
Assassin Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Pit Viper's entire role is as a hired assassin to take out Calypso but not for any righteous reasons."
"Much of Domino's time on X-Force was all about flexing one of her best skills being an assassin."
"The Verdugo, Salazar's personal bodyguard, embodies the perfect assassin designed to instill fear and enforce the cult's will."
"He has a powerful weapon, yes, and he charges a million a shot. Oh, is he an assassin that's second to none? You guessed correctly. He's the man with the golden gun."
"Toji's diligence and most of all his pride led him to become one of the most formidable assassins in the jiujitsu world."
"Zero was the primary assassin brought in by the adjudicator or a taken John Wick and he also just so happens to be like the biggest John Wick fan out there."
"Bird was a psychologically assassin."
"When you're talking about the best assassin in the DC Universe, Deathstroke is a clear number one."
"He was an assassin with the blessing of a pretty face and sharp wits."
"The police suspected that the legendary assassin known as the goblin was the professional Hitman in question."
"That's the second rule of being an assassin: don't pick up a phone from a call from your daughter while you're on a job."
"Humanity remains morbidly fascinated with the idea of a deadly assassin emerging from the shadows to delete some random unsuspecting VIP with extreme prejudice."
"She's an extremely skilled predator assassin who understands the math."
"How much do you have to hate yourself to become the best assassin in the world?"
"He’s the only imp in Hell who’s managed to form his own assassin business, managing to figure out how to rise above his lowly status."
"An assassin has to think outside the box."
"The Calexis Assassin stands as an enigma, they are the absence where emotion cannot touch, the shadow unfelt even by the darkest entities of the immaterial."
"The main character is so cool. If you don't know her name is Selena and she's an assassin. She's the world's most notorious assassin."
"Duke Togo, alias Golgo 13, is an assassin for hire whose true identity and background are completely unknown to the world intelligence community."
"In a land without magic, an assassin is summoned to the castle."
"Gray men: invisible assassins, no special abilities, deadly weapons, difficult to detect."
"The Spy mask is also a crucial piece of a vindicare Assassin's War gear."
"These pieces of War gear truly make a vindicare assassin one of the most feared operatives in the galaxy."
"This character is an assassin of great renown."
"She knew his father as the greatest assassin to ever live."
"An assassin has to be able to control his emotions."
"The caledus Assassins, a master of stealth and misdirection, who embodies the art of deception and manipulation."
"As deadly as they are elusive, the caledus Assassin comes from one of the temples of the officio assassinorum."
"The journey to becoming a caledus assassin is a treacherous path."
"Central to any caledus assassin's repertoire is the use of polymorphy, a reactive drug that allows them to reshape their bodies at will."
"The use of polymorphine is said to be both a gift and a curse."
"She's widely considered one of the greatest assassins in the entire world."
"I love that she's ruthless and cunning enough to be an assassin but she also enjoys the girly things in life."
"He is Tau Pai Pai, otherwise known as Mercenary Tau, the most dangerous assassin in the world."
"Hired assassin goes to his high school reunion, comedy ensues, but it's so much more than that."
"Given her many talents, she could have been anything she wanted to be in the world, but she chose to be like her idol, an assassin."
"At the end of the day, I think the Fets are the epitome of the Assassin Bounty Hunter of the Star Wars series."
"Shaken by the death of her father, Elektra uses her exceptional skills in the martial arts to become an expert assassin."
"Itachi is the Assassin of the verse."
"From this moment, I became a German assassin."
"A good assassin always exits again, we make up right, no survivors."
"A product of the Red Room's ruthless training program, Yelena Bulova is a fiery assassin."
"Why would an assassin turn their back on the brotherhood?"
"The opening of the game shows us the silhouette of an assassin as if it was some unstoppable killing machine."
"I am Lucien Lachance, a speaker for the Dark Brotherhood. And you, you are a killer, taker of life, a harvester of souls."
"Can you imagine what would happen when a vicious assassin takes up the job of a school cleaner?"
"She finds her way basically into an assassin version of Hogwarts."
"To make up for her traitorous past, Rosalind has become an assassin for her country."
"Elektra is dangerous as hell, one of the most capable people when it comes to being an assassin."
"Bullseye is one of the Marvel Universe's most dangerous assassins."