
Passing Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"Goodbye Terrence, thank you for everything. And you know, he's on the other side now and he can know that he made an impact." - YouTuber
"His father died at the age of 45 in November of 2018."
"It was described by the nurse and his doctor as a very peaceful passing."
"Bald Sprout, remember? Yeah, rest in peace, boss probably already lived the whole life and died at this point."
"Magic Johnson: the greatest passer ever and it's not close."
"John Stockton, the best pure passer in NBA history."
"What makes him great is when he gets to the basket, creates basically like a post up, then he pitches out of it."
"The ability to make high leverage passes is not only a huge contributor to how impactful and effective Yices is as a scorer, but it also puts this offensive juggernaut into territory of being impossible to defend."
"You may pass one punishment off to another player."
"This life is nothing but a test, and shortly everyone will pass it."
"It's gonna happen if it starts happening while I'm talking about something mundane, let it happen, it'll pass, it always does."
"Terry passed away on August 23rd, 2023, at the age of 79."
"He's not specialising in anything except passing."
"We are merely ships that pass in the night."
"Don’t try to look outside when the whistler goes past."
"Pogba passes the ball up from midfield in a much more effective way than any other player."
"This energy will pass; this too shall pass."
"His passes significantly contribute to creating goal scoring opportunities in the final third."
"She thinks this may have been something like the angel of death because the patient was going downhill and ended up passing a few weeks after that."
"...as Achilles passed away, he wasn't sad, nor was he scared. He was at peace."
"...dropping dimes as he gets out in transition."
"PL watch your aura pass me by losing."
"She simply walked by one last time and then was gone."
"Time passes quickly for a Pokémon trainer."
"Everything fades, everything's in the moment."
"I promise you this will pass. It will pass."
"Bird's passing was transcendent and helped transform the Celtics of the 80s into an ideal that basketball teams at all levels are still shown tape of."
"He's my number one overall ability to pass."
"Feelings pass through. They don't stay."
"He passed with the whistle of tires on the asphalt."
"Congratulations! That is not only a great score, it's just well, of course, anything over passing is great. The score technically doesn't matter, if you get one, if you get exactly the number you need to pass, that's a pass."
"It's complete speculation as to how these grades work but what we know is that it is possible for you to take all of the multiple choice section and not answer any of the performance-based questions and still pass this exam."
"Maybe millions of people go by, but they all disappear from view."
"Everything passes and the things that in the moment feel like you know the end of your life are not and um you know time goes on so I'm aware of that too but but it's really hard it weighs on me it does."
"Everything passes unless you don't let it."
"He passed away from complications of Alzheimer’s at age 92."
"Nicola Jokic and Wilt Chamberlain are often recognized as the greatest passing big men of NBA history."
"It was the last hurray for the man who had carried the torch for so long and the passing to the man who would carry it into the future"
"Your troubles will go away like water beneath a bridge."
"Andrew Wilson's buzzsaw passing is fantastic."
"Somebody gotta tell him so I thought I was just passing him on and passing him on so that was you know and but it worked you know it was fun."
"In the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow."
"Not only are they able to play the ball short but they're also crucially able to play the ball long and it's this flexibility of passing that I think is going to lend itself really well to Liverpool's dynamic system."
"Every phase is so different and you know even the hard ones like they do pass."
"...great anticipation, handling the passing lane, and then a perfect pass on the break."
"Life is slowly passing you by like sands through an hourglass."
"This feeling that plagues us, it's gonna pass. Before you know it, it'll be as if we never felt it at all."
"That extraordinary evil man passed from this world."
"The news of his passing echoed through the industry like a somber melody, eliciting heartfelt tributes from peers, friends, and admirers."
"This is the difference between passing and failing, knowing subnetting."
"Lucklily such an inconvenience quickly passed..."
"The whole idea is when you're passing somebody you're not doing it for long."
"A legacy of excellence and admiration: Sean Connery's passing."
"They love passing the ball. That's reminiscent of years ago."
"If that pass works and Martial plays it to Rashford, everyone will go, 'That starts from Bruno's forward, it's not a pass, it's a nutmeg.'"
"Thank you." [Mysterious figure passing through the kitchen]
"One thing you have to admire about Hopkins in their half-court offenses is how well they pass the ball."
"Knowing that [ __ ] and everyone really... they passing on you know what I'm saying..."
"One of the best shot blockers, one of the best Rim runners, under, you know, really, really impressive passer."
"I just hope that he would pass me one."
"Sadly, Lewis Gosa Jr passed away on March 29th, 2024 at a rehabilitation center in Santa Monica, California."
