his congregation with love and compassion."
"The young dinos congregated in what researchers have called schools."
"you will be the congregation everyone always asks me Prophet how did you build so quickly"
"This is the Church of all nations of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"What's happening with the congregation? Envy, strife, and divisions."
"It was funny enough I got appointed as an elder when Garett Bro, helper to the governing body, was visiting our congregation."
"Why shouldn't women be able to teach in a congregation? And it's not just an organizational issue, it's something in the Bible."
"The pastor has power, the prophet has power, the evangelist has power, the teacher has power, the apostle has power, except the congregation."
"But if we're taking the church in a direction or we're negligent in an area, that's the congregation's responsibility to come to us and say, 'Hey, you guys, you're not doing the right thing here.'"
"i think that's a great place to congregate"
"The idea that Jesus is present whenever there is a congregation which emphasizes the importance of going to church, of going to services with your local congregation because Jesus is present where people gather together in his name to worship God."
"We'll have crappie for the congregation, that's exactly right."
"It's where the creme de creme of British society congregate."
"Hillsong leverages its high-profile congregations to amplify its reach and influence"
"...the best prayer of the entire week... in congregation on a Friday... that's the best prayer of the week."
"Praise ye the Lord: sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints."
"Thank God for this great congregation."
"I pastored the greatest group of people that God could have ever given to me, amen."
"The consistory is the legislative body, the City Court that ruled over issues within the congregation."
"It's one thing to watch online but it's another thing to get in the atmosphere and feel that anointing and that power."
"the spirit and joy of this congregation is contagious"
"This is the real church. This is the end time church right here."
"It will be too packed. There will be nowhere to sit. People, yes, people will be in the overflow of overflows. I'm just telling you the truth. Yes, amen."
"A congregation spiritually can only rise as high as its leadership."
"We are pleased to announce that beginning November the 1st, 2023, congregation Publishers will no longer be asked to report the amount of time they spend in the ministry."
"People in the congregation liked him, that is until people like you started bad-mouthing people like me."
"Most people think of the church as a drama with the minister as the chief actor, God as the prompter, and the lay as the critic. What is actually the case is the congregation is the chief actor, the minister is the prompter, and God is the critic."
"Revival begins in the sanctuary amongst God's people."
"If they're happening, then you really need to consider leaving your congregation."
"Grace comes from the pulpit but doesn't make it from the congregation."
"Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us as a congregation and upon our community Lord that the work of Jesus Christ and His name would be glorified in our midst that we would be a people of love and concern and care for the world around us."
"The local church pastor still has the most influence on the congregation."
"The center only works when the center is the place where the change makers congregate."
"What you see here in the big tent on television is only a part of the whole service. I pray for many hundreds of people in each service."
"The congregation began to file out in his wake."
"Mega churches can have a sense of community... but one of the problems we have is that in too many churches because they are so large they are audience Cong we have audiences rather than congregations."
"An act of true charity for one's congregation."
"Don't go to a dead church. You better be around the anointing."
"Only God knows what your congregation needs."
"This congregation relies on and benefits from my prayers. We've got too many men and women that have a burden for the pulpit; they don't have a burden for an altar."
"And I don't imagine that anyone could have a more blessed congregation to serve for all these years than the Lord has given me."
"He translated the word ekklesia everywhere it appeared in the New Testament as congregation, shifting the focus from a location that's easy to control to a movement of people, an assembly of people who come together for a purpose."
"My congregation belongs to the United Church of Canada, probably the most progressive Christian denomination in the world."
"Revival is happening at fivefold church every Sunday."
"Longevity in Ministry is rare and long endurance of a congregation that continues down the same path growing and flourishing is rare as well."
"There's actually no area for guests to congregate."
"Just imagine, this is your church here, you have a full congregation."
"This pulpit is supposed to be a holy place... When a man of God stands here to speak, from here flows streams of living waters to the congregation."
"No one should be motivated mainly by the consideration of what others in the congregation will think about him if he does not quite meet their expectations."
"The church is the Assembly of those chosen by God, called by God, redeemed by Christ."
"The church is not a building, institution, or organization; it is the redeemed assembly brought to final glory."
"The power of God would be so strong that at a certain point we would get to where the congregation wouldn't say anything, it was so holy, everybody be falling and we didn't know what to do anymore."
"Don't change the message to please the congregation. It's not primarily my job to fill the auditorium, it's my job to fill the pocket."
"There is a commissioning in this congregation for us to go into particular territory and take it."
"You got to show some love to get some love. Let's go talk to them, go act like you act like somebody in the congregation out there. Amen, amen."
"God has added to the church tonight."
