
Self-paced Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"You learn at your pace, not somebody else's."
"There's no deadline to it. You could start whenever you want."
"If somebody is trying to rush you, you don't have to rush unless you're ready."
"It's those aha moments that really truly allow you to heal, at a pace that is comfortable for you."
"The beauty of it is you can take it at your own pace."
"You always have access to the program, so you can take it at your own pace."
"I'm not in the rush, I don't move when other people want me to move."
"I move on my pace and my according, you feel me?"
"Just do what you can, moving at your own pace here."
"Run your race at your own pace, declutter your life at a pace that you're comfortable with."
"You are not on anyone else's timeline but your own."
"Walking at your own pace signals mental strength."
"Do it at the pace that you set because that is what your heart and your brain tell you to do."
"We're not going to count any repetitions throughout the warm-up or today's workout, we just want you to move at a pace that you feel comfortable with and push yourself."
"You can move through any journey of your choosing at your own pace."
"It's self-paced. So, it's my voice, it's me sharing the screen."
"Take your time, go at your own pace."
"It's really important to go at your own pace."
"Fabulous lets you go at your own pace, but it's still fun and rewarding."
"Remember also that there's no like rush to the finish line like you can do this as slowly as you want to."
"The real Rehabilitation for me and for many prisoners is self-paced and self-directed."
"I do want to go at your own speed, do not rush anything beyond, no, don't."
"Don't rush bro, go at your own pace and do things at your own time."
"You don't need to catch up to where we are right now, just need to go at your own pace and just never, ever stop."
"This drill is extremely valuable because not only will it allow you to progress very quickly, but it also allows you to work at your own pace."
"You kind of do it at your own pace."
"I feel like I'm kind of getting a late start but there's no such thing as a late start right like we all get to do things in our own time."
"Learn in-depth and at your own pace with Brilliant."
"Take your time, work at your own pace."
"But tonight of course she's got the chance to actually start off at a pace if she so wants."
"For all ages. Youth and adults. And it's go at your own pace."
"I decided that I really wanted to just go at my own pace and I'm so happy I had the best time."
"I don't want drawing to be super pressure heavy if that makes sense keep it keep it pressure free and go at your own pace."
"You don't need a degree, you can start it any time, you can learn it at your own pace and it's also kind of fun."
"The all day declutter is a bonus, it's not the actual course. You know that, right? The course is modules, videos, audio, printables that take you through taking your house back. Okay? That's all completely self-paced, does not matter when you do it, you do it on your own."
"Focus on what you like doing, go at your own pace, and find the stuff that you're good at."
"Capella offers a FlexPath format, a self-paced learning format that puts you in the driver's seat."
"You can pause the video and try it out by yourself."
"Every Skillshare class allows you to go at your own pace according to the available time that you have."
"Who loves lifelong learning? Who else loves learning at their own pace?"
"I thought I worked at my own pace and I was reading the defense a lot better."
"It does not matter if a three-year-old can do a cartwheel and you can't. No one can tell you your timeline of when you learn how to do things."
"You can take it just as slowly as you want, putting in the time that you need."
"I'm going to slowly work through this as I have time during my quiet time or whenever I feel like it."
"Learn anytime, anywhere and at your own pace."
"This is just a warm-up, guys, so make sure that you are taking it at your own pace."
"Learning is so fun when it's at your own pace and motivated by your own interests and goals."
"It's self-paced, she can do her own lessons on her own time."
"We've seen this rise in asynchronous learning, where students are able to learn at their own pace and own time."
"If you want to know the best program to get into without going into student loan debt, that's going to fully prepare you, and it's going to be at your own pace, you do it whenever your schedule permits."
"You'll feel good about the progress you're making at whatever pace you're moving at."
"Take this challenge at your own pace."
"I'm the most productive and that I do my best work when I can do things at a leisurely pace, in my own way, in my own time."
"It's not competitive, it's not timed, it's really for each girl to set her own personal goal and find her happy pace."
"It's very loose in the sense that you can go at your own pace and you don't feel like you're behind or missing anything."
"No one can push you to go faster than you want to go."
"You've got plenty of time, just ease your way into whatever you're comfortable with."
"You were taking baby steps, you were moving at your own pace."
"Everything is self-paced, you learn as you go, we're here to help and support you."
"Remember, this is not a tutorial, but you can follow along if you want."
"You do it at your own pace, not on everybody else's timeline."
"Wherever you're at, remember this is your workout. You set the pace."
"You are on your own timeline; you do things when you get to them."
"They also include tools that let you learn at your own pace."
"You're not under pressure, there was no speed component to this activity, that's why we love YouTube because you can be like, 'Hey, get to it,' it's perpetually on your own speed."
"Now if you're ready to get started, pay very close attention to the technique, go at your own pace, and graduate as you feel ready."
"Now understand this is at your own pace."
"What I love about Skillshare is you can just learn at your own pace on your own time."
"It's not hard, and it's totally free. You get access forever, and you can take it at your own pace."
"I'm not on anyone else's timeline but my own."
"It's a great place to learn at your own pace, get qualified for in-demand jobs, no matter what your experience level is."
"For a normal person, if you take it seriously, if you're not too busy, you can probably finish it in about two to three months."
"Don't stress out just because it's your own shop; work at your own pace."
"Simply learn at your pace, your place."
"Babbel is a great way to naturally learn a language at your own pace."
"This is your journey; you get to create these at your own pace."
"Kumon students move ahead at their own pace, setting their own goals."
"We're moving at our own pace, guys, no pressure on this."
"Students can complete them at their own pace."
"Dare to move forward. You don't have to go fast, there is absolutely nobody rushing you except you."
"We're all uniquely on our own journeys and our own timelines when it comes to what we're learning and what we're integrating."
"It's not a race; there is no competition here."
"It's all about progress and just doing it in your own time."