
Parameters Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"As long as you know that and you're happy to work within those parameters, matchday will take over itself."
"Functions that can receive other functions as a parameter are known as higher-order functions."
"Islam seems to be the last religion left with parameters."
"The trigger level is set outside of the range of that signal."
"An envelope comes with four parameters: ADSR, for Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release."
"Eight and square, that's what we have to work with here."
"We call it Source knowledge, not parametric knowledge because the knowledge is not stored in the parameters of the model."
"One word on the number of input parameters."
"Gradient descent is a form of mathematical optimization. The goal is to find optimal parameters which minimize loss."
"The nice thing about the sequencer on this is it's got all sorts of parameters."
"These digital experiments allow scientists to vary parameters, such as the density of dark matter or the rate of star formation, to see how these changes affect the evolution of galaxies."
"...adding command line parameters is so that you can have a default behavior that doesn't require any prompting and you can optionally change the behavior of the program."
"You can use the config file to store parameters such as the username, hostname, port number, and other things as well."
"You can hold strategy that have 10 parameters which in this case doesn't have the data snooping problem because you have infinite amount of data to fit your 10 parameters."
"Parameter block, identify limitations and ways you want to structure your output."
"A person is considered to have normal or healthy blood pressure whenever the systolic is less than 120 and the diastolic is less than 80."
"Monte Carlo methods are not generalizable. Just because you have a result for some value of your parameter doesn't mean you can say anything about the result for a different value of your parameter."
"All the parameter layers in Transformer architecture are feed-forward, locally connected, and have weight sharing across the time dimension."
"Using parameters in functions helps prevent naming conflicts and keeps code organized."
"They exploit this fact that all of these parameters fall into essentially like a normal distribution."
"If really it is not difficult we knew what areas were lost and I believe we communicated well what the parameters were what the boundaries of the outages were."
"The values you select for your model's hyperparameters can make all the difference."
"All I really want you to understand is that you can still use return and parameters just like with any other function, although most of the time you don't really need it."
"It's very, very easy to tune your learning rate and other parameters as you're training."
"It's got 770 million parameters in it, so quite a bit of a monster."
"So you need some other parameter to randomize it, right?"
"...should not use the coordinate variables x and y as your parameters..."
"There are so many parameters in this effect that allow you to change how the walk actually looks."
"So we have some default advertising parameters."
"Scriptable objects allow you greater flexibility because you can easily drag and drop different scriptable objects in to test different parameters or values."
"The general view and then the track mode or track page controls all the parameters for a single track."
"...pretty much everything that the extra controls on the 707 can do can be done on the 101 just with one form of shift or button combo or other."
"...the 101 actually lets you assign four knob and automation parameters on a per track basis as opposed to three parameters on the 707."
"...the truth behind it is here's some parameters... but tweak it a little bit to what you like, what you feel, and test it like that."
"Normal distribution is represented as n and depends on two factors mu which stands for mean and sigma which gives the standard deviation of the data points."
"In practice, you don't want to just be simply shooting in the dark and just shotgunning KP, Ki, and KD values and seeing and crossing fingers and hoping it works."
"Not using too many parameters, only a handful of parameters."
"We have only a few independent parameters instead of hundreds."
"Manipulating by five parameters that we can first of all control by our limited physical body but also hold in our memory, in our attention, but these five parameters generate dozens or maybe hundreds of outputs of different behavior."
"When using closures as input parameters, the closure's complete type must be annotated using one of the FN traits."
"This is exactly the type we are passing to the function."
"...spring batch identifies what a job instance is by the parameters you pass in, and so if you try and start two jobs with the same parameters, spring batch will not let them both fly."
"There's no free parameter in this theory."
"Constraints mean you're stuck with this time frame, this cost, this quality."
"We should be using params as it's intended which is parameters for each individual path that we're going to embroider."
"There's no good way of determining how many parameters we need inside. There's no, sorry, there's no principled way."
"We're gonna say there's going to be two values lambda 1 and lambda 2 and it's going to be lambda 1 if the Year T is less than tau which is our change point and lambda 2 otherwise."
"We started with a parameter of no propane."
"So it seems that even slight alterations to any of these parameters can drastically affect whether or not we get a proper cardioid function at a particular frequency."
"The goal of these learnable parameters is kind of like if you've seen like batch normalization too where we have essentially Gammas and betas."
"Gamma is essentially going to be like a standard deviation, it'll learn to be like a standard deviation across multiple examples."
"Now we have to do that within the parameters of the game and be smart not foolish but certainly in moments like that you want to play to win the game."
"Pipelines can be also parameterized."
"Functions are objects and they can be passed through parameters."
"Now, this is where we can use something called args and kwargs."
"A pure function should have at least one parameter."
"The most important parameters are n log Q. Those two define the security."
"We're using parameters to define other values so that our design almost becomes smart. It knows to update those values and make our lives a lot easier."
"Stability is the goal, even if one or two parameters are 'off' a little bit, it's better for them to remain consistent at that level than for you to hurriedly try to change those values trying to hit a particular target."
"Most of the work with dealing with APIs is actually passing through the correct URL with the right parameters."
