
Checklist Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"I won I get to cross something off the list."
"If you can check it all off, you should be on your way to making stuff."
"Beautifully done, beautifully done! Alright, so we found... wow, that's one thing off of our checklist, right?"
"RV Essentials are all the things that you need in your RV but don't necessarily come with the purchase of an RV."
"Transpond instead of doing it by memory and having the possibility of checked a lapse of memorys flight crews use a very rigorous and regimented procedure of following the checklist."
"The first item on the taxi checklist is flaps."
"Most bloggers have a so-called 'content promotion checklist' that they reference when promoting every new article that they publish."
"Five important things you should do to your RV every year before the new camping season starts."
"Okay, you guys, our room is all packed up. Here's our tally, animals."
"Make sure your car is marked as delivered only when you are satisfied with everything on this list."
"So if this is all good and all the motors are spinning the right way it's time for the final assembly."
"One of the great things, though, about using a process checklist like this is that you can just walk through this checklist point by point every time you're going to create a real like this."
"I'm going to give each of you a free 16-step daily checklist to help blow your shop up in a good way."
"We are just checking things off the list."
"It hit every single check I had ticked."
"Creating a comprehensive packing checklist is a Surefire way to ensure a smooth and organized packing experience."
"Did I check that movement box today?"
"Having the stuff written down that you want to check before you get there is really important."
"Defining success as, you know, 'I have planned my trade, I've traded my plan, I've managed my risk' - have I done those three things on my checklist? Then that is success."
"I think it's going to be able to check off all four boxes on that checklist."
"We got the power steering pulley to install, we've got to check the trans fluid, the 4x4 shifter, rear bumper - yeah, we're scratching that, roof rack - scratching that, Drive Lines, coolant overflow bottle, we need line it decals, exhaust, we're gonna get a step stool."
"The more you check off, the more productive you're going to feel, the more accomplished you're going to feel."
"It's fun to check off the little boxes when you see a new bird."
"Don't be a person who gets up every day and you don't know what you're going to do in that day you have some vague ideas about what you're supposed to do but you should get up every day with a checklist I have to accomplish a b c d and e."
"It's literally a checklist for you to keep track of all the things that you know you're going to need for your baby."
"Have you done your maintenance routine?"
"Alright, battery, tongue, co-pilot, flight engineer, right scanner position, bus scanner position, aft scanner position, perhaps here."
"By using the checklist that you'll see in this video, you can simply avoid many of those hidden risks."
"Secret number three is to get my free checklist on how to hire a virtual assistant."
"The benefit of having a checklist cannot be understated."
"See, he did everything on your checklist. He was selfless, he stopped Nifty from stealing, and he stuck it to that Moth Man."
"Take that list with you so you don't forget your personal criteria."
"So roll up your sleeves and put on your best copywriter detective hats and get ready to do some investigative work with this Pre-Copywriting Checklist, the 10 very important things that you must have before you write a high converting sales page."
"Next is we need to get our blender."
"I'm kind of running out of things to check here because I haven't checked the tuner."
"Paris packing list: Passport. Sweater. Pen?"
"Having an accomplishments checklist or an accomplishments like what I have done this week is really helpful."
"This coach is checking all the right boxes."
"Activities for kids? Check. Videogames? Check. Slides? Check."
"...reusing models that shouldn't be reused because no one had a checklist for this stuff back then."
"We definitely want to be doing what is right and we want a clear set like a checklist of what it is we're supposed to do and we will follow it."
"Only the checks, so when you're done with an item you can check it off."
"Download Netsuite's popular KPI checklist designed to give you consistently excellent performance."
"Looks like you got it all. Got all the hoses hooked up. Did you check the oil? Everything looked good there."
"Why not just sit down and compile a list of a bunch of different things that you need to know about when it comes to rentals for your wedding day?"
"But what are we doing? We're taking our checklist and checking every box. Check, check, check, check."
"Thank you for bearing with me as we went through this mammoth checklist."
"There is no clear set of 10 signs, 30 signs—there's no master list of everything we will experience as twin flames that you can just check off, box by box."
"...if you do it right you have the checklist you don't end up like me getting out your campsite and realizing that you left your chainsaw back at the house."
"Just doing something because it's part of the checklist does not."
"Literally check every single box for me."
"Our job is to write out those checklists, the things that we want to have happen when we hear those requests."
"If you're going to take off on this jet, you better use your checklist if you really want to succeed."
"This is another reason I would really strongly encourage, go check out that checklist."
"So to help you understand this, we put together this handy checklist of the three most important factors for choosing a successful product."
"Salvation isn't about a checklist kind of Salvation."
"Don't forget to download my free ebook 'How to get started keeping bees' as well as equipment checklist, your hive identification guide, and a beehive inspection sheet for you."
"Adding detail means utilizing the fact that there's checklists here, this is a great and concise way to outline what needs to be accomplished before this can be marked as complete."
"Communication is vital. Do not forget to do a radio check on your recon."
"Routine, routine, routine. Check this list and make sure you've checked off all the boxes."
"Download the Pinterest SEO checklist."
"I made this nice little graphic of all the images on the back so we can just circle and check them all off as we go."
"It really is the perfect space and it checks off the boxes of things we've all kind of brainstormed."
"This checklist right here is actually labeled the essentials."
"If you have like a checklist of things that you want in a Halloween movie, I think 4 checks all of them perfectly. It has great cinematography, great story, great direction, likable characters."
"The Andromeda galaxy is an awesome deep sky object that should be on every backyard astronomer's checklist."
"There is such a great rookie checklist in this year's class of series one."
"This is a great mental checklist for you to become ready for each flight and ensure that you are in the proper state to learn."
"I think what we're looking at here is a vehicle that has checked a lot of boxes for me."
"Everything's been thought of by the engineers in a step-by-step checklist."
"They're literally checking off all the right boxes."
"After this, all of the key things on our checklist will be checked off."
"Use this checklist to acquire everything you need for a safe hike."
"It's the get legit checklist, so if you are either working on getting your financial ducks in a row or maybe you've been selling for a little bit and you're not sure if you have all your financial ducks in a row, the checklist is going to help you get there."
"I love that, super important, it's on my checklist."
"This is the year for the newbies and the veterans to figure out where you're at in your checklist, kind of get those brain juices flowing, and figure out what areas you're lacking in and how to fill them."
"I love the idea of just having a checklist that you got to go through."
"It's got everything I usually bring up in my typical checklist: a creepy nightmarish setting oozing a thick purgatorial atmosphere."
"We've got a big checklist to tick off with all the boat life things."
"I'm about to tackle the last thing on my checklist which is to organize the pantry."
"One of the best ways single pilots can mitigate risk is to use the 'I'm Safe' checklist."
"You are the trained professional that needs to have some kind of checklist involved to go through these things and figure out what you need to do next."
"Substance use disorder is a diagnosis that's made by a checklist of 11 items."
"Calculate your weight and balance, use the checklist, take your time, don't rush things."
"I think if you had a list of all the perfect things about a certain trailer, this one will check the most boxes."
"Completing the daily food safety checklist is one of the ways that you can ensure that McDonald's will always be our customers' favorite way and place to eat."
"A checklist or an audit to have people go through one by one is very engaging."
"Under this checklist, you will see what documents we need to provide, what we need to do, everything is written here actually."
"How to create an onboarding/tracking checklist for a small business."
"We're going to break it down into DSSSM for doors, seat, steering, seatbelt, and mirrors."
"Create a checklist of everything you need to see before entering the trade."