
Tiredness Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"I'm still a little tired, guys. At the time of this recording, it is Thursday."
"I'm tired of losing, fam, I just want to live, I just want to be happy fam."
"We often just talk about random stuff because we're tired."
"She's more or less been working ever since she joined the firm like the absolute tired sleepy allo Bertram but also hard-working Queen."
"I know you guys want to see it but I'm very tired and I've been live streaming for a while so make sure you tune in tomorrow night."
"It's getting late and there's just so much information... hope you're having a great weekend."
"My brain kind of just disappears at this time of night."
"Tiredness is an emotion, and that may sound kind of weird, but remember that emotions are not just psychological things; they're physiologic things too."
"What happens to our bodies when we don't get enough sleep? It's not just that we're tired."
"I'm so tired, but I just woke up, got ready, and we're gonna go on a really fun adventure today."
"How do you feel? I feel like a dad. What does that feel like? I mean, tired but rewarding."
"Feeling tired from her monthly office tasks, she decides to get some sleep."
"Closet cleanouts are like so tiring but I forgot like the feeling of satisfactory after you just feel like refreshed and clean."
"I'm so tired, and I look tired, but at least you look absolutely fabulous."
"I'm so tired and ready to go to bed, so I have to wake up pretty early for this flight."
"I've only been up for five minutes."
"I'm ready to hit the sheets; I'm so tired."
"I'm so tired, the benefit brow set, and for today's good boy... it's literally to die for."
"People are more honest when they're tired; that's why most confessions are made during late night conversations."
"I'm just ready to be home because I am tired."
"I was like bro this is bad, dude we just fall asleep now."
"I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm on my period, so that means it's time to go the [__] to eat, period."
"Me after doing nothing all day: 'I'm tired.'"
"We're tired we're sorry we're not very energetic this week we're frustrated we're tired under the gun ready to be finished but we still appreciate you and we so much we're glad that you're here and thanks for watching."
"I'm tired of Joel embiid, every 10 seconds it's drama."
"I'm allowed to be tired. I'm allowed to have days off and I'm allowed to have private time."
"I'm so tired of this show, why am I so invested in such a stupid show all the time?"
"This is going to open your eyes instantly, if you're tired like us, it's going to open your eyes instantly."
"I'm exhausted, absolutely exhausted."
"I'm actually so tired it's 12:09 in the morning y'all I just been up like I've just been up and at it it's so late now."
"It's so normal to feel tired from time to time."
"I have never changed into sweats and a sweatshirt faster. I am so tired, and it's only 6:25."
"My life now is just wanting to be in bed early."
"I am just ready, I'm ready to call it a night because I am so tired."
"I had to take a little nap in the back, eyes are killing me."
"I'm ready to go home, but nonetheless, I've enjoyed it."
"Good decisions aren't made when you're tired."
"a few years back I remember coming home late from work one evening I was really tired and just went straight to the couch and watched some TV"
"Can we have a lift? I'm a bit too tired to fly."
"I think people are just tired of the faking stuff. It's so boring and it's so dull."
"You make mistakes when you're tired."
"I made some mistakes; I was low on sleep."
"Honestly, I'm really tired of what dating is in 2022. It's never 'Let me take you out on a nice date', it's always 'Come over and cuddle and watch a movie'."
"My mama want to act like she's so tired but we trying to get her lit."
"That's the truth, I feel groggy, I'm not gonna lie..."
"I slept all the way through the night and I woke up feeling so rested. Even though I look super tired, I'm not, I promise. And it's almost time to order breakfast."
"They're tired of pretending that they don't love you, they're tired of not living in their truth, they're tired of not being able to have the relationship that they want."
"It's far too early for this nonsense. It is 5 a.m."
"I'm so tired, I was trying to explain to bear and birdie that and I'm like why am I doing this like children I'm like look"
"The king grinned. 'It's all right. Please sit. Otherwise good manners say I have to get up again and I'm tired.'"
