
Golf Technique Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"I just want a damn simple golf swing that just works."
"If we're going to work at your technique to help you break 90, we have to start with the setup."
"It's about finding those issues of why people always say they want to hit it further."
"How do I know if I'm hitting it 50 yards, 60 yards, 70 yards? How do I know if I'm getting it to stop right at the correct distance?"
"Great shot there, you can always tell when someone's swinging well."
"Patting from 1 to 5 feet is key to error reduction."
"Most important part: setting the weight forward."
"The ben hogan hip turn is one of the most underrated pieces of his golf swing and it is the secret to an automatic, repeatable, and powerful golf swing."
"Solid scores on putts like that over and over. Yeah, takes pressure off if you can pace control like that."
"You're pressing that four iron just a fraction more."
"The shallower we get the shallower the angle attack we're going to get the farther we're going to hit the golf ball."
"Nice swing and that's a perfect line, right center. She loves it." - Dennis
"It's truly the easiest way to swing the golf club I can possibly imagine."
"This is the secret to incredible golf ball striking."
"Keeping the arm tucked in makes golf fun, the ball's just exploding through impact."
"It's important that the people understand that by moving it forward you tend to get a higher ball flight and you tend to get a straighter ball flight or a fade."
"I can still hit a draw from this position right here."
"It's not gonna be difficult once you see how to do it, but there's a fear with a lot of golfers out there that if you do X, it's going to cause you to steepen the club. If you pull the hands down, that's going to cause you to steepen the club."
"I like to feel like I'm loading my right side."
"The closer you get to the green they're starting to really quiet this lower body down just again for accuracy and control you don't need power lower bodies about producing a lot of power."
"Most people come to the top, stop dead. What's for lunch? Then start the downswing all at once. When the pros are going toward the target before they even get near all the way back, isn't that interesting?"
"Club face is king in the golf swing."
"The golf swing is a complex movement of the hands and wrist cocking the arms transporting the hands back further and the body turning and supporting."
"The nice thing about keeping those elbows together is it keeps the hands in front of the center of the body."
"The club is now going to be falling nicely on path and it's going to fall on the golf ball quite nicely."
"The better our rotation is going through the golf ball, the more square this club face is going to stay to the arc."
"Ultimately, we want to hit higher spin, lower launch pitch shots."
"The common thread is getting the club squared at impact and being able to repeat it time and time again."
"Golf is played from a straight line into a circle back to a straight line. It is that simple."
"There is timing in the golf swing. That's another thing people say there's no timing and you shouldn't have to rely on rhythm. That's absolute rubbish."
"Relax the joints, not the grip. We've got to maintain some grip integrity here, okay, but the wrists, the elbows, and the shoulders, if you can relax your joints, it's going to make the world of difference."
"I want every golfer that plays the game to know who Moe Norman is and that there's a single plane swing out there in the world."
"The tempo of Angel's stroke has always been beautiful, it's kind of a very natural athletic move."
"Make sure you're walking in from pretty much directly behind your golf ball, making sure your body is open right up until the last point where everything squares up and you're aimed at your target."
"You're going to get a really nice solid golf swing that gives you much more consistency in terms of strike."
"It's a very simple approach, but once somebody understands the sequence of motion, it's unbelievable how you see straight away the shaft starts to shallow."
"Every putt is straight; all you're tasked with is to start it on the line that you want at the pace that you want."
"This is the simplest way to improve your golf swing, just learning step by step."
"With better sequence, more compression, higher straighter shots."
"As Mike Austin said, 'I'm looking for mobility, not stability.'"
"The better the golfer, the hips are staying more centered and they have more hip rotation."
"The goal here is to get to impact in a very consistent way with maximum amounts of speed."
"Stability comes from your feet, so if you're more stable, you can apply the force of the arms and hands and the club to the ball in a more consistent way."
"Side bend and rotation square the face."
"Hooking and slicing is virtually eliminated in this swing because you do not have to manage the opening and closing of the clubface during the swing."
"We teach them how to hit the ball square."
"This is huge, and it's one of the biggest skills that you need to learn as a golfer to get this lovely natural effortless motion."
"That is how they control the club, and it's also how they can generate the speed."
"It really requires great touch and feel to get this in a three-foot circle around the hole."
"That's a good looking swing there."
"If you get everything in the right position and make the right swing, get your weight transfer in the right direction, you're going to hit it long and straight."
"The only object of the golf swing is to get the club to meet the ball correctly. How that is achieved is of no account as long as it can be made repetitive."
"Tension is one of the killers in the golf swing."
"The golf swing in itself is about rhythm; you got to have rhythm."
"The downswing starts a lot sooner than most people would think."
"When we can keep that good tilt, left side down, now I can turn and keep everything in the height of the radius of my swing."
"I played my best golf when I had a slight hesitation at the top."
"I think to hit the ball long ways you need to take a nice slow smooth backswing."
"That's the feeling of backing into it and then letting everything unwind from the ground up."
"If you can do this stop at the top, come down, and hit solid contact, chances are you're going to be hitting some really pure iron shots."
"Exploring the speed of the backswing, the speed of these forces are really going to find a sweet spot; what's too fast, what's too slow, what's just right for you."
"That's pretty much textbook golf right there."
"If we can stay on top of this golf ball and turn, get a nice full turn, we're going to get more depth."
"The straighter you take the club back, the straighter you'll be able to bring it down and through the ball."
"One of the most important factors of warming up is concentrating on your rhythm."
"The separation between the hips and the upper body... that's when you really start creating a lot of ball speed."
"Your intent here is going to be to make sure on every Chip Shot... that still is your core intent: brush the ground with the golf club."
"Your goal is to have a path that is fairly neutral, a face angle that's square, and hit the ball on your intended line."
"The hands rotate, the club keeps coming up the plane."
"David Ledbetter straight away designed to help you get more distance, better technique, greater accuracy, and of course improved consistency."
"That right there is the basic motion for a good arm swing with the right arm."
"You always want to start the downswing by using your lower body."
"So the way you use your hips or not is going to have a massive influence on so many parts of your golf swing."
"You want to grip the golf club as if you're holding a bird in your hands, not too hard to where you kill it, but not too soft where you let it fly away."