
Barbados Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Barbados is planning to remove the Queen of the UK as its head of state."
"Declare Barbados a parliamentary republic! Barbados now joins other countries in the region like Guyana which became a republic in 1970 less than four years after gaining independence from Britain."
"If you don't like rum, don't come to Barbados."
In 2008, the Prime Minister of Barbados created a new national holiday called "Rihanna Day", to be celebrated on the 22nd of February.
"Barbados is a gorgeous island in the Caribbean."
"At Treasure Beach, you can experience the relaxed Barbadian lifestyle and a wide range of exciting bespoke activities."
"Witness Barbados rising under the bold leadership of this daughter of Africa."
"The sugar cane revolution: How Barbados became a powerhouse."
"From indentured labor to full emancipation: Barbados' road to freedom."
"Barbados: A tale of resilience and triumph."
"Barbados' struggle for political rights and representation."
"The winds of change: Barbados' journey to independence."
"Barbados and the West Indies Federation: A vision for unity."
"Rum's eventual worldwide prominence began with Barbados' discovery in the early 1600s."
"...Barbados stands out as a shining example of political stability in the Caribbean."
"Thank you so much for watching my travel day to Barbados."
"Hey hey, happy travelers, welcome to Sandals Barbados."
"When we arrived in Barbados, we didn't get off to the best start."
"We visited some fantastic ports on our two-week itinerary and I think our favorite was probably Barbados."
"There is so much to love about Barbados, from the people to the weather to the land."
"The next time you come to Barbados, please put this on your bucket list."
"You're going to meet the most friendly people."
"You may not even go back to your country because it's so beautiful."
"Fish cakes are the delight of every Barbadian."
"Barbados is very popular for destination weddings."
"Barbados has the oldest Jewish synagogue in the Western Hemisphere."
"We've just celebrated our national Independence, our 57th year of Independence."
"This is the most beautiful Barbados beach as far as I'm concerned."
"I'd probably say Barbados because I've been there and I loved it."
"Welcome to the beautiful island of Barbados."
"Barbados is known for being absolutely beautiful."
"It's a historic moment for Barbados and the royal family."
"I've lived in Barbados for 14 years, and I really love the music there."
"Flying fish and Barbados, they go together."
"Barbados, baby! Oh yes, that's right."
"We're going to Barbados, a land with a Tropical Sun, my favorite beach in the world. It's the best beach in the world, I promise you."
"Barbados was the first country to announce and launch a digital nomad visa program."
"The welcome stamp allows foreigners to live in Barbados for up to a year and work remotely from their laptops."
"We are being treated like VIP here in Barbados, and that's why I'm in love with this country."
"Barbados, the place where relaxation begins."
"I'm in Barbados baby, we still outside."
"Airbnbs are becoming really, really popular in Barbados."
"With Barbados, there's always a cool breeze."
"Look how white the sand is here and clear crystal clear waters."
"There's reasons like this that makes me think that coming to Barbados is worth every single penny that you spend."
"There she goes, starting a flight to Bridgetown, Barbados."
"Barbados cherries are also a tropical cherry, they grow very much like the Surinam Cherry."
"Congratulations to Rihanna who is now the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to Barbados."
"Barbados is beautiful. Barbados is another place where the people are friendly and sweet and kind."
"I love living in Barbados so far, it's so nice."
"Mount Gay in Barbados makes superb rums."
"Rihanna, my girl Rihanna, was awarded the Hero of Barbados award."
"Welcome to my hometown, Barbados."