
Unfinished Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The last chapter in this story has not been told."
"It is fair to criticize the arc so far but we can't come to a conclusion because the arc hasn't come to its conclusion."
"Almost everyone has a last book that they never finished..."
"This story ends on a bit of a cliffhanger."
"Both of you feel like this isn't over."
"It wasn't finished. He took it before."
"It's technically an unfinished film, released under different edits of whatever was completed."
"He has not finished his story yet."
"That brings us to date on Jodorowsky but the story of Dune is not yet finished."
"It's not finished and I don't think we'll be finished for a long time."
"Every car was a book, all these books weren't finished, just open blank pages and I was like I need to finish this book."
"There's something about kind of just leaving some things unfinished that I don't know I kind of learned this in like uh college but just leaving it unfinished kind of has like a magical not magical but like a mysterious or more expressive look to it which I really like."
"We stopped it," he exhaled, "and he said he had so much left to do and see."
"I had gazed on him while unfinished he was ugly then."
"Perhaps we left something undone. I don't know."
"She's not done yet. I'm not done yet."
"It's a journey and it's not finished yet."
"Later, when the lawyers call their names, neither"
"I've decided to write this book, which I never actually finished, but the interviews were extremely monumental for me."
"His paintings were never quite finished. Sometimes he hung onto a painting for forty or fifty years."
"Now rule number one about putting stuff on the internet is never put out anything that's half finished but that's exactly what we're going to do."
"It's not done yet, there's still so much to be done."
"Crowley began but never finished this ritual; he was unexpectedly called to Paris and he never dispelled the 12 Kings and Dukes of hell that he summoned."
"Reactor 5 and 6: Two new reactors were under construction at Chernobyl during the 1986 disaster... it was never finished and the site of both reactors now lay abandoned and free to explore by those daring."
"Martin O'Hagan never got to finish his last story; instead, he became the story."
"Every human life is an unfinished symphony."
"I'm not done with my life yet, y'all. I'm not done yet."
"But perhaps the most intriguing thing about Woodchester Mansion is that it was never actually finished."
"What happens when a story is abandoned right in the middle?"
"Even if this kitchen isn't finished, it's still one beautiful sexy beast."
"We're feeling good about it, but it's not over."
"The Earth is not something we inherit, but it's something... something... something."
"For decades, William Randolph Hearst and his architect Julia Morgan worked on this property and never finished."
"It is a shame that the story couldn't be completely finished, particularly as it was written by the then script editor Douglas Adams."
"I always believed that we were co-authors of a book, but it saddened me that we never had the opportunity to finish it."
"One of the greatest stories ever told, to never be finished, and one of the greatest authors of all time taken too soon."
"I'm not done, I don't want to be done."
"Your story had not yet finished. I do not know how it ends, but I know that you have the strength to finish writing it."
"This is a returning; this is somebody who feels like they have unfinished business with you."
"My story might have a beginning and a middle, but as yet there is no final chapter."
"We're not done here, not by a long shot."
"I can't go yet, there's still so much to do."
"It's been an epic adventure, and this is very much unfinished business."
"I still want to finish that kiss."
"We kind of looked at each other and we were like, you know what, I think we have unfinished business."
"Obviously the job's not finished, the job's not done."
"Sometimes those unfinished are amongst the most beautiful."
"Job's not finished; I still have another trading day."
"Ezra's story is nowhere near complete."
"He said that the matter is not over yet and therefore it is too early for him to rest."
"It's great to see that they understand that the work is not over, that the job is not done yet."
"Unlike most stories, it does have a beginning, a middle; we haven't quite reached the end though."
"This person feels unfinished business with you; they want to continue this connection."
"It's like a ghost that still has unfinished business to take care of, so it haunts the mansion."
"We're not over yet, there's still something between us."
"They feel like it's not done; it's like unfinished business."
"They're wanting to come back toward you because they feel as though the two of you have unfinished business."
"It's a riveting read I haven't finished it yet, I am some way through it and it is absolutely brilliant."
"There's still this unfinished love story, this unfinished symphony, and it's something about divine timing and time."
"I feel like I have come a long way, but I am not yet finished."
"It's definitely an unfinished symphony, and there's something very spiritual here about this connection."
"There is business which is not finished, so as long we are here, we will fight for that."