
Proportion Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"Who do you think's a bigger problem? We're talking about roughly ninety percent versus ten percent."
"Now that we're a little bit further away, everything looks a lot more proportional."
"Absolutely nothing that I've discussed changes just because the figure is male or very round or very muscular or extremely short. Angles and proportion, okay? Always."
"So for instance, this name is shorter than the other two. If I was to pull this out to about one inch wide, it would be way bigger and look funny against the other two."
"It definitely has the rear-wheel drive proportions with the long hood sticking out."
"Putting this here as a reminder of the golden ratio has actually got me thinking..."
"Even though we hit that dead end we cleared out like basically 40% of the floor maybe a third of the floor is probably more realistic fraction to use."
"The golden ratio is defined as A plus B is to A as A is to B."
"The body, the proportions are a chef's kiss."
"The 5-pointed star is the only constructable geometry that can get us to Golden Mean, the Divine Proportion."
"The shorter-to-the-longer ratio is exactly that 1.62. Well, actually 1.618. Actually 1.6180339…; it’s one of those that goes forever."
"It's such an easy trick, your legs will look longer, your body proportion will look more flattering."
"To capture someone's likeness, it's not so much about the details as it is about capturing an accurate proportion."
"I feel like petite women, myself included, look our best when we're able to do two things: firstly, accommodate our height so the clothing looks proportionate and balanced on us; and secondly, dress in a way that still expresses our personal style."
"Everything boils down to proportions and balance."
"The ratio of the small to the large is exactly the same as the large to the whole."
"These need to be roughly the same length. Okay? So it's never going to be good when one's short, one's long."
"What's the problem? Do you want to fill the frame proportionally?"
"No matter kind of what period we're in or where this sculpture or painting is, they're always going to follow this strict rule of proportions."
"I feel as though if you don't mind me saying, everything seems proportionate."
"For small figures, we're just looking at the proportion between the shoulders and the crotch..."
"I think swimwear is really specific to your body shape and height and size of boobs and proportionality."
"Things are only going to sound big, really big if they're next to something really small."
"Proportions, it's so important to make sure that if you have a tiny waist or an hourglass figure, you want to accentuate the top."
"Success is in exact proportion to our contribution"
"That person is rational, logical, keeping things in proportion."
"Scale really is important. People tend to buy sofas that are too big."
"...very useful when you want to draw something for a particular area and so everything is in proportion."
"Now, the proportions are really something you have to figure out, get something that you like."
"The proportions are just ridiculous, aren't they? It's a bit outrageous."
"It's this harmony and proportion, yeah. I love it."
"This figure all around just looks very proportionate. He's not overly buff or too thin."
"All of the ingredients have just come exactly for the right amount for two people."
"Measurements help you to determine the proportions of one part of your drawing to another, so you can see whether something is bigger or smaller than another part of the drawing."
"These tips aren't about looking thinner, it's about using your body in your proportions to create a very balanced outfit."
"V-neck t-shirts elongate your neck."
"In this case, bigger is not better."
"The proportions of these rooms are enormous, absolutely enormous,"
"Is short torso bad for guys? Depends. You're unproportional. Actually, for gains, it's really good."
"The end must be proportioned to the total means."
"The magnitude of his suffering is perhaps proportional to the magnitude of his generosity."
"They're inversely proportional. As oxygen increases, excess air will follow it every time."
"It's normally just a proportion of the area, so the volume itself is not material."
"The trick there is just to understand simply that if you can control proportion, then you can modify it yourself and sort of create interesting poses and ideas."
"Proportion is everything and how it isn't always that easy to get it right."
"I'm only going to make a two-thirds equivalent."
"For me, bodybuilding is all about classic physique blown up in proportion."
"The amount of hate we get is tiny proportionally, it's infinitesimally small."
"The rules for proportion in classical architecture were worked out by trial and error over many centuries; rules that made buildings visually satisfying."
"It's like all these little proportions, all divided into thirds, divided into fourths."
"As rough and ready as that looks, what it's allowed me to do quite quickly is to create something with reasonably solid proportion."
"The 30-70 rule... It's a proportion that makes things look natural and pleasing."
"I think the scale here works really nice."
"I want something bigger. This is huge for a centerpiece, this is like gigantic."
"Proportion is everything when it comes to this kind of stuff."
"If you double the size of a sphere, its curvature changes."
"One of the first things that people find maddening about creative people is they don't have a sense of proportion."
"A proportional relationship is a relationship between two quantities in which the ratio of one quantity to another is constant."
"There's this extraordinary regularity in the proportions as you scale up and turns out that phenomenon permeates life around you."
"The golden ratio appears to start Lan accuracies in many other ways throughout the Universe."
"But I guess the proportionately more Cuckoos in this town and elsewhere is that fair to say?"
"These are all appropriate for working on something that is about this size."
"You may be very surprised like you may be putting yourself down here and you do actually have like if you've got a measuring tape out you'd be proportionate your shoulders will be Nyan exactly in proportion with your hips."
"Drawing is about proportion. That is the primary thing we're often trying to learn and memorize."
