
Spine Health Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Core strength is crucial for holding our spine in position, in a way where it's strong, connected, and feels safe."
"Creating flexibility in the spine. Opening up through the hip, low back."
"I'd really like to get to 350 radiculopathy it's basically where you have either like a a herniated disc or a bulging disc in your back which pinches a nerve."
"We aren't really taught health healthcare with our spine we're taught illness care."
"Keep your spine healthy, moving, and flexible."
"And release. Let's relax forward bend over, grab onto your elbows and just let your head hang between your biceps. Good, relax your spine, breathe deep."
"This is my favorite way to build strength in the back body so really great for the spine."
"The anatomy of the spine is important because this is revealed in great detail on the MRI."
"Degenerative disc disease is probably genetic in many patients."
"Patients can have multi-level degenerative changes."
"Practicing good posture will be one of the best things that you can do for your spine."
"Remember pilates is a wonderful exercise method to help with your spine."
"The female to male ratio is two to one, females, and in the spine, it's higher, four to one, especially in the thoracic."
"Cats and cows are great for your entire spine."
"Just getting that spine moving, feeling into the vertebrae's."
"It's called coupled motion, but the vertebrae rotate back to midline."
"Essentially at the end of your day, we have to put your spine back into its home position."
"That's what's going to help the spine actually regenerate and get healthier over time."
"Thank you very much for coming, that was 30 minutes of functional exercises to improve the extension of your spine to reduce rounded shoulders and also to work the core, the hips, and the glutes."
"You're able to give me a great rotation to warm the spine, mobilize the body."
"When spines relax in the true sense of the word, they lengthen; they return to a natural lengthening state."
"3D definitely has made the spinal examination much more comprehensive."
"Keep elongating the spine, breathing life energy into every joint of the spine."
"This pose is really great for lengthening your spine and it takes the pressure off of the lower vertebrae."
"Lift your upper and middle spine up, exhale lower back down."
"Child's pose, really nice stretch out that spine."
"A great curve to support the natural curvature of your spine."
"It's important to know which exercises specifically to do and how."
"You want these exercises to be both effective and safe for your spine."
"I always think about when I'm trying to restore somebody's posture, I'm trying to have it remember where your spine used to be."
"Look well to the spine for the cause of disease - Hippocrates."
"Feel your spine elongate, looking for the same neutral spine that we've been working with."
"It's going to be a gentle practice that's going to nourish your spine and help relieve tension in your low back."
"This is providing some really nice mobility all through our spine here, as well as opening up the front of our hips."
"This is a beautiful T-spine extension and rotation drill."
"Roll up one bone at a time through the spine."
"Rolling up again one vertebra after another all the way to a long spine."
"If we can just release those muscles first, it's going to help to affect the whole spine."
"Awesome work, hands underneath the shoulders, then push the hips back to a child's pose, feeling the spine release here."
"It's a fact most pathology in the lumbar spine is degenerative in nature."
"This is a great stretch for your spine and your back; you're just releasing all the tension."
"Take a big breath in here, and as you exhale, tuck your chin to your chest, scoop your tailbone under, and rock back."
"Back to the center, round your spine, and articulate your spine."
"Keep that spine nice and neutral, for your head just slightly look in front of your hands."
"We're trying to make your spine remember where it was."
"Enhance your energy levels, work on the mobility of your spine, flexibility, and improve your circulation."
"Chiropractic was designed initially over a hundred years ago to fix spines, not to just treat a bunch of symptoms."
"Roll down sequencing through the spine, getting a nice stretch through the lower back."
"What we're doing is we're opening up the spine, we're trying to stretch out the backbone a little bit and create more space in there."
"Tuck your hips and then release to a neutral position, so you're never arching your spine."
"Inhale and exhale, lengthen your spine, chest open, and shoulders down."
"Create a powerful and reliable base for a strong and healthy spine and fantastic posture."
"Try to extend and ascend your spine. Soft inhalation and exhalation."
"Make a C shape with your spine, go back as far as you can without lifting your feet."
"This is really about elongating your spine and getting full mobility in your back as well as your hamstrings."
"Press your chest towards your feet; this will help you get more length in your spine and open up any tension in your shoulders."