
Quietude Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Can you ever... stop the noise? Do you have any peace?"
"Love gets very personal, love gets very quiet."
"Silence is very addictive. Get immersed in it. Just starts to feel really good, expensive."
"Sometimes, just sometimes, if things get way too overwhelming, you just have to take some time to really sit in, be quiet, and have some time to contemplate."
"Success doesn't always have to be loud. Sometimes it's necessary to be quiet and just move."
"A quiet person is an observer, ready to receive, who has let go of things they knew."
"It was a weirdly quiet night, with a sort of muffled feeling, no birds calling, no breeze, just a thick velvety silence."
"Noise and hunting don't go together."
"Value is not always in the hectic accomplishment of something, but in the dignity of quietude."
"It's going to take getting quiet and it's going to take immersing yourself with the word of God."
"I hope that, like, it makes the world quiet for a minute and it gives you something nicer."
"Sometimes the most profound of awakenings come wrapped in the quietest of moments."
"It was a surreal moment for me. I think that was the quietest I had ever been."
"John stands by as Skyler talks, he's uncharacteristically quiet, a small grin on his face"
"We need to become so quiet with Jesus where we can hear his heartbeat in our time together."
"This is the peaceful side, it's quiet."
"The silence was eerie, a type of quiet I had never experienced before."
"Silence lies heavy on the red-stained snow."
"This is really nice, very tranquil, it's like quiet back here."
"There are moments of incredible bliss, there are moments when it's just very quiet and ordinary."
"It's time for me to get really quiet so I can see if I'm on track with my soul."
"This place is very peaceful and very quiet."
"Quietude is a means to an end in a way; quietude as it means to awareness, to gain self-knowledge, true self-knowledge, not the conceptual kind."
"By understanding, we gain the power to sit quietly and observe."
"As darkness fell and nearly silence descended over the landscape, a column of smoke began to rise sluggishly from behind the hill."
"Everything seemed quiet and calm at first glance; they must have just assumed it was another creak from the old house."
"It's amazing because you know, we don't spend a lot of time thinking... so sometimes it's good to just be quiet and think about like, well what's important to me."
"If you live like your word, it starts to get very quiet inside your head; there's not much 'you' around."
"The woods were dead silent again, completely silent."
"I could hear the roots of loneliness creeping through me when the world was hushed at four o'clock in the morning."
"I need quiet. I need time to think. I need time to process."
"It's nice because it's so quiet. It is beautifully quiet."
"I am going to enjoy this break where I just quiet down the noise of everything around me and hear that little voice that is Genie."
"We need to mentally pause, we need to stop the incessant narrative, the stories going on our mind."
"It's in the quiet moments that we hear the voice of God within."
"It always feels as if we've arrived in this moment of pause, of silence."
"Get chance to be really quiet with yourself."
"The sharp ring of the old-fashioned doorbell sliced through the quiet, startling me from my reverie."
"Surrender to God and keep quiet, and he will take your responsibilities."
"It's so quiet down here, I feel like I should whisper."
"It's like everything here is frozen, no wind in the trees, no bugs anywhere, not even the sound of a dog barking in the distance."
"It's very tranquil, very peaceful, very quiet - love it."
"In the quietude, let my words be a soothing balm."
"It's nice and quiet at the moment."
"The heart is often quiet, and the mind is busy, and it's more often than not that when I'm feeling that quiet, that's when my heart is speaking."
"Peace, contentment, quiet, and silence."
"It's so sad to see it as quiet as it is here; I mean, normally coming to Barcelona, it's heaving full of people."
"Isn't that just such a nice way to spend the afternoon? It's calm, it's quiet."
"You can control the biology so the voice won't even talk to you."
"That's proper silence, silence from the busyness of life."
"I've been appreciating the silence."
"You've got to go be quiet... and that's hard for me, but it's so, so beneficial."
"This quiet, mild-mannered, serious-faced Quaker youth, Daniel Boone, was an ardent lover of the wild woods and their inhabitants."
"It's a quiet book... it's really a character development book, a character dissection."