
Horse Training Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"You see a lot of professional writers now on YouTube that don't do basic foundational work with their horses and they just let their horses walk off."
"Just because you're calm if something else bothers the horse and sets them off it doesn't matter how calm you are."
"Teaching her to not be afraid of pressure but to understand it and understand what it means."
"When you can gain your horse's respect... not only can you do it safely with your horse, but you can also get your horse to enjoy the time that he spends with you."
"All you have to do mate to get tremendous success with your horse is follow the Down Under Horsemanship method."
"The quicker you get your hands on them and teach them to be soft and supple, respectful, not be fearful, how to give to the pressure, how to give to the halter, the better the whole partnership comes along and the quicker it comes along."
"Respect without fear. You need your horses to be respectful, no matter what age they are, but respect will not work very well if the horse is fearful of you, okay."
"A horse that leads respectfully is obedient."
"It's critical for a horse like this because... they get nervous and then we get quiet, and then they stay very nervous."
"Remember, mate, all problems come from a lack of respect or fear. Get your horses respectful, get the fear out of 'em, and when you do that, your problems'll disappear by themselves."
"It's more than just a method of training. It's actually a way of being with a horse."
"90% of horse training is mental. 10% is physical. Once you train their mind to be accepting and willing to do what you ask them to do, the task is easy."
"It's about building a relationship, a deep bond between a horse and the human through psychology, through understanding, through not being bothered about little mistakes."
"I'm Clinton Anderson, and I have a method for training horses. Getting horses to behave is simple, it's training people that's the real trick."
"Sorry Mushy, you hardly ever have to be in a stall at night, so it'll be good training for you."
"If you are finding yourself getting frustrated with your horse, the first thing you should do is look to yourself."
"If we train them that we can rein and stop them and disengage them, they can't rear. If we disengage hindquarters, they can't run off."
"But if we just trust ourselves okay and you know as a horse trainer that you always have to one you always want to be in that place of self-trust."
"Groundwork is the foundation of horse training. It helps your horse learn that you're the leader in their relationship."
"Being assertive with your horse will actually help them to trust you. If a horse trusts you as the leader, they're gonna respect your position in the relationship."
"Maintaining a calm environment is crucial because horses feed off your emotions. Creating a calm atmosphere helps your horse feel safe and learn to trust you."
"If your horse is around a calm person and a frustrated person, you're probably gonna want to go with the calm person because they can feel that off you. That environment is gonna help them learn to trust you and what you're feeling more."
"Light hands that release quickly when the horse is soft creates a light horse."
"Every horse has one side that they're softer on. They circle better."
"Every time she jumped it and she realized 'Oh, I can do this,' it builds the horse's confidence and it also builds the owner's confidence as well."
"Horse training is not about aha moments it's about muscle memory."
"100 foot by 100 foot is a good size to get started with. If you can do too much bigger than that, it encourages the horses to run too much because remember, straight lines encourage horses to run, turns slow their feet down."
"No matter what your reasons for raising a foal, the reward will only be complete if he becomes the horse you want him to."
"If you only sensitize your horses, they'll get jumpy, spooky and reactive. If you only desensitize them, they'll be quiet but there'll be pushy, disrespectful and belligerent, okay, you have to balance the two."
"You don't train a horse, you just outlast them."
"Horse training, horsemanship is chess, not tic-tac-toe. You gotta be three steps ahead of them."
"Have I trained my horses properly or something? No?"
"One of the main goals of training a horse... is to teach the horse how to balance herself... a good balance and a good core stability give a very good movement pattern."
"The vertical balance is one of the first things I teach a young horse... when they are out of vertical balance, they get tension in their body... her back is crooked and that gives a lot of tension."
"When a horse is horizontally out of balance... the horse is making short strides... more pressure on the tendons... we can also get problems in the navicular area."
"I'm really wanting to get some of the horses on the new shaky plate today."
"The horse will develop the necessary muscles over time."
"How long does this take as long as it takes until your horse can pay attention."
"...the main priority is soundness so really building all the things we're talking about in the video strength symmetry confidence and joy in your horse's movement in order to help them feel good and sound and healthy in their bodies."
"So, one or two horses are very well trained for, you know, they're trained for anybody."
"His affinity with the horse to understand the horse and to get the best from their horses."
"Remember those four main ingredients to getting a well-balanced horse: leadership, exercise, affection, and discipline."
"We just don't throw a saddle on them and turn them loose."
"The horse needs enough gate training so when he gets there, he's not going to be frightened."
"I've been training horses thirty years; it's not for everybody, but personally, I wouldn't change anything."
"It really shows how a horse wants to be light, really."
"He's going to go down in history as the most successful horse trainer of all time."
"If a horse will follow your instructions, that means they trust you as their leader and they have affection for you in that way."
"I enjoy training horses. This is something I've loved and wanted to do ever since I was a little kid."
"We have to develop this partnership and connection with them."
"I really enjoy working on these things because I know that if I get a horse leading really well next to me, respecting my personal space, that horse is going to be very successful in whatever else we do with them."
"I've lived in Newmarket for 54 years. I've trained here for very nearly 50. I've enjoyed every day of it."
"Dressage is basically gymnastics for horses."
"The lick and chew tells you the horse is processing."
"More than anything they are the nicest people and they really value training horses properly."
"A solid Trail horse is one that knows where its feet are at all times, is unflappable, navigates hazards, can maneuver in tight spaces, is sensible, and thinks its way through situations rather than reacting to them."
"I've made a lot of mistakes with training horses."
"Good horses are made in years, not in a few weeks breaking them."
"The greatest gift you can give any horse is to train it well, to give it good cues, to make it accept people and to live in our world the best it can, and not be dangerous."
"When you lunge a horse in the round pen, they're free from the constraints; you're really just communicating with them based off of your body language."
"I'm just focused on his lateral flexion and being able to move around me."
"Come along with us while we train Silver the Mustang."
"Owners are fantastic; you can't possibly train horses without the owners."
"I've been training horses 30 years. It's not for everybody but personally, I wouldn't change anything."
"I train horses at Liberty, which means without reins or restraints."
"When you have a horse that's willing and a temperament that's good, it makes the whole training journey so much easier."