"I look forward to being tired again next week, and the week after, and the week after, and the week after."
"I just got so tired of him yelling at me, 'I want a divorce, I want a divorce.'"
"You're tired of hanging back and talking yourselves out of it, aren't we Aries?"
"Hard fact that is, I think scientifically why we're all so tired is that we're not billionaires."
"I'm so tired of stupid ass people cutting checks and uh George Bush was a dummy right."
"It's okay to feel tired. It's okay to feel lack of inspiration. And it's okay to need more sleep and to slow down."
"Normally, they see me at like six in the morning looking virtually half dead."
"Showing up, it's very important, even if you're tired."
"I had a really lazy morning today cuz I'm so tired it's 11:00 and I've filmed getting ready but I also I woke up I got up about 700 Let the Dogs Out made a coffee got my overnight oats and I watched Mulan sat on the sofa."
"I'm probably going to be in bed for the rest of the night."
"So we have finished dinner, tidied everything away, and I am gonna take myself up to bed. I'm so tired this evening."
"I'm pretty tired of it. That's one of them. But like, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I think it meant she was homeschooled. She doesn't know how to [__] act around people."
"I'm so freaking tired still need to brush my teeth it's like it's right now."
"I'll be falling asleep like that no more."
"You're tired of being a puppet for Devils, it's time to change sides."
"It's 11 A.M which again I already said it's pretty late for me I slept in I've been really tired lately just because I think I haven't been in a routine."
"... I am obviously very tired I did not sleep very great last time so I will also have those hilara links to those exercise dresses down below if you guys want to check them out ..."
"Truthfully, I'm just really really exhausted."
"Yeah I am getting so tired I just finished putting together like the finishing touches on the video that I'm uploading tomorrow it is currently 8 38 in the afternoon or at night."
"I'm so tired. She does have a baby. Congratulations to Tara. I know that was like a big thing for her to bring life into the world and she succeeded. Yes, good congrats."
"I feel tired, I feel pretty tired too."
"I'm so tired, my eyes are trying to shut close."
"I learned two things though: one, I am an old person. I was tired from doing nothing. I didn't dance. You know I don't drink."
"Now I'm getting tired, too. So boom, you should take a baby nap."
"you know when you're so tired your head feels like all right"
"I'm really tired of black women having the same story."
"I am so tired but so happy to be home."
"If I sound tired this morning, it's because I am."
"Top team, it's been hours, bro. I'm getting so tired."
"It's so pretty. I can't wait for it to get done either cuz I'm kind of tired of talking about it."
"Me at 1 in the morning I need need to sleep."
"I'm honestly just gonna take my makeup off and go straight to bed because I'm pretty tired. I didn't hit the gym today so I want to get a nice amount of rest in. I want to be in bed by like nine. Um, in order for me to wake up tomorrow, have a great workout at the gym."
"I literally just feel like I want to go to bed and it's only seven o'clock."
"This might be the most tired I've ever been in my entire life."
"Right on that note, we're both yawning."
"Good evening everyone it's so weird to have like a few vlogs where I start them in the evening I am probably looking so so tired is it really a Lydia Lee Smolin vlog if I don't start it by saying I'm tired."
"Speak not, tired, speak not, speak now."
"When you're telling a woman she looks tired, what you're usually telling her is you're not wearing makeup. Which is nonsense. Don't do that!"
"Tired of waking up in a cold sweat?"
"I'm tired, yeah, I'm a little tired too. It's a lot of work throwing these things, I'm sure."
"Why do people say you look tired? That's rude."
"That's tired in French, by the way."
"The crash landings were a worn-out joke."
"He want to go past everything because he thinks first of all he thinks everything is a joke and he thinks I'm G to just be here to be happy at everything he makes a decision of and I'm not a joke and I'm tired of you treating me like that."
"Just allow understand that you are both allowed to be tired and it's not a battle of like who is more tired even though I believe it's probably always the mom that's more tired."
