
Agitation Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Whenever you speak the truth, it agitates people's demons."
"The mere mention of certain truths stirs up rage in mainstream society."
"Agitation and public calls for change were becoming more prevalent."
"Sam ganana was totally OD he was rattled."
"You're triggering all my buttons."
"Tweaking, usually when a person is on the verge of going off or whatever their pupils get real, real, real big."
"She sped out of the parking lot, man, and you know she's being all unhinged and off the chain and very hostile."
"You seem like a pretty calm guy. Something just pushed you over the edge. Like beyond over the edge."
"Your agitation is often an indication of your assignment."
"That really rattled me. I mean, I was truly shaking."
"To stir something up, that's what I would say. To galvanize a response is to stimulate or initiate a response, to provoke a response."
"The most we said about agitation concerned our dogs, whose frantic uneasiness near the biological specimens was to be expected from poor Lake’s accounts."
"Someone's definitely going to try to act extra because they want you to get out of this. They don't like how unbothered you are. They want you to be bothered."
"This is motivating, this does put bubbles into your water and make things become agitated and ready for change."
"If people weren't being riled up, we'd want to rile them up even more."
"I wish it drove everyone as nuts as it drives me."
"Instead of feeling triumphant that we had climbed the mountain, I was becoming increasingly agitated."
"They had cause to agitate and they had a potential leader."
"Get off social media or spend as little time as possible because it's programming you to be agitated."
"We're extremely freaking bothered."
"To get wound up about something is when you get really angry about something, so let's say."
"It's hard to act like easy, breezy when you're aggravated."
"He's obviously agitated, he's talking on the phone, he's acting erratically."
"It doesn't matter how other people responded to her, she was gonna agitate, disturb, bully, and ruin."
"The person was actually quite angry and agitated."
"I've honestly never seen any of them more frantic and unnerved."
"It's like a self-fulfilling thing and it's like the more you want to sleep the angrier you get which wakes you up and you wanna [ __ ]."
"What pretty humility and what terrible agitation."
"He flexed his paws, driving his claws into the boulder and undergrowth. He inhaled, expanding his wide tiger chest. His tail flicked with agitation, slapping the tree and leaves."
"So, I could put a chord on each of those notes, but you see what happens, the chords move very quickly and the music sounds quite agitated."
"Why are you so agitated and why do these doubts rise in your mind?"
"Cruise is known for his charming and charismatic persona, but he reportedly becomes agitated when caught off-guard or confronted with unexpected situations."
"oh my God this thing's pissed off."
"Brad Marchand, the little ball of hate, is arguably the most hated player in the game."
"Sean Avery tops my list of the most hated NHL players."
"It's just the littlest things that sometimes get me all sorts of bent out of shape and jazzed up."
"If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground."
"I'm an equal opportunity agitator."
"The more intensely we experience a desire, the more active and agitated our mind becomes."
"All our agitation and unhappiness are experienced only by our mind and not by our real self, our fundamental and essential self-consciousness, which is conscious only of our own unqualified being, 'I am'."
"Because you have little faith, you run about agitatedly seeking your head which you think you have lost."
"Performance, how could you have a child, a teenager, or an adult perform to the best of their ability if they have poor breathing patterns which is feeding into agitation of the mind, which is feeding into poor sleep quality."
"The spirits of those involved with this great house can also be seen as they wander troubled and agitated."
"You feel most agitated right before settling into a deeper peace."
"Ultrasonic cleaning works by agitating the dirt on the surface of the metal, causing it to break up and dissolve."
"I think the best way is trying to understand where they came from, why they feel agitated."
"High arousal is something like anxiety, anger, like your body is kind of buzzing with energy."
"Even deep in the Sahara, there is a world of silence and sometimes agitation."
"The film language of Cassavetes and Rollins intentionally agitates the audience."
"Craving implies a kind of agitated, slightly deranged state; you've lost the quality of composure."
"When a prisoner is hungry, they become angry, agitated; with agitation comes problems."
"Don't let somebody get you that upset to where you feel as though you got to act outside of yourself, out of character."
"Pause when agitated, try not to let yourself instantly react to your impulses."
"The area of your greatest agitation is an indication of your assignment."
"A bit of agitation is always a good thing."
"She is very protective of all the things in the house and becomes extremely agitated when people enter her bedroom."
"Your mind is the cause of your agitation."
"Hippopotamus yawn when they feel agitated or threatened."