
Film Photography Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Shooting on film, it slows you down and forces you to shoot fewer images. Yet your appreciation for these images will be far more pronounced than their equivalent digital files."
"Shooting film isn't as expensive as you may think."
"There's still a valid reason to shoot on film."
"I am so grateful that you're on this kodak film journey with me it's encouraging to see that you enjoy it as much as i do."
"Like the Predator ripping a spine out of someone's body, I ripped the Tri-X out of the Yashica T4."
"So who are these little disposable cameras for? Well, I think they're for people who just want to kind of test the waters with film photography."
"If you've never tried film photography before but fancy giving it a go, it doesn't need to cost the world."
"Everything with film photography, especially when you do it yourself at home, is going to require some level of pushing buttons and changing things and kind of working through it. That's part of the fun, of course."
"Receiving my 16 millimeter scans for the first time quite literally made me never want to shoot another digital video again."
"Thank you. Shooting film is a process that involves a variety of steps."
"With photography film, it's not too hard to take control of many of these steps for yourself."
"It's better to try and overexpose when you're shooting film than to underexpose."
"This is the easiest way to expose your images for film photography hands down, and you can apply it in almost any circumstance."
"Film photography for me is not just taking photos; it is so much more beautiful and layered than that."
"It's honestly just one of the most capable film cameras ever made; it's an absolute beast."
"When I loaded that last roll of film into my camera, it was kind of a strange feeling."
"It's warmer, it has warmth in the shadows when exposed correctly, it's got very fine grain."
"Oh, I love shooting film because it kind of just slows down the process for you."
"I enjoy it, and a lot of us enjoy shooting film; we love the whole process."
"Don't forget it's your hobby; you enjoy it. So every time you go out and shoot film, hopefully, you're enjoying the process of what you're doing."
"Contax remains a symbol of innovation and craftsmanship that continues to be celebrated by the film photography community."
"I'm more than happy with these; they've got the grain that you would expect in film."
"Film won't ever disappear as it's relatively easy to make, so with one of these cameras, you're future-proof."
"For me, the beauty of film photography lies in the simplicity of the medium."
"Film developing is a really cool process and there's a lot to know and a lot to learn but it's not essential to exploring film and enjoying it."
"Nowadays you are still able to get into film photography for less than a hundred dollars and start enjoying the whole photography experience."
"The rapid load system in the M6 just makes loading film a lot faster."
"Love it or hate it, Velvia 50 has risen to be sort of the king of color slide films for landscape work."
"The world's now waking up to the virtues of film once again."
"Velvia 50 is an exceptional portrait film."
"I wanted something that gave me the film-like experience but in digital."
"The earth looks good indeed; the forms of nature, once they're integrated on the magic rectangle of the film, satisfy me completely."
"This entire event was all about celebrating film photography."
"Most people shooting film are doing it for aesthetic reasons and because they like it."
"If you are consistently shooting film... I'd definitely recommend picking something like this up."
"I love film strips, I think they're super cool and they can really go with so many different themes."
"It's a gorgeous looking film Sim and a great addition to the xt5."
"Old-fashioned film look, I love shooting in film."
"Don't you just love film photography? It's so quiet and peaceful... everything's hands-on, and that's why I like shooting film."
"I'm shooting film which has a different sort of dynamic range... it will pick up details in shadows and highlights whereas digital doesn't."
"Would I shoot it again? I think so, now that I know to rate it at ISO 10, the developing is pretty straightforward."
"You don't shoot film because of the quality, you shoot film because of the aesthetics, the limitations, because of what it forces you to do and how it forces you to think."
"If you shoot film long enough, you take a shot and you're like, 'Okay, I nailed it.'"
"There will always be a place for analogue and film photography. And as long as you enjoy the process and the results you get, at the end of the day - that's all that really matters."
"Thanks to everyone who chimed in; there's one of the many things I love about the film photography community."
"It's great if you can get your hands on some film and try shooting in film."
"If you're just getting into film photography, large format, if you're somebody that supports small independent manufacturers, check out the Ravenni Labs spot meter."
"If you are really concerned about wasting film, I would recommend the Instax Mini Evo because you can really get the most out of your film."