"...his defense is his strength I think there are times where his passing he's still getting used to the passing core so I think that's going to come over time."
"There's this void that comes with passing."
"Often the soul knows when its time here in this physical world has passed."
"It's like ships passing in the night."
"Take my words with a grain of salt. If you don't like them, don't worry about them. They will pass quickly."
"Den passes the dark saber back to Bo-Katan and pledges."
"I want the ball in his hands because I want them to be able to make moves after the catch."
"Just summer is going by way too fast."
"...we can't dismiss passing for these trans guys because it's crucial to the identity development and selfhood."
"The Beloved actor best known for playing gentle giant Eric Hoss Cartwright on the hit western series passed away at age 43."
"You have nothing to worry about in passing and in death."
"Arguably the greatest passer of all time, Platiny's long passes were the stuff of legends."
"She's also proven over the course of this year that, you know what, she loves to pass the ball."
"She's a terrific passer from that high post, the hands up in the air, knocking down passes."
"She's passed on the memory, he won't be forgotten."
"James is a very willing passer too. He's a guy that could get his shot every single time, but he really gets his teammates involved."
"He took a turn for the worse at 5am yesterday and died an hour and 15 minutes later."
"It flies by December we're nearly at Christmas."
"If Sauron is defeated and Aragorn made king and all that you hope for comes true, still have to taste the bitterness of mortality. No comfort to ease the pain of his passing."
"I think what I've really taken with me over the past few months is like this too shall pass the way I felt months ago is nowhere near how I'm feeling right now."
"If you do pass, then do come back and let me know in the comment box below."
"Almost 800 yards of offense almost 600 yards of passing offense."
"It feels like someone just passed right through me."
"That's a good pass from Flat Jackson."
"a lie detector test and she passed with flying colors"
"In the end, it's only passing things, the shadow, just a little darkness, then a new day will come."
"Sam Howell for sure is a 4K passer."
"Imagine if he was hauling booty around, he's like I'm just gonna pass this vehicle to screw this."
"Deco could spray long accurate passes across the pitch with pinpoint Precision."
"I heard he passed. Did he die well?"
"I mean damn guys it's been a week."
"Kobe Bryant had more moves than Mike and he ain't passed the ball."
"Giannis is entering a territory in which he is turning into an elite passer."
"Man, this racetrack is really opened up. Guys using the apron all the way up to the third groove. We're able to create momentum and pass."
"I've never had that thought again the one thing that we can guarantee everybody who becomes suicidal is that it will pass."
"She reported that he wasn't feeling well, he was kind of pale, he had a cold, and then he passed away."
"He's a pinpoint precisionist with the pass."
"Every day is a new day so it's like it passes so quickly, so here we are on another day."
"One thing I've always learned is that it always passes."
"Sometimes you got to pass the rock."
"Jokic is the best passing Center ever and I really think he is on that level now with bird of magic for me as a passer."
"This has come around too quickly, doesn't it?"
"I think I will pass that one along to someone else."
"Your life is like a melting Ice Cube, every day that goes by it melts a little bit more."
"Thomas Michel Ford widely recognized as Tommy from the iconic 90s sitcom Martin passed away on Wednesday at an Atlanta Hospital."
"Feelings are like clouds, so they're gonna pass."
"Time is flying folks time is flying."
"Their superpower is the easiest time to pass the ball is when they first catch the ball."
"Thursday the 8th of September 2032 ends with the sad news that her majesty Queen Elizabeth had passed away."
"His range of passing was exceptional."
"Everyone heard about this, Betty White passed away."
"With the help of talented no-name receivers like Williams, Moat, and Lionel Manuel, Sims may give the Giants their first legitimate passing attack since the days of Y.A Tittle."
"We felt like life was passing us by."
"The best passing big we have ever seen, Nikola Jokić."
"She does not want to go away in a panic and fear but wants to pass in peace right by the love of her life."
"Walt laughed and loved it, and then, you know, Walt Disney left this Earth just a few days later."
"Pure passing, bro, give me John Stockton every day of the week."
"Thank you. Emily had been sick for a long time, but I'm just glad she's finally at rest."
"For me, Jason Kidd is a top five passer for me because of what he was able to get in transition."
"He's probably the best passer in the NBA."
"One could make a really compelling argument for Messi being the best passer of the ball in terms about the accuracy of his passes and the vision and incisiveness behind them."
"God has seen fit in his perfect wisdom and goodness to call Hosea the patient, the good, the gently to join his mother in another and better world than this."
"Middle of your foot here, middle of the ball there, and that's how you're going to get a good consistent pass every time."
