
Starfleet Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The Engineering Hull is a testament to the remarkable capabilities of Starfleet."
"I don't mind that we are in kind of a darker grittier era of the Federation and Starfleet than we've seen before."
"Throughout the history of Starfleet, the name Enterprise has been associated with legendary ships spanning over several hundred years."
"The changelings have infiltrated the very high levels of Starfleet."
"The death penalty for Talos IV: Starfleet just kind of wings it when it comes to laws."
"Life of a Starfleet captain, huh?"
"After the Battle of Wolf 359, Starfleet realized it hadn't been prepared for the encounter with the Borg."
"Starfleet stood its ground and through technical innovation and advancement, actually did well overall in the battle."
"Starfleet has kept vigilant in its pursuit of technological innovations to assure that a tragedy like Wolf 359 will never happen again."
"Starfleet captains must exercise discretion and judgment when offering asylum."
"Starfleet is amassing an Armada in Sector 001 to defend against the latest Borg incursion."
"The Ambassador class brought Starfleet into the 24th century."
"It was the change in mentality with which Starfleet applied these new technologies to create something completely novel and to go where no one has gone before."
"Starfleet is so advanced that they can add additional decks; they don't have to compact existing decks, and the ship's dimensions don't change at all."
"I joined the Marquee because belonging there meant standing up to Injustice even if it meant betraying your beloved Starfleet that was me."
"There has been quite a bit of criticism on Starfleet when you consider the situation the officers were in."
"Starfleet isn't a military organization. Its purpose is exploration."
"Making your way back from the Delta Quadrant requires compromises, but a Starfleet officer should draw the line somewhere, right?"
"It's also the most impressive of the various Starfleet facilities orbiting Earth."
"In an idealized version of Earth's future, Starfleet still has to put up a 'no girls allowed' sign."
"Starfleet obviously does a little bit of a Back to Basics look."
"Starfleet would be impressed with the mileage you can get out one of these engines."
"Cheers to the finest crew in Starfleet."
"I have not come here to reveal the secrets of Starfleet technology."
"We undertook a mission to rescue people that Starfleet has abandoned."
"Few ensigns embody the unapologetic optimism of Starfleet as much as D'Vana Tendi."
"She eventually left Discovery to go on and become a trainer at Starfleet Academy."
"One might say that today's exercise is about the very future of Starfleet."
"The Galaxy class starship was an iconic symbol of Starfleet in the 24th century, even into the 25th century."
"The Enterprise D continued to serve as the flagship of the United Federation of Planets."
"We can gain so much knowledge about the Federation and even how Starfleet works."
"It's the speech that Picard delivers to Wesley outlining the importance of the truth in Starfleet."
"The Prime Directive is Starfleet's non-interference rule."
"I didn't join Starfleet to get in phaser fights, I signed up to explore."
"This is a Starfleet ship with a Starfleet crew; we will follow the Starfleet codes of conduct to the letter."
"He believes in himself more than the structure of Starfleet; captains of his time had to."
"Project Sign was created in 2275 under the authority of Starfleet's Technical Intelligence Division."
"I'm facing Starfleet Academy's unwinnable command scenario, the Kobayashi Maru."
"Chief Miles O'Brien, perhaps the most important person in Starfleet history."
"From just another anonymous Starfleet crewman to a chief engineer and main character, O'Brien remains an enduring and refreshing character who left an important mark on the Star Trek universe."
"Starfleet that even despite the worst catastrophe in Star Trek history still was willing to hold on to its ideals."
"Starfleet tends to limit its time travel. They just use it for saving whales and carrying out Janeway's eventual court-martial."
"Is it as cool to be the captain of an actual Starfleet vessel as I think it is?"
"Living according to your values and doing what's right for your crew is very much a Starfleet thing."
"'Believe me, I am far from eager to leave Starfleet. I have grown to love the star-spanning life.'"
"'Do I detect a note of sarcasm, Captain Picard?'"
"'Not everybody in Starfleet is moving up material. That doesn't make it any easier on the ones who are left behind.'"
"'I'm late, sir. Sorry, but Commander Data asked me to make a course change at the last minute.'"
"I have always preferred things to people, which is why Starfleet medical suits me so well."
"Nothing's more Starfleet than that."
"One of Starfleet's original missions was scientific exploration."
"There's pride in being Starfleet, and now that's been taken away from us. It's a scary place to be."
"The Titan had one of the most diverse crews in Starfleet history."
"Archer was supposed to be an explorer, the pioneer of Starfleet who paves the way for Kirk, Picard, and Janeway to go out and explore the galaxy."
"Many a rebel from all reaches of the Galaxy have found their way to Starfleet."
"Fascinating, now this of course was the catchphrase of another famous Starfleet Vulcan."
"What I like about Starfleet isn't the action stuff, the fighting stuff; it's the exploration."
"Its systems were far more advanced than anything available to Starfleet in the 24th century."
"As we say in Starfleet, make it so."
"We deserve that belt simply for the reason that we observe the tenants of Starfleet."
"You cannot keep a secret in Starfleet, that is just a given, which is just brilliant."
"It's a great addition to the Starfleet roster, it's very stout and stocky looking, looks like a real scrapper."