"I'm tired of it all. I'm no offense taken. I get it. I'm a journalist, it's my job to be tough."
"You understand he needs that on the opposite side which is Cyclops which they never give him... so I'm tired of seeing soft simpy Cyclops."
"I was so tired that I, like, waddled into the, have you ever been that tired where you're like, I think people might think I'm drunk? So you just kind of walk in."
"We're definitely feeling a little bit tired, but we'll see you at home."
"There's nothing more dangerous than a tired and a confused man. It is a threat to the family structure, a threat to the foundation of our communities and our homes when this man is tired and or confused."
"Always I finished and a little bit tired."
"Hey, guys, the blues are all dead. I'm going to go lie down."
"Just woke up from a 3 and 1/2 hour sleep."
"If you've ever been tired and you have fatigue, you better listen up."
"I'd rather be tired than having any other symptom."
"I'm very tired and my stomach hurts, but I had a lot of fun today actually leaving my house and you know, actually doing stuff, making stuff. It was fun, it was a good time."
"We're making a smoothie because I'm really freaking tired."
"Just goodnight, very tired, been a long one."
"How do you game all night aren't you tired? Well that's my secret I'm always tired"
"Good morning from Tirana. I am functioning on about two hours of sleep today, so this is going to be a fun day, isn't it?"
"It's almost lights out here tonight."
"I'm already tired, but I'd like to show you guys this part."
"I desperately am like I'm like already falling asleep sitting here."
"It's completely normal for someone to feel tired and groggy in the morning."
"I might even do two scoops I don't [ __ ] know bro cuz I feel pretty tired."
"I slept really well so I don't know why I look so tired. Maybe I need some coffee."
"I am so tired. My back hurts. But I feel so accomplished."
"I woke up early. I'm going back to bed."
"I'm tired what time is it anyway it's late I'm old" - Humorous self-awareness and fatigue after a long day.
"What really got us out of this... feeling tired, just feeling down, just unmotivated, just feeling H and just bored, was a new vision."
"I'm tired, but it's a good kind of tired."
"She's like, 'Yeah, but we're tired of moving, so stop.'"
"Are you tired? I'm so tired, but we killed that."
"You're tired ass. We are all in this together."
"That's it, guys, I'm tired, I'm heading home. I'll catch up with you in the morning."
"I'm so sleepy guys I got through halfway of my tree."
"I'm so tired y'all, but we got to do this."
"I'm feeling pretty tired all this week."
"I just wanted to sit with you on the floor because I'm tired, and film a fun little video."
"I'm so tired. This week has been so hard but I loved it. Yeah, you know, I'm sure that I will be sad in a couple of days but at the moment I'm just too tired to cry."
"I'm in party planning mode which is super fun but it's also making me a little sleepy."
"I'm tired as heck of this job. That's the only way I can spend time with my best friend."
"I felt really tired. I don't have a lot of energy."
"I'm tired and I'm not gonna hide it I'm tired."
"I just want to go home and take just like a quick hour nap, I am so sleepy."
"I don't want to go home and find eyes to put on something instead of sleep. I'm tired."
"We're back in htown, everybody schlump. I'm tired as, but I got a good feeling."
"I'm so tired. I ain't go to sleep till like 12."
"Honestly I might as well get off and go back to bed."
"I woke up way too early for this, honestly."
"Oh, dude, I'm getting tired. Bro, I'm starting to slaughter my words. It's only 11 p.m., dude."
"I'm exhausted, tired, and I'm not cold anymore."
"I'm so sleepy today I should work on the next order now that I have the scrunchies done I think it's just hitting that midday point where I need to eat some food and I'm getting real sleepy."
"Thank you guys so much for watching I'm so tired right now that I can barely speak but I love you all so much."
"...it just felt so nice to wake up today and not be so tired."
"I was tired but I didn't like go to sleep."
"I was so tired, so I feel a little bit more alive now."
"Eventually it was nearing the end of the day and we were all tired so we all agreed that it was time to go."
