
Pleasant Weather Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's a lovely morning here in Colony Island."
"It's a beautiful temperature, summer's coming."
"It's a nice day outside, the weather is perfect."
"It's a nice lovely day for hammering."
"You know you got like a warm breeze coming over you, just... it's lovely."
"Can't get over how nice an evening it is."
"This outdoor patio eating weather, yes it is."
"This evening is so gorgeous, the humidity really subsided, and it's only like in the high 70s right now, which is unheard of for us in July."
"We're really looking forward to this afternoon, can't believe the weather, so a fantastic combination."
"It's a brilliant time of year really, I'm up at the Western House hotel right next to where race course, the sun is shining blue sky, lovely day today."
"The sunshine was a very nice surprise."
"It's a beautiful afternoon, the sun is sunning."
"It's gonna be a great night, I mean the weather is supposed to get down to like 60 or maybe like 58 something like that, very nice."
"It's a beautiful afternoon at Notre Dame."
"If you're looking to come and open this year, you are really in for a treat, the weather is absolutely gorgeous."
"It's been lovely and sunny, lots of different types of people from all walks of life."
"It's quiet, there's hardly anybody around, the weather has been delightful."
"We've got a bit of clear blue sky, sun's been out, really nice drive over."
"Weather feels amazing; it's kind of cool and crisp, but the sun is permeating."
"It's been a nice crisp day here in the Sunshine State, lots of sunshine to be had."
"We're really happy to be here in Fort Myers, we're in Geico's P1 boat, we're loving the weather."
"It's evenings like this where it's nice and clear outside with beautiful sunsets, where it's not super hot."
"It's a lovely sunny day; it's a Friday."
"Nothing beats a good walk when the weather's nice."
"Just imagine this beautiful sunny day, you're walking along the coast, it's warm but it's not necessarily like uber hot."
"It's kind of nice out today, so I'm gonna open the door for breakfast. Beautiful view."
"It's a beautiful day for it, welcome to Dorset."
"I'm doing pretty good, chilling, today is Tuesday, very nice out today, beautiful weather."
"It's very nice in the springtime especially when the weather is good."
"It's a beautiful day on Main Street."
"It's been really, really nice and we've had some lovely weather."
"Well finally, we are able to get out in the garden, and it is an absolutely glorious day."
"It's a beautiful day, we're by the river."
"It's a lovely day now, the tour has arrived."
"It was amazing with the waves crashing, the birds chirping, the weather was still nice, it wasn't humid... there were no mosquitoes and all that."
"It was so much fun, the nice weather, oh yeah, awesome."
"Mexico City's mild climate which people describe as eternal springtime."
"What a fun day you guys, planting flowers, getting bulbs, new houseplant load, and it's a beautiful day."
"Looks like we have another nice day."
"It's been such a nice day, and the sun has just come out for us."
"This coolish breeze this morning feels so good, doesn't it feel good?"
"The weather is extremely nice, the sun is shining, there is no wind."
"I'm home, it feels good, the weather here is amazing, it feels great."
"It's looking so nice out today, so we're just waiting for Chris to get home from work."
"It is so nice outside today, like a breeze, it's like 70 degrees."
"Welcome to a bright and beautiful day here in BGC. The sun's out, blue skies everywhere."
"It's fall in Nashville, the leaves are turning, and the temperatures are in the 70s and low 80s."
"The weather was truly delightful today."
"This is the most magical time to be here in my opinion, decorations, the weather's so much better."