
Snowfall Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"It's a beautiful day in the winter with the snowflakes falling from the sky."
"Do you think you will see above average snow or below average snow this upcoming winter?"
"It was nice to see a little bit of snow coming down."
"Explosive snowfall in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio."
"It's been a long time since Jessica and I have seen snow, especially freshly fallen snow."
"There's something about fresh snowfall that makes everything feel new, even if just for a few hours."
"One might gather that the best months for snowfall in the Northeast look to be shifting later."
"Brighton stands out thanks to exceptional snowfall totals throughout the season."
"So I'm leaving areas where it's totally open still for my snowfall."
"The snow started in earnest, it had a strangling effect on the whole district."
"There's just this nice feeling of reading in a chair when there's a nice snowfall outside that you can see through the window."
"It's just not Winter Wishfest without snow."
"You might catch a snowfall or two during your visit."
"This is exactly the snow I wanted, right on time for Christmas."
"Ultimately, both resorts offer very good snow, and the choice between the two may come down to which resort received a couple more inches in the last snowfall event."
"It's going to keep snowing all day. This could be the year's biggest snowfall!"
"The Australian Alps get more snow than the Swiss Alps do."
"Yes, guys, it's snowed in the Smoky Mountains."
"I love the first snowfall, it's always so majestic."
"It always snows like perfectly here for one day, big fat snowflakes."
"You have the quiet of the snow, there's something about the snow on the ground, a fresh snowfall, and it makes everything extra quiet."
"By the second week in December, we had already picked up our annual snowfall of 93 inches; we knew it was going to be a bad winter already."
"We are in the middle of winter here in Tennessee, and we finally got to experience our very first snowfall on the farm since moving up here."
"It snowed, yay! Very exciting, very exciting."
"Darker and darker grew the sky, and faster and heavier fell the snow, till the earth before and around me was a glistening white carpet."
"Witness the first snow of Christmas is falling from above."
"It snowed last night as you saw, this is like everything I've ever wanted."
"It's snowing, it's snowing, it's just enough to be pretty."
"Look how hard it's snowing; on the road, it looked like fall, no snow at all, and now all of a sudden, boom."
"That's the first I've seen snow in ages."
"It's the heaviest snow I've ever shoveled."
"It's actually our first snowfall on the canals, and it's so beautiful."
"First snowfalls are terrific, huh? They are one of life's great firsts."
"The first snow of the winter had begun whipping through Velaris an hour earlier."
"I absolutely love when it snows on the west coast, it's just so pretty."
"It's going to be a lot of snow, it's going to be a lot of fun for a lot of people."
"Arista is thankful and while the two talk, the first snow comes down."
"That southern trend we talked about did come to fruition, bringing much of Massachusetts over four inches of snow, with some places exceeding eight inches."
"I love snowfall; every time I watch it, I notice something new."
"It started snowing for the very first time this season."
"Several new feet of snow have really helped fill in the January base after a disappointing December."
"Several resorts are back to typical snow packs for the season, marking an incredible recovery."
"The snow had stopped during the night, but not before it had obliterated all sign of their passage to the hollow under the tree."
"The snow keeps falling like a ceaseless repetition of the same infinitely small mistake."
"What they're claiming to be a catastrophic event, a huge amount of snow, but I'll be honest, this is like a conventional day in Canada."
"Valdez, Alaska, a small town, is the second snowiest town in America."
"Vermont's the snow king of America."
"We've woken up to snow. This is the first time we've actually woken up to proper snowfall in the van."
"We woke up to winter wonderland, it's so snowy, it's so pretty."
"I loved the first snowfall better than anything in the world," sighed Mercy, her eyes worshipful.
"Everything gets so quiet when it snows."
"Snow occurs when minuscule ice crystals inside of clouds stick together... they become heavy enough to fall all the way down to earth as snow."
"He watched as the snowflakes drifted lazily through the air, with each one a unique and delicate creation."
"It was just starting to snow a little, nothing major, just a little snowfall started coming down."
"The one thing that's guaranteed is this is going to be the place where Carol finally sees snow falling properly."
"It's going to be great skiing, I think we have all the fresh snow from the past few days which will be amazing."
"It's so pretty and it's snowing outside, how perfect is that?"
"You're going to love the view, especially since it's snowing right now."
"It snowed all day yesterday, just a gentle snow falling down."
"The blower is the best choice because if you get any kind of significant snowfalls, it's a pretty clear winner most of the time."
"We did get our first snowfall... it was pretty as it was falling."
"Next time it snows, to see only the beauty in it, stop complaining and appreciate the chance to get off the treadmill for a couple of days."
"Who doesn't get excited for snow?"
"All right, good morning folks. As you can probably tell, it's snowed, and I couldn't be more excited."
"I am ready for a good snowfall if it's this cold; I want to see snow."
"Look at the snow! I'm so happy I caught it on camera. It's like a snow globe."
"It's incredible, we got so much snow and it actually settled."
"I think we've established that it was snowing."
"The initial scene depicted a relentless snowfall within a majestic mountainous terrain."
"Everything was utterly quiet, snow fell as if the jagged flakes themselves were muffling the sound of the world, blanketing everything in dead silence."
"I like it when it snows and it gets really quiet, and there's just this like peacefulness in the air."
"It would be great if snow fell on Christmas."
"It's snowing, it decided to snow this weekend."
"There's 30 centimeters of snow outside, so naturally, I'm working from home."
"I don't think there's anything in the whole world that you like any better than first snowfall."
"When we do get snow, it is awesome."
"This is technically December 26 and we're getting our first snowfall."
"It's starting to snow, John. Look at this, isn't this fabulous? Merry Christmas."
"We got five inches of fresh snow last night and it is still coming down."
"Falling snow looks beautiful in winter."
"Have you heard the famous saying that if you are out on the first snowfall of the season with someone you like, true love will bloom between you?"
"It's been snowing for days and it just won't stop."
"Thank God it lasted a few hours but it sure dumped a lot of snow here in Sudbury, Ontario."
"We are expecting between 18 and 24 inches of snow today."
"It's really starting to snow; it's been snowing so much, and I actually really like it because it's getting me in the festive mood."
"We had our first snowfall of the season last night."
"It is Christmas season; first snow for the season."
"It's starting to snow, and I'm so excited, I'm so happy."
"It is snowing outside all day long and it is beautiful."
"It's beautiful right now, it's like those big thick snowflakes."
"It's been snowing all day long, it's absolutely gorgeous outside, and I think it's going to snow all night."
"It's Christmas, when the snow starts to fall, then you know it's Christmas."