"I said we haven't had one all day I'm trying to Pretenders I'm tired of Impostors I'm tired of impersonators."
"fun fact I usually record and like work on stuff in the afternoon but uh right now it's nine o'clock and I'm tired like really tired"
"She stifled a yawn. How could she be yawning when her heart was still racing?"
"I'm more than happy to get rid of some of this stuff. I'm tired of looking at it."
"I'm tired of being called underrated."
"I'm so sleepy and just hearing them, how this much energy this early."
"Now we're going to be super tired because our room in that cabin is like over 100 years old."
"Models are not attractive. When you see a model on a Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m., it just looks like a really tall tired little boy."
"Effie, I think it's time for me to go back to sleep."
"Some personal good news for me is that I am still alive. I was very tired, so I had to fly in from Portland like I said before. I did the shows in Portland at Helium Comedy club which was absolutely fantastic."
"We're running on about four hours of sleep."
"So you know I was going to do a decorate with me and now I am just too pooped my legs are and my feet are killing me from going back and forth back and forth up and down out to the garage you know in back in the house and so I hope you guys understand."
"Success, although tired enough, it's worth it."
"I usually edit everything at night but it's around the time where I feel so tired that I feel like I'm just going to pass out."
"I'm so tired on day three, but I'm having such a good time."
"I'm so sorry, I'm running on, like, 3 hours of sleep, all of us. It's redonkulous."
"I'm tired of limitations. I'm tired of knowing I could be more."
"The tiredness that you feel will not be abated by sleeping, but by waking."
"Do you feel like you love me more right now Matt of course I love you I mean what a little tired I'm tired too I love you I love you too babe I'm gonna take a nap I think we should sit yeah wait tell them that to subscribe yeah and subscribe like yeah yeah yeah."
"God said, 'I'm sick of people. Not only am I sick of people, I'm tired of people.'"
"Tell me my eyes don't look tired."
"I'm tired but it was a really really good day."
"I am so tired. Sitting on something hard."
"That's crazy. I'm gonna sleep so good."
"Every time when I know Mother Nature is approaching, she makes me drowsy."
"I'm excited, tired, extremely tired. I've had any sleep but excited."
"Driver is sleeping. Awesome. What happened? Yeah, I know he is."
"It's been a heck of a day so far."
"It is now time that all good ghosts were in bed."
"I'm very tired, feeling very tired that's one for sure."
"It's time to dive into it because I'm exhausted you're exhausted."
"I'm gonna go, my voice is tired. I will see you guys soon. Not sure when, make sure to subscribe to the channel. Definitely next Sunday, possibly sooner."
"Tired puppy is a good puppy a happy puppy all of the above."
"Oh my god, it is so early. I haven't woken up this early in so long."
"I wanted to get Starbucks this morning cuz I'm literally so tired and like Starbucks would make me happy."
"I'm tired of being short. It was fun while it lasted but it's time for long hair."
"But cooper is obviously really tired so I'm gonna end this video right here. Thanks for hanging out with me and just sitting and chatting."
"I am super super tired so I am going to continue my bed comfort science experiment."
"How you feeling?" "I'm good, you know bro. I'm tired."
"Throughout all of 2023 I was just always tired but I can also say that I was always progressing."
"I never will be tired of this adorable season."
"I'm so tired. I think it's the weather."
"I started to get very, very tired."
"I am so tired because I was up late reading my book last night."
"I don't think I've been this tired in a long time."
"I swear I'm more tired at this campsite because I'm like being rocked to sleep by the river."
"This is the best part though. There's so many fun fire pits and people sitting around talking. I'm tired."
"I'm so excited, even though my face doesn't really say it right now, I'm just tired."
"I'm exhausted, like I cannot explain the tiredness."
"Feeling fresh like a flower with red eyes."
"The truth is I was just really tired and trying to let her sleep. But she's not giving off this vibe of like 'I love you so much,' she seems a little standoffish still."
"I am tired, I am cranky, and I am this close to giving up."