"This thing has diminutive proportions, it's tiny."
"It's really just the start of a drawing, but it's got some solid proportion. The cup and the bowl are in proportion within themselves and also in proportion to each other."
"Everything is actually proportioned for a big family."
"The Lan is exactly designed in the golden section, which means that proportion of this dimension compared to this one is exactly in the golden section."
"Arms are longer than my entire body."
"As you get smaller and smaller and smaller, the strength of your limbs becomes better relative to your body weight."
"Much of his book was about his childhood. It sounds more formal to use 'much of his book.'"
"It's all about proportion. The softer the lights are, that is, the bigger the lights and the more diffused they are, the less likely they are to throw noticeable shadows."
"Do keep in mind here that this means your structural garments should be in proportion to your size."
"Proportion is everything... it's really hard to argue with [Mother Nature]."
"...a fundamental revolution in the way buildings appeared and in the way you could start playing with the proportion."
"How about scale time to have a sense of proportion? What could you learn from these sites if you really could tower above the pyramids yourself and actually see over that hill and over that mastaba?"
"There's just like a lot of things talking about how different proportions, how this like little baby doll proportion affects the design and the mood and the age of the customer wearing it."
"Our rewards will be in exact proportion to our service."
"Our rewards will and must always be in exact proportion to our service."
"So you want to look at the palm of your hand and no detail on your clothing should be bigger than the palm of your hand."
"The proportions are very skewed towards the legs but not overblown so as to become disagreeable to me."
"We often get so obsessed with measurements and specific dimensions, but... the specific measurements when building a piece aren't as important as... relative measurements or proportion in a piece."
"The golden ratio is the unique ratio of lengths where the hole divided by the larger is the same as the larger divided by the smaller."
"...proportion, something like a ratio or a fraction or a percent, doesn't tell us anything about absolute amount. That's a trick that shows up in verbal."
"If you're going to define the space of the street, you need to have at least a one to one proportion to define the space."
"What is proportional imbalance? It's quite simple, this will show you as the name implies the proportion to which one side is proportional to the other."
"People want the relief, and the relief that you get is directly proportionate to the risk that you'll take on."
"Most of the pictures we shoot with a camera like this, a DSLR or a mirrorless camera, are going to be in a 2 by 3 ratio."
"My general rule of thumb is that the television should be about two-thirds the width of the actual console."
"Your light source will only spread light evenly across the subject when the size of the light source closely matches the size of the subject."
"Everything symmetrical, proportional."
"Thinking about the proportions of the screen is important."
"The most important thing to learn first is proportion."
"What they do possess is the largest stinger to body size ratio of any insect in the world."
"Man being the measure of all things, that tends to be a humanistic idea too."
"It's a beautiful thing, look at that S curve, that's really gentle and nicely proportioned, and the taper is gorgeous."
"They're not oversized, they're not undersized, they're very contemporary."
"Babies and children have big heads compared to adults. So big head on a smaller body at birth."
"The golden ratio is very close to the same formula we use to create the Fibonacci sequence."
"Max has everything proportioned correctly in my eye, and it just looks beautiful; it flows together."
"Scale is the relationship between a portion of the Earth and the Earth as a whole."
"The proportions are just right, probably because this car has such a low hood and this frontal area is so small compared to modern vehicles."
"It's well sculpted into the front of the car and it looks to be just about the right size."
"It's like a five inch blade and a five inch handle. So for those of you that like low blade to handle ratios, it's like one to one essentially right here."
"Choosing the right clothing for your body type really involves understanding how to balance your proportions."
"This way you will maintain a proportion between the textures and trees of your terrain."
"The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water."
"Never invest all, only ten percent of what you want to invest in that company."
"Balancing proportions from your head to your toe... it's all about creating that balance and proportion sandwich."
"Normal visible matter, for example, planets and stars, makes up just five percent of the universe."
"The width of the eye and the gap between the eye is the same width as an eye, so there should be three equal spaces."
"A small percentage of a big thing is always big."
"The golden ratio, a plus B is to A as A is to B."
"So now I can start with branches that are proportional to each other and they're growing at the same rate."
"A proportion is a statement in which two ratios or rates are equal."
"A proportion is simply a relationship between two values."
"The ratio of boys to girls is 10 to 20, or one to two."
"Trading is 80% psychology, 20% trade."
"The fact that the heads alone make up about a third of the size of the statues is particularly striking."
"The kitchen is really well proportioned for a size a home like this."
"For five pounds of cabbage, you want three tablespoons of salt."
"Your tricep actually makes up sixty percent of your upper arm size."
"Everything is about risk reward, everything is about the ratio of winners to losers and the scope of your winners to your losers."
"Individuals with longer limbs tend to look more aesthetic and well-proportioned."
"A life-size reproduction ratio... would be the size of the sensor would cover the object that fills your whole picture."
"The proportion of things in space is very important to me."
"Scale and proportion will really make or break a room."
"To help you judge your proportions better."
"The ratio a to b to c is five to twelve to thirty."
"You need to make the patch disproportionately bigger than the rip."
"Beauty is demonstrable, and it's not a number; it's a ratio or proportion."