"To create a route parameter, we do a colon then the parameter name."
"For a model to be identified, we have to be able to come up with a unique solution to every parameter."
"A mathematical representation of a kind of inference game that consists of five different parameters."
"Any computational computer model is basically a mapping of some input parameters on some output response."
"Functions as inputs, functions as outputs, functions as parameters, that's it."
"Now we're going to look at curves where x and y are given in terms of a third variable called a parameter."
"This is a perfect piece of music given the parameters that Bach has set up."
"The model learns a much wider distribution of languages if it has a much larger amount of parameters."
"The parameters we set in pressure control, such as the pressure and the inspiratory time, are going to result in a tidal volume."
"The model is linear in parameters W, but is it linear in X? Obviously no, right, because of this non-linear transformation."
"It's really cool that you can change parameters between snapshots."
"Just by changing that release parameter, we're able to make our simulation look a lot better."
"The more parameters that we try to change at the same time, the harder the problem becomes."
"Every machine learning model is made out of changeable parameters."
"Be aware of the time frequency trade-off when you're setting your time and frequency parameters."
"If you can't do something, you just set the parameters around what you can do."
"It's not a two-minute job; you need to make sure you're putting in all the right properties and parameters."
"It's best to let the fish adapt to your water parameters."
"The parameters are not independent of one another; they carry information about one another."
"We want to use all possible settings of parameters and weight them by their posterior probabilities in what's called a Bayesian model average."
"If 95% of your training is comprised of these parameters, you're golden."
"The layer with the single largest number of parameters is that very first fully connected layer that happens after the flattening operation."
"If you think a little bit ahead with your models, then these parameters are a godsend."
"Parameters are what makes using programs like Fusion so powerful."
"A const parameter is a parameter that is modified with the const keyword that makes it effectively read-only."
"The temperature parameter tells us how random the model can be or how creative the model can be."
"Oftentimes, the parameters that are estimated within one group may not generalize across groups."
"All of those important parameters are loaded in, so that's really, really cool."
"You can reuse the parameters in the rows and columns as well."
"Pretty cool stuff what you can do with parameters."
"The time to use an asterisk as a parameter for your function is when you do not know how many values may be passed to it."
"There's a lot to deconvolution; they've greatly improved this entire function, given us a lot more parameters to play with, algorithms to use."
"We want to find a setting of the parameters in the network such that we favor the trajectories that have high reward."
"One explanation is simpler than the other if it requires fewer parameters to explain everything and it applies to more degrees of freedom."
"We want to choose T such that the BR over MGT term is order one."
"This being part of our bifurcation discussion, I'm going to want to study bifurcations as a function of parameters."
"We've got a lot of parameters that are very vulnerable to shift because they're uncertain."
"So, if you can define a parameter and you know that in your practical scenarios that parameter will be small, then you're golden."
"What we have accomplished now with our function is we have default parameter values of 0 for num1 and num2."
"You can also mention the starting index position using the start parameter."
"Hyper parameter tuning is where this gets really interesting."
"A system in equilibrium is characterized by a certain number of parameters."
"Parameters basically mean that you would be able to have dynamic strings, dynamic slugs in your route."
"Sometimes the greatest ideas come from being told you have to stick to these parameters."
"Action is a delegate that returns void and takes a bunch of parameters."
"Parameters are a really powerful way to let your user define their variables and to really engage your user in the view."
"For this project, I followed a couple of parameters: first and foremost, I wanted to make sure the materials were easy to obtain and, secondly and most importantly, they were cost-effective."
"A parameter is kind of a unique value that you can pass into the function so that it can do something different based on the value you give it."
"When you activate and deactivate the preview for a component, it basically looks at all the parameters that it has and turns off the preview for the data that's stored in those parameters."
"In the real world, many of the JSON URLs that you visit will have parameters that you can include in the URL to control how many items are returned, which items are returned, and the order that they are returned in."
"Whenever we call this function, we should pass a name, a username, and a password."
"After your tank is cycled, the three biggest water parameters we should focus on are General Hardness or GH, Carbonate Hardness or KH, and Potential Hydrogen or pH."
"Adding parameters can actually reduce the overfitting risk of a model."
"The benefit here is that we can control the value of any parameter from the game code."
"Port numbers can be between 0 and 65535."
"The ratio is a function of porosity with two parameters: one is called 'a' and the other is called 'M'."
"That's how you can create your own function and use parameters to receive the incoming arguments so that your function can be flexible."
"Our protection orders can be set using 4 parameters."
"You guys are gonna be able to run on video in the cloud as well as have a lot more parameters."
"In order to change the status, I need to tell it which label, and I'm going to do that by using the label parameter."
"A parametrized model is a parametrized function \( g(x, w) \) where \( x \) is the input and \( w \) is a set of parameters."
"You can use anything as a non-type template parameter if it's a literal type."
"By just optimizing all the parameters together, you can give very high performance."
"The objective is to minimize this; of course, with respect to m and c, because these two are the parameters of your learning algorithm of the straight line, which you are trying to tune and adjust to the data."
"We can view meta-learning as a process of learning a set of meta-parameters that summarizes your meta-training data such that you can solve new tasks quickly."
