
Essays Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Essays in particular, the structure creates a certain engagement."
"Essays are having a little bit of a cultural moment write now, actually."
"...the basis of all of this series is a series of essays written by our dear friend Mike from the website LDS discussions.com."
"Baldwin's essays are our great 20th-century prophetic literature."
"I thought it was liberating to write the book of essays."
"When you've read one of his essays, you feel like your view on the world has been changed."
"She has published essays in two essay collections: 'L.M. Montgomery: Rainbow Valley Valleys' and 'Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder,' which came out in 2019 from the University of Mississippi Press."
"I think essays and rec letters are weighted pretty heavily because if you think about the essays, whether you realize it or not, they tell the reader how you think."
"The more specific you can get in your essays, the better."
"Essays are also a very, very important part of your application."
"The gospel topics essays are groundbreaking."
"The language models are writing Middle School level essays and people are like 'wow it's a great essay!'"
"The essays is the most respected race in there, man. The essays is the most respected race in there."
"These essays really can make or break you even if it is just one component of your application; it really adds character and explains yourself as a person more than just these numbers and these grades and GPAs on the paper."
"What's pragmatism? Well, to find out we need to discuss two essays."
"As much as I've been putting off this essay, I actually think that essays are one of my strong suits."
"The first resource in our Arsenal should be the gospel topics essays. The church has officially endorsed an approach where we recognize and address tough questions and issues."
"With the Stanford supplement essays, you get a lot of room to show your personality."
"Each of these essays took sometimes one or two ideas and just expanded them so beautifully, so nicely talked about them so in depth."
"We just know that I wanted to get our readers to think more carefully about these essays."
"It's just really humorous essays about everyday life. I feel like any woman over 30 would enjoy it."
"He continued to write impassioned essays in support of the abolition of slavery, indigenous rights, the right of adults to vote, the right for workers to form trade unions, and condemning the disenfranchisement of women generally."
"There's a reason that there are a million character study essays on YouTube about Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul."
"...I've never scored less than the highest possible score in my essay..."
"What comes next is a chance to think about the philosophical framework by writing your first and second essays."
"This is an incredibly powerful tool to do essays because it's so linguistically intelligent."
"I highly recommend reading Nerd by Maya Phillips which is a collection of essays that I really really enjoyed exploring different fandoms and fandom culture."
"The Ottoman Empire and the world around it is just a book of essays about features of the Ottoman Empire."
"Write mini essays and stay connected."
"It's more just responding now to more mature ideas of the essay and the text itself that I'm discussing."
"Smith's work matured into the photo essay genre that we know it as today."
"Your essays have to have that common thread or theme running through them that connects each part."
"Understanding what the mark scheme wants and being able to convert that into an essay is crucial."
"Your essay should not be purely descriptive; it should show critical understanding."
"The part that plays brilliant chess, writes searching essays in political science, and makes courageous speeches in the gallery of the State Legislature."
"Your answer probably won't be very definitive but it should have a common message."
"We are all human and because this is this holistic process... a lot of whether you get in comes down to do your essays and did you as a person resonate with that particular human being."
"We wanted to make sure that everything about us that we thought was cool and so beautiful to us was included in those essays."
"I'm writing actual essays for publications."
"Write multiple essays in advance; you don't want to start your college application essay in October of your senior year."
"If you have an outline and you really plan your ideas in advance, it leads to a stronger essay."
"If you're looking to develop your conclusion even more, situate the issue in a broader context."
"If your thesis statement is the cornerstone of your essay, then think of the commentary as the glue that ties everything together."
"The UCs don't call them essays, they're called personal insight questions."
"Analyze the question or topic. Understand the purpose of asking the essay question."
"I realized I love writing like I love writing essays and just like stuff that's on my mind and like poetry every now and then."
"Note that I tend to call those persuasive essays. I think that better captures exactly what it is that you're being asked to do on that particular style of question."
"There's a style that's really underneath these essays and there's a style that they're looking for when it comes to scoring."
"Persuasive essays are a little different... you're trying to convince them of something."
"Understanding the question is the key to any successful essay."
"Essays are arguments; they must have a good focus and address the question directly."
"Knowledge is not the star of the essay; it's the supporting cast to your argument and analysis."
"Weighing the importance of different factors in relation to the question."
"On balance within your essay, there should be as much if not more analysis than there is knowledge."
"Your central argument should run right through your essay from your introduction."
"Henry David Thoreau's essays, I like those a lot."
"I'm very pleased that I read 'Let Me Tell You What I Mean' if not just for that one essay on 'Why I Write'."
"I'm gonna read the fire next time, which is a book of essays by Jasmine Ward, or edited by Jasmine Ward, which kind of follows on from James Baldwin's The Fire This Time."
"How do we obtain objectivity in grading academic essays?"
"Your essays and your stories can overshadow any low scores you have."
"Your essays are your biggest opportunity to show off your human side."
"Human, All Too Human... essays and aphorisms, you got to kind of piece together what's going on."
"I hope that you have the opportunity to look into at least one of these elements that could potentially help you score the sophistication point when you write your essays."
"An essay should have a beginning, a middle, and an end."
"Essays and Diaries dominate the scene during this period."
"This was the age which also laid the foundation of a new kind of writing, particularly a more prosaic form of essay writing."
"You may wish to know more about essay deadlines for example or how to use the library."