
Client Care Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"We need to make sure this never happens to any other clients."
"This was something different... lawyers who really care about their clients."
"You can only take your client as deep as the work that you've done within yourself."
"Get your clients working on preventative work because if your clients are the people that are sitting down there doing a lot of bending forward in the garden, they're more likely to have a disk problem."
"It looks like Scott Fisher's niceness and his desire to be involved in every aspect of taking care of his clients was what cost him his life."
"I make sure my clients' eyes are very dry even though tearing is not something that will happen with every single client."
"You really want to know what products are contraindicated for your clients."
"We really felt for this client and made sure to give her the best offer possible."
"Denise is one of the best SBA people that I know of that really cares about her clients and she takes the time to help you."
"Closing costs, my team and I are incredibly focused just on making sure you don't have to pay a dime in closing costs."
"It's important to take them on a journey as a hairdresser and them as your client."
"We will never upsell a client a product they don't need simply to inflate our bottom line."
"I knew I wanted to work somewhere that had a good reputation, that treats their clients well."
"I like to do this for all my clients."
"I care a lot about what my clients want and feel."
"Our ultimate goal of support work is to improve the client's quality of life."
"The client is always the focus of care."
"What you're doing here is you're creating a bond, a rapport with the clients."
"Your attitude can help your clients maintain self-respect and feel good about themselves."
"Stop and think about the weight and the impact of what that could mean to your clients and their families."
"Take your time, get it done right because it can be so costly for you and your client."
"If your client calls you and says, 'Hey man, I feel really terrible, can I come in and see you today?' then you know you're doing a good job."
"Delivering your images in a timely manner shows your client that they're important to you."
"It's just I see so many of my clients sitting down in here, you know browsing through their phone, even when they're having a shave done, and honestly, I just think it is so, so important to make sure that you are being safe when you're browsing online."
"We're supposed to always be looking out for what's best for our clients."
"Social workers have that unconditional positive regard often for our clients, regardless of if they are rude to us or if maybe they've made some big mistakes in their life."
"We need to inform clients when a real or a potential conflict arises and we need to take responsible steps to resolve that conflict."
"We only solicit private information from clients for compelling professional reasons."
"Ensure continuity of services to minimize disruptions and interruptions as much as possible."
"You have to be in the business of not just solving the first problem your client has but the problems those problems create."
"We have everything ready and prepared for the clients when they get here."
"I want them to have an understanding of what we're doing and I want them to be comfortable."
"This is about luxury and making sure that the people that hire this have nothing to worry about."
"I use the time to really look at my clients and determine what's normal and what's not."
"My client's income, his well-being, his livelihood is no joke to me."
"Put yourself in your client's shoes. If you were the buyer, would you want to know? Absolutely."
"Your most important responsibility is to protect your clients' health and safety."
"It is important to educate our clients about the importance of good nutrition not only to provide the body the building blocks it needs."
"It's a culture of quality. We want to provide the best quality care to our clients and consumers."
"Work with clients and groups to select alternative health care sites and treatments."
"Being savvy enough to recognize common medical conditions can help you work with clients more effectively and safely."
"The reason why I win in real estate is because no one loves my clients more than me."
"Ecology first, your client's safety, well-being, and happiness is your number one priority."
"Be genuine in your concerns for your client and focus on their needs, not yours."
"Making sure you have good best practices for managing your clients' data from day one will really help you."
"Your clients are owed everything we know."
"If you love your neighbor like yourself, then you should want the best for the public too that you're serving, and the best for your client."
"It's so nice to see that there are tattoo artists and tattoo studios taking a step forward and trying to do as much as they can to keep their clients feel safe and happy."
"It is very important to your career to provide clients with appropriate treatments and home care products to achieve their goal of healthy skin."
"We need to respect the client no matter what kind of diverse background they are from."
"I like to make sure that my clients not only look beautiful but feel beautiful."
"I want clients in my studio to be well taken care of."
"I have never had one moment, not one, that I ever questioned their integrity, their honesty, and their dedication to taking care of their clients."