"He beheld the temple was full of angels. I mean, full of it. In fact, during the dedicatory services, they had so many people that the people couldn't even get all in the building."
"For three decades, the decline in Wells membership did not result in a decline in Wells congregations."
"A church is a gathering of people who understand a great conflict exists."
"We are a holy congregation, we are holy people, a holy flock."
"We've got a building, we've been having services for quite a while."
"If there's somebody watching around the world and you want to connect with the congregation that is Wheeler, wherever, I invite you to email us."
"Tell your congregation that you love them and that you are glad to be their pastor."
"Praise the Lord everybody can I get you to stand to your feet real quick can you turn to at least two people and tell them how glad you are to see them"
"It is not up to the pastors alone for this congregation to arrive at the fullness of the vision. It's not enough for the leadership to press, understand that one man's press will not be accepted on behalf of a congregation."
"There should be a heralding of the word of God that lifts up the hearts of the saints."
"I bless this congregation from the top of their head to the souls of their feet that what they would touch what they would produce would Prosper to glorify Your Kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven."
"In a typical service, someone would be talking and suddenly the spirit would fall on the congregation."
"God's going to fill up this auditorium."
"Ecclesia is common to all the congregation who believe in Christ."
"If I must choose a congregation, give me a people that pray."
"You don't know who you are, Dexter, you don't know who you are, just like your congregation doesn't know who they are."
"Jesse apologizes for being a lousy preacher and almost announces that he's quitting, but he pauses and looks at his audience."
"The final Court of Appeal...is and should be the congregation itself."
"What I miss is what you get to do every week... gathering the whole congregation and community into that."
"The glory of the Lord appeared to all the congregation."
"When praying in congregation, stand shoulder to shoulder in a natural manner."
"With Jehovah's blessing, we are confident that the preaching work will continue to advance and the congregations will be made firm in the faith."
"Don't be concerned about numbers, rather be more interested in moving the congregations into deeper places in God."
"It's not about gathering large numbers; it's about occupying the places of the Spirit He invites us into."
"Congregations going there, hungering for it from the front row to the back row."
"It is plausible that the most extreme environments in the universe are where everybody congregates."
"The Lord has been good to us, amen. Please be seated."
"Lord, we present ourselves as a congregation before You to offer worship and praise, for You are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise."
"The righteous and elect one shall cause the house of his congregation to appear."
"One of my biggest priorities as a pastor is to prevent my membership from getting fleeced."
"You have done an audacious thing; you have been an audacious congregation. So do not now tremble at your own audacity, but grasp it anew and step into the future."
"The church isn't the building; the church is the people."
"It was perfect for my small congregation."
"The building and the seats are not the church; the people are the church."
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation."
"The church is not a building; the church is the people."
"We will know we've made it when every congregant has a clear and visceral experience with the Living God for the 65 minutes they are in this room."
"Lord, we pray that you would bring to yourself much glory from each congregation represented here."
"Public worship should edify the congregation."
"Let the congregation say hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah."
"The best temperature anywhere is right here in this congregation tonight."
"The Greek word for church... means assembly, gathering, congregation."
"When you hear of somebody from your old congregation who finally had the scales fall from their eyes, it's a good feeling."
"The presence of God that is fillable in the church is a pull for the crowd."
"The entire congregation was stunned, the church service continued with renewed fervor."
"The pressures that pastors face today are great, the resources that God provides are as well, and one of the greatest resources that God will give him is you."
"Their children shall be as they were of old, and their congregation shall be established before me."
"The church is not the building, it's the people."
"To be involved in a congregation is the most vital thing in the world."
"People will come for the word if the word is true."
"It's a big church, yeah, you got every... all kinds of personalities, people from all walks of life."
"God has your people for you; the minute you start your church, you will see them gathering."
"My goal there is to get a congregation to sing with gusto, to value the hymns the way I value the hymns, and to love the poetry that they're singing."
"It's kind of sad to think that probably 99% of the entire congregation has passed on, but the memory still remains."
"Be consistent, play for the song, and make musical decisions that allow the congregation to connect with the music and sing along."
"If you knew the reward for praying in congregation, they would crawl to the mosques."
"There's something about the way people congregate in here that makes everybody more intelligent."
"Where there is Krishna, people will come."
"I will praise thee in the congregation of the saints."
"He stood before his congregation and told them all that he is going to live to be a hundred years old."
"You're worthy to receive the worship that this congregation can sing on this Sunday morning."
"I will thank you in the great congregation; in the mighty throng, I will praise you."
"She would do anything to serve the congregation where she grew up as a child."
"Together, they generously help other members of the congregation with their prayers."
"The whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them."
"I'm still thankful. Anybody still thankful in the house?"