
Forensic Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The medical examiner found that Lisa's air supply was cut off very, very slowly, like something was gradually pushing down harder and harder on her neck."
"But measurements were taken before sending and it was determined that the bones could belong to a woman of Amelia Earhart's size."
"It may be the only piece of physical evidence that we're ever gonna have to help us try to figure out what happened."
"There were little smears absolutely everywhere on the steering wheel on the chair on the console in the middle. Someone had definitely been bleeding in there."
"Based on your training and experience and the lab results, did you find it likely that Tammy died of an intoxicant? No."
"Forensic photography can expose evidence that would otherwise have been missed."
"The soil analysis is rather significant because it tied the suspect Jackson to the gravesite where Valley was found."
"Matching up the tire print from the Jackson's vehicle to the tire print from the Springdale site was very important because it helped us to establish that Brad Jackson or that vehicle had been in that area."
"Some of the hairs recovered from the duct tape found at the crime scene had not originated from Scott Dunn."
"From a forensic point of view, perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this landmark case is that conviction was achieved without the presence of a body, and this was the first time that this had ever happened."
"In this series we shine a light on how Cutting Edge forensic techniques and the power of science brought the most dangerous Killers to Justice."
"When I first examined Melissa's body I was struck by the number of bruises and scratches over her body which indicated significant blunt force trauma."
"The bloody fingerprint had a shape called a tented arch, rare in only five percent of the population."
"...authorities actually had to use dental records to confirm her identity."
"By analyzing a memory dump, you pretty much get a good idea of what was running at the time, what files were open, what files were being modified, etc., etc."
"It matches the frequency of occurrence of this composite profile of the leg, which matches the composite profile of the blood from the trunk, is very rare with, I believe, a frequency of less than one in 700 million."
"I am board certified in forensic psychology."
"The forensic evidence we gathered at the scene of this incident were key into solving this crime."
"A forensic examination of Brad's body confirmed what forensic scientists had told the jury in court two years earlier: the determined cause of death was multiple gunshot wounds to the head and upper thoracic region."
"Each forensic test was a piece of the mosaic and when put together showed clearly what occurred during Brad Brisbane's last moments alive."
"Christina's DNA which was found in the back of the car."
"You've all done is you found that pretty much wherever you started to do the comparison between the suspect and the evidence sample is that there was a difference."
"In 2016, Jennifer fairgate was exhumed from her grave and a sample of her DNA was obtained."
"We can get DNA evidence from biological fluids such as saliva, sweat, or blood. We can also get it from hair, and most commonly we get it from touch, which just means that you leave cells behind when you touch something."
"The case would remain dormant without any updates until 2016. in 2016 a forensic review was opened into the case with detectives investigating the case further to see if they needed to reopen it the outcome so far has been unknown."
"The forensic examination of Diane's brain turns up that there was only a one in 100,000 chance that she had actually died from an epileptic fit."
"Why is it matter how he bruises in a few hours 45 minutes he wanted to know about a different case in the show anyway about like well this body had bruises on a bit like they appeared can bruises appear so long after death yeah kind of thing."
"There were so many abrasions that the medical examiner couldn’t figure out where one injury ended and another began."
"The clearest evidence in these cases is obviously the physical body of the deceased."
"Forensic science can win convictions from the most minute clues."
"...every piece of that DNA was from either Shanti, Jackson, who lived in the home, or the defendant. Nobody else, no mystery person, just the people that lived in the home."
"So Margaret was included as a possible contributor to the mixture and the mixture is 88 million times more likely to occur if it originated from Margaret and one unrelated individual than from two unrelated individuals."
"Chad was also included as a possible contributor to that mixture and that mixture is greater than 700 billion times more likely if it originated from Chad Amato and one unrelated individual than from two unrelated individuals."
"DNA collected at the crime scene is tested and it's not found to match the DNA of Damien, Jason, or Jessie."
"Forensic assessment instruments are very neatly tied to legal criteria."
"The inquiry undertakes its work in a forensic manner, only asking questions of witnesses when it's satisfied that all reasonably relevant material has been obtained."
"But science uncovered an important detail of the victim's last night alive."
"When they arrested Stefan, they did forensic tests to match his semen against semen found on the little girl's clothes. The samples didn't match."
"Forensic psychiatry is the specialty that pertains to the law."
"We have the definitive forensic evidence that could lead them to solve the case."
"In forensic pathology, we like to think of things that are close together in space are close together in time."
"The forensic psychiatrist is a fully trained psychiatrist who has undergone extra training to learn to deal with issues related to psychiatry in the law."
"Forensic evaluation is the intersection of a legal issue and a field of study."
"Forensic accounting is looking for clues in financial statements to see if you're a company that is potentially committing fraud."
"I perform autopsies to determine cause and manner of death."
"Time of death has been determined accurate within particular parameters."
"Could you describe the process that you used in collecting the buccal swab?" "Yes, we have a kit that we use that contains two sterile swabs and some packaging material."
"Because of internal evidence found inside of both victims, they're able to come up with a DNA profile."
"My job is to determine the cause and manner of death in individuals that end up in our office."