
Apollo Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Apollo was not only the god of the sun, he reigned over poetry, music, archery, dance, healing, and notably truth and prophecy."
"Apollo: God of many talents, including archery, music, and healing."
"Apollo with the powerful bow in his hands could only think of one thing: to take revenge on the serpent that tormented his mother for so long."
"What made Apollo special was that he was responsible for us discovering the cure to our recent parasitic mite problem."
"Apollo would tell to the Greeks, okay, I'm gonna go see some other people, I've got to go and teach them." - Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
"Apollo lunar Landers returned a treasure chest of samples that taught us about the history of the solar system."
"Apollo can help you relax sleep focus and be more productive."
"Apollo's effects on stress sleep cognitive performance and recovery have been proven in multiple clinical trials and real-world studies."
"Why have we not made more progress since Apollo?"
"Chillingly, local legends paint the Apollo as haunted by two distinct presences that are encountered with frequency."
"The story of Apollo is more than just a record of a program."
"Apollo was an adventurer that wasn't just on the scale of a Nation trying to do something great but really all of humanity trying to take a giant leap forward"
"Exciting when Apollo said, 'I want to reach up and start my engine.'"
"Apollo gives a banger of a press conference."
"What we are doing is not uncommon; it's actually exactly what Apollo does in the subscription section of their documentation."
"Apollo Federation is a set of tools that allow us to compose multiple GraphQL schemas declaratively into a single data graph."
"Apollo is the God who directs the harmony and makes all things move together, whether for gods or human beings."
"Space travel is and remains exciting. #apollomoment"
"The Apollo moon landing, probably the most significant technological achievement of the past century."
"The flexibility of GraphQL and an implementation like Apollo is absolutely amazing."
"Apollo was especially vain about his musical powers."
"The Sony Apollo deal would be a $26 billion buyout, about $4 billion more than the company's current reported value."
"Apollo is most often called the god of the sun, but in ancient times his identity was more complex."
"Apollo's place is at the center, either at Delphi or in Hyperborea."
"Apollo may also be linked to the heat and light of the sun."
"All the differences in nature and their accord are the result of Apollo."
"The seasons change in accord to his music, with the seasons represented as notes on his lyre."
"Thus the flow and harmony of the world are ascribed to Apollo, as expressions of music."
"Apollo has much wider associations, most especially with that of mental illumination, totality, distance, law, and harmony."
"The sun is only one part of the aspect of Apollo."
"Apollo is the god who not only knows the supreme cosmic consciousness of his father Zeus but also proclaims it to man."
"He can connect man with the understanding of Zeus, the supreme consciousness, through purity, inspiration, the mental light of spiritual practice, through art, music, and of course oracles."
"Apollo and Artemis represent the individual soul of man and woman."
"The health of the body was thought to rely on a delicate balance of various elements within, and this harmony is something connected to Apollo."
"Apollo places that punishment in the form of his arrow, and yet he can also absolve one from sin through purification."
"Apollo is higher than the sun because he is a master cosmic organizer."
"Apollo, embodiment of hope, fueled by the sun, one of the 12 Olympians, supreme god of the sun."
"He adopts Apollo as a kind of patron God."
"The shrine at Delphi was dedicated to the god Apollo, patron of music, the arts, law, order, and in general the finest instincts of humankind."
"The Oracle was actually a priestess of Apollo named Pythia."
"I was damn proud to walk into any room where I ever went to say I worked on Apollo."
"The success we had in Apollo was a direct result of the experience base and the confidence that we developed during the Gemini program."
"I will never stop singing the praises of far-shooting Apollo, god of the silver bow."
"We're going to be using React and Apollo to tie everything together."
"If you're not using some of the extra features Apollo server has, consider switching to a lighter-weight server like Express GraphQL."
"I remember watching the launch of Apollo 7."
"The Apollo Theater is freaking iconic."
"It's my encapsulation of why the hell Apollo was important."
"Apollo, whose epithet is Phoebus, which literally means 'bright'."
"I am Phoebus Apollo, the god of the sun, the slayer of the mighty python, and the ultimate Smash Brothers champion."
"We need to remind the world about the Apollo missions and that we can still do what seems to be impossible."
"That is how you can set up Apollo with Next.js."