
Drying Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"The key is to minimize potential scratching during the drying phase."
"It's okay to kind of pile these on the trays because these herbs will shrink quite a bit after they start drying."
"That's the key drying it out in the oven."
"I'm drying everything out in here."
"The blue will get darker as it dries."
"Dry your hair in 10 minutes with room temperature air."
"Dry hair quickly without negative effects."
"Dry hair faster and decrease scalp wetness."
"My face is drying out. Let's go to apply topicals."
"It does really depend on the climate if you're in a colder sort of wetter climate it may take a little bit longer to dry than say if you're in a bit of a warmer climate like we are in Darwin."
"Guys, I'm really, really liking what this is looking. But as it's drying, it's getting so much lighter."
"It floats, however, you really need to dry this thing off."
"Ultimately, drying herbs is a very simple thing to do."
"Ordinarily, a couple of minutes is fine to let the polish dry I can see it's dried you know I'm in an outdoor environment I'm just going to apply the brush."
"I had a really hard time gauging sometimes if it had completely dried out."
"It will take about 15 minutes until the surface dries."
"...every increase of 20 degrees Fahrenheit that the wood is sitting at will double the drying speed."
"Insulation slows heat flow. You need heat flow or energy for drying to occur."
"We need to prevent bulk water from getting inside and if it does, we need to allow it to drain and dry out."
"When it comes to dryers you want to be careful about what you are drying on high my dryer dries really super hot so for like cotton clothes and kids clothes I will actually tend to do it on one notch below just the normal heat because like I said it's really hot."
"I've got our black sand kind of drip drying over here a little bit."
"So when you saw up Lumber and you air dry it outside let me kind of explain this: it's only going to get as dry as the EMC of your environment that you got it stacked in."
"Don't put on super thick layers, thin layers expose to oxygen for better drying."
"When drying, here are a couple of practical tips."
"It dries pretty quick but not right away."
"The more you let it air dry, the less heat you have to use."
"...we're just going to let that area kind of dry a little bit..."
"Different kinds of wood dry at different speeds."
"With these since they're rose buds and they're so tight, you do want them to dry for a little bit, I mean maybe not as long as I did, they're totally fine, like nothing fell apart."
"Diffusing helps evaporate the water out of your hair so it dries quicker."
"It really, really looks good, especially when they dry."
"Once you have these peeled, just sit them out in the sun for a day or two until they're crispy."
"It's drying down but it doesn't dry down fast."
"I mean, paint always dries darker so we cannot judge right out of the can."
"Watercolor does dry lighter than it looks when it's wet."
"These paint sticks might appeal to a lot of people because they are supposed to dry in 24 hours."
"Acrylics dry pretty dark, they usually darken as they dry."
"Constantly think of ways to keep your sets dry and hyper dry them by the fire or in the sun."
"Now at this point, I'm going to go ahead and actually let it sit and dry for a little bit about, uh, five to ten minutes."
"We have some really good drying weather."
"Six to seven hours total dry time, everything total, got this thing completely smooth, looking great, ready for paint."
"I prefer it over using resin, it dries faster, it's not messy, you're not fighting gravity."
"I let my corn dry on the stalk as much as I can, and then if I have to pull it, I'll let it dry a little bit after I pull it."
"Bells of Ireland dries really nicely, and it smells amazing."
"Letting your prints sit to dry serves several purposes."
"The goal of proper drying really is that all the parts of whatever we're making out of clay should dry at the same rate."
"If you're not comfortable using the flame, just leave it to naturally dry."
"It's still got a lot of body and thickness to it so when you add texture to it, it will dry like this and give you all of that amazing texture on your card making projects."
"Make sure you dry it properly; it's not heat, it's moisture."
"Hot air with a fan, that's what you want essentially, and you can't go wrong with that."
"When it dries, it will dry completely clear, so it goes on white, it dries translucent."
"However you lay this sweater is how it's going to dry, so you want to lay it exactly how it was."
"As the watermark ink of the Versamark begins to dry, the images will become more predominant."
"It's wonderful because it helps your painting dry faster and it also gives a beautiful luster to your art."
"As quickly as the rain came, it left thankfully, and left us to go dry in the closing stages."
"Bring a small towel... so that it dries faster."
"It takes about a day off your total dry time because it just makes that hay dry a lot faster."
"Keep that heat gun moving until you see the shine go away from the ink, which means it's absorbed and dried."
"Let your basket dry really, really thoroughly."
"When applied thick, it takes about an hour to dry but once it's nice and dry that shine becomes even more intense."
"Lay it flat to dry because as mentioned, if there is a heavy part that still has quite some water in it, it might stretch the garment at that point."
"Drying well-spun washing indoors on a rack adds humidity to the air and makes the air seem warmer."
"This will need to dry several hours or overnight."
"Drying off a car just makes your life much simpler."
"The key to getting a linseed oil-based finish to dry is sunlight."
"Before you even open the door on the tumble dryer, ask yourself: Are the clothes suitable to be dried?"
"Raisins are grapes that have been dried in the Sun."
"A dried Morel is a delicious Morel; they hold up beautifully and taste wonderful."
"I like to have two towels, one that I lay out to lay my brushes on to dry."
"I was absolutely giddy when the yarns were drying over my railing."
"Press it gently with microfiber towels or use a cotton t-shirt."
"The last step is making the customer feel comfortable that it is drying."
"It's super important to dry your flowers properly in the right environment with the right temps and Rh."
"The ideal parameters for drying your flowers... is the temperature of 18 to 21° C and about 50 to 55% relative humidity."
"Drying and curing properly is an art in itself."
"Curing is just allowing them to dry out and allowing the skins to dry out in circumstances where they can do that without mildewing."
"It's very lightweight. It's not heavy. While at the same time having that ability to absorb water not keep it in for long and then dry extremely fast."
"I don't use the dryer most of the year and prefer to dry clothes and everything outside in the Sun."
"When it dries, it's going to get fuller."
"I hang them on the doorknob of my laundry room door and let them air dry."
"They dry things a lot faster because the alpaca fiber is hollow on the inside and it draws out moisture from your clothes."