
Sisters Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The story of the Three Sisters is equally as fascinating."
"I love you sister. I don't want you to think I don't love you."
"However, I think at its core Arcane is a personal story of two sisters and the inevitable tragedy that separates them."
"With our free hearts and minds, forever sisters we shall be."
"We're more than just sisters. We're twins."
"Business partners need to have a strong relationship—especially if they’re sisters."
"The absolute entitlement from those sisters is just, I'm blown away by it."
"The entire mission of the Lord's church is strengthened by you sisters."
"There's nothing more fun than growing up with girls. I'm telling you because I have sisters, they are so fun, chaotic but fun."
"It was a howling end for the Mitchell sisters."
"The banter between the sisters, I absolutely love that one."
"Sisters are the most incredible magical creatures. That's the true magic."
"We were not raised together. We were sisters. And we were very close now."
"Charlotte and all her sisters were voracious readers."
"I'd love to hear your thoughts and if you want to see more of my sisters because they love being on this channel."
"I love them, they're my family, they're my sisters."
"Just because we're sisters doesn't mean we have to be friends. I'd like to be someday, but you're gonna have to make the first move."
"Nobody quite remembers how Renee first met Sharon Shaw, but everyone agrees they became close as sisters."
"The sooner you guys realize sisters that makes sense, both as beautiful as each other."
"Not only did Elsa’s fear of loss enhance her fear of failure, but Elsa developed a deep desire to be separate from Anna."
"If you don't have sisters in real life, they're your fake sisters and they're always there for you."
"Sisters by chance, friends by choice."
"Their sisters can hang out side by side but have their own personal space designed for their personality."
"Sisters are charged to be the principal gospel educators in the family."
"Anything's possible with the Tyrell sisters. They're amazing."
"They are often depicted as three sisters, Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld, who reside beneath the roots of the world tree, Yggdrasil."
"The feud between sisters Joan Fontaine and Olivia de Havilland was the longest running in Hollywood history."
"Charlotte, Emily, and Anne: the Bronte sisters."
"I miss my sisters, and I appreciate and love what they've done for us."
"We're sisters; I can never stay mad at you."
"I understand we're sisters; I can never stay mad at you."
"It's a book about two sisters during World War II and what they go through during that."
"Witch... is a story about two sisters whose mother gets killed by a witch hunter."
"Better Together is about these two sisters that were separated at a young age by a terrible divorce."
"We can share, which is really nice, which is what best friends who are sisters do, isn't it?"
"Our daughter Allison and their daughter Amy didn't just resemble each other by chance, they were sisters."
"This will definitely keep that little shade of us sisters together, and that's something I really want for us."
"We are six sisters, we range in age 18 to 28, and we have been a band for over 10 years."
"Is it fun to have sisters? Yes, yes, yeah."
"It's so exciting about having two little girls together and just kind of bonding."
"It kind of represents the three sisters, right? Kind of like their colors."
"It puts all three of the girls outside their comfort zone and aids them in understanding why their sisters do the things that they do."
"It's been so much fun hanging out with her sisters, it's an absolute blast."
"Venus and Serena Williams are known as the spice girls of tennis."
"It's a beautifully written tender human story that is not about a queen and a princess but two sisters."
"That's how you transform people's lives for the better."
"Two sisters broke the world; two sisters will save it."