"That's a great tip, and that's what I call those input parameters."
"It is critical that you understand the different kinds of relationships and the parameters that make it that kind of a relationship."
"We have the parameters of our new network; does it work?"
"It's vital, vital, vital, that you have to initialize those parameter weights with small random values."
"It's always a good idea to just use these parameters, it's safer."
"Once we fix N and T, we can determine the generator polynomial for the BCH code."
"We've got some parameters to set at the start, so we've set a Young's modulus, a Poisson's ratio."
"It shows wiring and it also shows all the parameters set up for this control box."
"They enable models to learn from data by adapting their parameters."
"The use of parameters inside workbench in order to optimize the design."
"We've learned how to use Django filter in order to filter down query sets based on complicated GET parameters from a form."
"Responsive is going to take in three different parameters: mobile, tablet, and desktop."
"This is sort of flexing the parameters to make sure that everything is working as we want."
"This one simple real valued number is being used to learn millions of parameters."
"The behavior of the system, the parametric behavior system, is going to change with respect to mu."
"We're not asking the optimizer to optimize it anymore; we're actually interested in what plausible settings of the parameters are."
"Neural nets now have billions of parameters, providing reasonable models for images and sounds."
"Once the ramp parameters are set, it is possible to specify measurement conditions for automatic assessments."
"A tree is really just a special kind of graph with a couple different parameters that must be true for something to be a tree versus just a regular old graph."
"SolidWorks really only cares about the family cell and the parameters to the other side of it."
"Parameters are set when the function is defined."
"I'm not a tipster... I'm putting together a system that returns games based on set parameters."
"The rest parameter... converts this list of numbers into an array of numbers."
"Welcome to the world of parameters."
"Every normal curve is completely described by its mean and standard deviation."
"Simulation is about tinkering with those parameters and what they do to get what you want."
"Subprograms have parameters which pass data and also have return statements."
"That kind of explains this whole flow of how it interconnects each other and how you can pass the parameters back and forth."
"The main worry is that in picking the parameters of your model, you do a really good job of capturing that training data, but it doesn't generalize."
"So it just gives you the flexibility from being able to pass those parameters and being able to navigate from forms over to lobby pages or from lobby pages into forms."
"You can give it a face, that's an important thing. You can also give like associate parameters to them, you can delete them, hide them, remove the part that is what your project is going to be maybe or something like that."
"Let's consider what our end goal is: we want to set an instance parameter."
"The idea was just to access this parameter to define the amount of columns into a tower."
"Blazer gives you a way to do that by again taking a parameter and using something called a render fragment."
"Learnable parameters are parameters whose values are learned during the training process."
"Using these three parameters: phase shift, something that drives the frequency, and the amplitude, we can achieve a lot of different results."
"The ideal parameters for drying your flowers... is the temperature of 18 to 21° C and about 50 to 55% relative humidity."
"The maximum likelihood tries to find the parameters of the distribution so that the probability of the observed values is maximized."
"We need to pass in a search term and pass in a page."
"The left hand side of a lambda expression is the parameter list and the right hand side is the implementation or the body of it."
"Every time you call it with a certain parameter, the results are just going to be the same."
"Regularization controls the value of parameters, giving not so important variables very low weight or sometimes zero weight."
"And this is the final result I ended up with after some tweaking of the parameters."
"That's the El Capistan, it's all really really useful parameters and I absolutely love it."
"The parameter \(\mu\) denotes the expected value or the mean of the random variable."
"The quantity \(\sigma^2\) denotes the variance."
"Avoid long parameter lists; ideally, you should limit them to three."
"You can create parameters to extend the flexibility of your function."
"The effective theory may still be powerful because you can make more than more predictions than the number of parameters that you have."
"We're going to be passing in parameters, we're going to be passing in our title, our image URL, our stack, and our link."
"Even more than stiffness, increasing the rest length beyond the default like set parameters is a really good way of adding in this kind of springiness onto your objects."
"Flutter widgets often take a lot of different parameters, so I think separating them line by line keeps the code much more readable."
"A parameter comes from the population; a statistic comes from a sample."
"The number of times you will differentiate is equal to the number of parameters."
"The camera calibration matrix K, the rotation, and the translation are usually what we want to pull out from P."
"The distribution we will check in a second actually does not have a distribution that depends on unknown parameters."
"Using methods as parameters is really using a functional programming style."
"Choosing how to condition on Z can be viewed as essentially being equivalent to choosing how and where to share parameters."
"The idea is that we're going to pass the colors to race, and then race will create our turtles for us."
"We're going to learn how to take a function and find its parameters which allow it to fit as closely as possible to a set of data."
"The normal distribution can be described, interestingly enough, with just two numbers: the mean and the standard deviation."
"A Lambda expression is a function which takes a parameter and does something with it."
"Once we solve for those parameters, we can make new predictions."
"Parameters allow you to inject dynamic values into your visuals."
"Setting these parameters will make your search very, very efficient."
"Who cares what the API looks like, we agree that we're basically sending parameters as a data structure."
"Parameters really the design behind them... is the idea of creating a variable that you can pass values into and make things dynamic inside of your solution."