"The golden ratio... is the well-known phi."
"If we take the height of the head and use it as a unit to divide up the figure, we can estimate the dimensions of everything else."
"If two-fifths were tea and a third were coffee, the rest must be hot chocolate."
"One-tenth of something is just a fraction of the amount."
"When we're looking at direct proportion like this, we want to break it down into a single unit."
"I just feel like this villa has just the right proportions and sizes of everything."
"I saw a man of striking appearance, radiant face, his belly wasn't protruding, nor was his head disproportionate and small."
"Two-thirds of the people in a room are seated in three-fourths of the chairs."
"One thing I think is really important with building outfits is balancing it out."
"Perspective helps you to see your life in true proportions."
"The distance between the eyes must be enough to fit five eyes from here to here."
"Everything beautiful has this perfect gold proportion."
"It gives you something to frame and build off of as well as giving you proper proportions for most things."
"Overall proportion wise and everything, it looks solid."
"This is a very well proportioned Kirby plush."
"You were born with one mouth and two ears, and it's important that you use them in proportion."
"The strength is really good, the overall proportions are very good."
"I like to put in placeholder feet and hands just so I know the overall proportions."
"The five foot seven inch bed and the crew cab has a really proportional design."
"Ten percent of a community garden is the garden, and ninety percent is the community."
"The 1.62 golden ratio is measured from shoulder to waist."
"The control of a rear-wheel drive drift car is 90% throttle, 10% steering."
"It's very important to have rest area; 70/30 can also be used proportionally."
"Just keep in mind that you want to keep things in scale."
"As your days, your strength shall be in measure."
"The ratio between corresponding sides in similar triangles will always be equal."
"Most really good artists are using horizontal, vertical, and diagonal alignment to control scale and proportion."
"Achieving the right mesiodistal width is not just about dimensions; it's about creating harmony in the smile."
"The side profile is extremely proportional and all the sharp lines really come together super nicely."
"Really pleased with the house, really good proportions."
"It's almost like the reference photo and the drawing overlap, and it helps to become aware of some of the proportions."
"Proportion is sort of a direct contemplation of God or a microcosmic reflection of divine order."
"The tricep makes up close to two-thirds of the arm mass of the upper arm."
"Illicit activity in cryptocurrency remains a small share of overall volume at less than one percent."
"The golden ratio in interior design is 60 40."
"So very much think about your proportions, so we'll be looking at one third two thirds here, so the spray should be one third of the overall size of the base."
"You guys will see that I'm really worried about laying down and nailing the proportions like the rib cage and the pelvis."
"Perfection and beauty is defined as proportion."
"I want to go about double the size of our vase just so we have balance and proportion."
"The fishing industry accounts for about 0.1 percent of our GDP."
"When a person wants to keep everything for himself, Hashem keeps him with ten percent and takes ninety percent."
"When you have a triangle and you construct a parallel line that's parallel to one of the bases, it's going to cut the two sides proportionally."
"The ratio of these two sides is going to be equal to Y over Z, which is the same ratio as the smaller triangle."
"Your correct ratio is 99% cake to 1% icing."
"Jesus isn't watching the portion but the proportion."
"All small children, especially infants have large craniums; their heads, in proportion to their bodies, are larger than an adults."
"One thing I will note is that for this piece right here because it's going to hang, I want the fringe to be way longer than this piece right here."
"If you get the shape right, the volume just follows."
"Shoulder pads were great. Shoulder pads made your waist look smaller, made your hips look smaller."
"Thirty percent of a watermelon is a lot more than 100 percent of a grape."
"The length of your tail sets the entire proportions for the fly."
"It just seems perfectly proportioned for what it is."
"Man is created in the image of God... he apparently has what we understand to be mathematically harmonious proportions."
"Everything about this car is proportionately correct; it's not like they just tacked on everything and tried to make it work."
"When you're working on component sculpture like this, you want everything when you assemble it finally to actually be proportionately correct."
"Not only is proportion really important when you're working with sculpture, but it's also the gesture that really tells the story and really illustrates what you're trying to communicate with the animal or the object."
"A Mustang has a great proportion and a great profile."
"Why cutlets? Because they are my favorite, they cook quick, and you get a good meat to bun ratio too with a cutlet."
"Eighty percent of your weight loss results are going to come from the kitchen, only 20 are going to come from the gym."
"The eye and the nose are really important to me because in that way I can measure, I use the eye as a reference."
"The golden section, which is quite famous now, is the particular relationship of a line that's divided asymmetrically."
"Every dimension on this domino is twice as long as the dimensions on that domino."
"These tiny stormcast past ended up coming out so nice they had the proper proportions."
"There are several factors that contribute to wisdom... of this, I should put first a sense of proportion."
"The flower size is proportional to their potency and performance."
"Just getting the proportions in order, very very important, but it's not too hard."
"Drawing things to scale means figuring out what a perfect cube is within the context of our drawing."
"The only fundamental basis for understanding is that one understands only in proportion to becoming himself, that which he understands."
"I like to in my three foot snake whips have the BB portion one-third of the overall length."