"This skill of passing teammates open is something that's very rare and is really only done by the great point guards."
"Joe Capp had joined them with one of the greatest displays of passing in the history of the NFL."
"I always opened the window in the residence room after someone passed away, my way of feeling like the spirit wouldn't be trapped."
"Your mom was able to see her boys grow up, and then she passed away with her family around her."
"Her beloved sister, Princess Margaret, died peacefully in her sleep this morning at 6:30 a.m. in the King Edward the seventh Hospital."
"I've got some difficult news, I'm afraid. Sadly, Mr. Farrow has passed over to the other side."
"You know, I ran into Johnny Kemp on 137th, God rest his soul because he's not here, he has passed away."
"It's important to signal your intention to pass another vehicle early enough so that other drivers on the road are aware of your plans."
"To safely pass a bicyclist on a road without bicycle lanes, it's best to slow down, wait for oncoming traffic to clear, and then pass the bicyclist while leaving enough space."
"He can throw the ball, can't he? A 35-yard dart right down the middle."
"Larry was arguably the greatest passing forward of all time."
"He's a skilled passer, more of a playmaker than a shooter at this point."
"Lamar Jackson has taken another leap as a passer this year."
"Being with him in the weeks before he died... was such a treasure, such a gift."
"He passed away at the age of 14, surrounded by those who truly loved him."
"Well, that was an excellent pass that time, I mean he couldn't have thrown that ball any better."
"She's a great passer from the post, a great rebounder from her position."
"There simply wasn't a more efficient and productive downfield passer than Unitas."
"Jokic is considered by many to be one of the greatest passing big men in NBA history."
"LeBron James has been the best passer in basketball."
"I'm really happy to say that right before his passing, I reached out."
"He's one of the greatest passers the league has ever seen."
"He is an anticipatory passer, meaning that he anticipates what the defense does before they actually do it."
"Mario Lanza passed away on October 7th, 1959."
"Dawn Staley's such a magnificent passer of the basketball, but you often forget her defense; she's hard as nails in that area."
"Grandma Robin's soul is finally at peace."
"He's an insane passer, that dude is."
"It's a great relief to say that she'd been found and it wasn't too bad... she perhaps just passed away quietly."
"I'm so sad that he's passed on, but glad that he's not in pain."
"Luca is the best overhead passer."
"Lamar Jackson is going to have the best passing season of his career this year."
"Your father passed away peacefully without suffering. He must have been happy."
"He was also a good rebounder and then on offense, he was a really good passer."
"It's an honor to be there when my mom died, the greatest gift I received was to be with my mom when she passed on and to feel safe when she did it."
"Passing is an important factor for the point guard position because while being able to set somebody up in scoring position."
"Bob Moog just passed away; that's crazy."
"It's not that you're relieved they're gone, but you feel kind of a sense of relief that they're not suffering anymore."
"Jokic is the best pastor in the NBA, the best passing big in the NBA."
"He's a really good passer, one of the best at his position."
"For passing, give me Luka's passing."
"Volleyball is a team sport where players pass the ball to the opponent's court over a net."
"For passing, give me Ricky Rubio's passing, that's a great pick, I was gonna do that, love it."
"Their ability to make the assist, move the ball, find their open teammate."
"Watching the number one Boozer last year as a sophomore, his ability to pass the ball three quarters of the court looking effortless."
"We worked as a team, and so technically, we pass."
"Cookie, as we liked to call her, lived a long 91 and left us on 3-3-2022 around 3 pm."
"If you can pass the ball with one arm going this way, you're gonna become a great passer when you use two hands."
"Joe Burrow... he could honestly lead in passing."
"Kunugi Renya peacefully passed away at the age of 94."
"He's not a super advanced passer but more than willing and actively looking to punish those more aggressive coverages by making the right decisions."
"Larry Bird was more dangerous passing the basketball and getting everybody involved."
"They had the greatest passing frontcourt most likely in NBA history."
"He's one of the best midfield progressive passers in the world."
"Justin Herbert... number one amongst all quarterbacks in NFL history in terms of total passing yards."
"If Jordan was a scorer first and LeBron is a passer first, and the passer first has more points than the scorer first, just let it go."
"I feel like I blinked and 2023 is gone."
"The ability for him to make passes with both hands is elite."
"Ederson's array of passing has been fantastic."
"You've learned the lesson and you've passed the test."
"Passing the ball is nuts, incredible."
"Let me pass away on autumn's grace day when the gold and leaves are on the ground."
"Let me pass away on autumn's grace day when the gold and the leaves are on the ground."
"Passing the football is far more efficient than running the ball."