
Smoothie Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"It's basically a protein and fat smoothie. It tastes delicious."
"Bananas are the best in is smoothie if you just blend up frozen bananas."
"I'm going to try and recreate this delicious smoothie... it's a matcha shake, it is so good."
"This is the best smoothie that you will ever make, it is fantastic."
"I love a gloopy smoothie that I can't even eat through a straw."
"Now to look at the smoothie this is so different some of the other things we've looked at they're kind of similar they look just about the same maybe a little bit of difference but this is so different."
"I focus on omega-3 fats I put superfoods and I put the raw carbohydrates and I put a lot of calories in my normal my normal everyday breakfast smoothie"
"An excellent fast breakfast is a smoothie with high fiber, generous protein, and great fats, like coconut water, protein powder, blueberries, and chia seeds."
"So I know no surprise there, I always have either a smoothie or smoothie bowl of my workouts but I just cannot beat this for the amount that I enjoy it versus the amount of like nutrition that's in here and how it makes me feel and recovering everything. It's just unbeatable."
"Crafting the perfect smoothie, blending together the essential ingredients of well-being, compassion, wisdom, and curiosity."
"Avocados make your smoothie really creamy."
"I propose to you guys we do a fruit draft. We all draft our favorite fruit and then at the end we all take the four fruits that we've combined that we ended up with and we have to make them into a smoothie and then we do a taste test to see whose smoothie tastes the best."
"Should we make a smoothie? Yeah, should we make a family smoothie?"
"A delicious red raspberry smoothie."
"All right, now it's all blended up. I need to grab a cup. Okay, here we go, let's pour it in the cup. Mmm, yum."
"It's literally a smoothie, so good."
"I've been really into two different things so either a smoothie which is what I'm gonna do today."
"Frozen banana adds a lovely velvety sweetness to the smoothie."
"It's amazing for your skin Health your hair Health your good health it's hydrated it's just everything that you could want in a smoothie."
"These are smoothie bars and yes they're frozen and yes they are delicious."
"This smoothie tastes like a damn milkshake, but it's filled with so many healthy ingredients."
"This is such a good smoothie combination by the way, tastes like dessert."
"I would like a strawberry, pear, kiwi, and orange smoothie."
"...having had that morning smoothie for a few mornings now it completely very stiff it completely stops me from snacking in the day which I think is amazing..."
"I am very happy with this. Imagine making your own smoothie on the go like this. Everyone will be like, 'What the hell is going on?'"
"That is delicious, Taro smoothie."
"For breakfast this week, three of the days we're gonna have my protein pancakes and for two of the days we're gonna have my fat burning antioxidant smoothie."
"Nothing better than that on an iced super hot day, an ice-cold smoothie."
"An apple, raspberry, banana, and more apples smoothie. Mmm, delicious!"
"An apple, raspberry, banana, and more apples smoothie. Delicious!"
"This smoothie is so tasty and it's really healthy too."
"The smoothie that we just made was so nice, I'm going to have to get my hands on some of that collagen."
"The cactus one is the best. That's probably the best smoothie I ever had in my life."
"If you want to make the most bomb smoothie ever, it literally tastes so good and it's really healthy for you."
"Actually, it tastes kind of like a chocolate banana milkshake; it's actually the better of the smoothies I've had today."
"It tastes like if you took a cantaloupe, some milk, and some jackfruit and blended those together."
"If you're making a berry smoothie, you should try adding a little bit of lemon to it because it adds like a nice brightness to it."
"I made it really thick but I also added banana, peanut butter."
"I'm trying to have a smoothie every day."
"Who doesn't love a strawberry banana smoothie?"
"I'm so happy with how this turned out, probably going to be one of my new favorite tropical smoothies."
"I love that planet smoothie right there, it's good."
"This literally tastes like a smoothie, like whenever you make a smoothie in the morning."
"I'm not freezing, I'm just drinking a very blueberry smoothie."
"Mango and coconut smoothie, delicious, very creamy, very morish, just like me."
"I feel my best when I have a smoothie in the morning."
"This is the best smoothie I've ever had in the whole entire world."
"I just picked up some stuff for my smoothie: mango, pineapple, coconut water, and banana."
"Don't underestimate the simplicity of this smoothie because it is just fantastic."
"I'm going to make a lovely smoothie."
"I'm drinking a spinach smoothie right now."
"I really love a good green smoothie with banana, spinach, protein powder, and coconut water."
"Pineapple smoothie really wakes you up."
"The best smoothie in the world is two ripe bananas, soy milk, and a handful of kale."
"This is fire, peach mango smoothie with mango popping jelly Boba."
"Honestly, I think the best thing you can do for a smoothie is add peanut butter; it is such a game changer."
"So my smoothie is actually like really, really good."
"This smoothie is so freaking good."
"This is one of my biggest secrets, a huge smoothie, get in as much good nutrition as you can first thing."
"I just finished making this smoothie, and I'm still not super hungry, but I wanted to have something that I could still get a little protein in."
"I've been really obsessed with the combo of chocolate and peanut butter in my smoothies."
"You can't have a smoothie without bananas in this house."
"Here it is, my favorite all-time smoothie."
"Delicious, so good. I always make this smoothie, it's just such an easy one, always tastes delightful."
"Let me know down below, are you a smoothie person or you're a smoothie bowl person?"
"This has seriously become one of my favorite smoothies ever."
"I do a protein and collagen chocolate smoothie."
"A healthy green smoothie and a tuna and feta and beetroot salad."
"It's strawberry and orange smoothie, and I am living for it."
"Turn a blue day to a bright hue yellow with a smoothie in here, extra fruit, hey!"