
Scanning Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Scan things to increase the ranks of this skill."
"Scan all the things because everyone loves scanning."
"Client side scanning is the biggest prediction that you've got at the moment."
"Nmap has gotten a lot more powerful in recent years."
"This will help you find the right scanner how to legally use a scanner and also most importantly how to avoid making common mistakes when purchasing a scanner."
"Water is something that cannot be scanned."
"I'm getting jester vibes, Otto and Wendy are scanned, just jester things."
"The process of taking the photos out of the album, organizing them, and then putting them back in takes more time than the actual scanning and naming process."
"The app does all the scanning and processing as you go, and before you know it, you've got yourself a digital twin of that object."
"With respect to my security, I'll be using Trivy for my Docker image scanning."
"Remember not to limit yourself to only objects, you can do photogrammetries of spaces like rooms, buildings, and environments."
"There's no set amount of time that it's going to take. It really depends on the scan quality that you have, the level of detail that you want."
"...you can let Burp do an end-to-end managed scan."
"We've just created a scan that lets us very easily find and identify tickers that have just moved from a period of accumulation to acceleration."
"We've now created our two scans that let us identify the switches in market stages from both the accumulation/distribution stages to either the acceleration or the deceleration stage."
"Now I can scan the T-Rex and get its weight."
"I'm pretty excited to see this thing scanned I I don't know something about scanning a whole car is pretty neat."
"...so definitely you may want to create some additional favorites lists and scan lists for those types of events such as a local event or a weather event splitting programming in between scanners if possible..."
"So this is the research called a do not scan hint."
"A vulnerability scan can tell us a list of servers running an unsupported operating system version."
"Yeah, scanning rocks is always a blast."
"I got some good data that would work well for photo scanning."
"Wiz connects to storage providers like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure to scan everything a business is exposing to the outside world, flagging and prioritizing security risks."
"You could be eating something and it's a little questionable, you can scan it."
"I was able to scan my head, import it to the computer, do a little bit of cleanup, and now I have a perfectly scaled model of my head that I can use for reference. That's awesome!"
"The scans method, S C A N S, is really useful and it can help you have a list of things that you can go through to check for what the pattern could be."
"That's why I run side scan and down scan at the same time."
"A pixel has no thickness, okay? So when scanning, it's important to have small pixels to get as many pixels into the pathology as possible."
"Radar screen is going to be your go-to scanning window."
"We always start off with an nmap scan: '-sC for default scripts, -sV to enumerate versions, -oA to output all formats, naming the directory 'stream io', and the IP address of"
"I always start with websites just because they're very quick. We could have done like an smb scan to find open file shares, but I generally start with websites. You never know what information you'll get."
"With Nessus, it's easier for a novice to spot the low-hanging fruit that you probably want to tackle first after running a scan."
"Linus is a security scanning tool that you can use to scan your server for vulnerabilities and have a better understanding of what the overall security health of the server happens to be."
"Every time you scan a receipt for free, you earn points and then you can redeem those points for hundreds of different places including Amazon Visa gift cards."
"I just kind of scan them and I go, 'Oh, there's something I could use here, something I could use here.'"
"That's it. I hope you enjoyed this kind of brief tutorial on how to go ahead and you know some tips and tricks when you're scanning an old family photos."
"You can actually scan documents on this thing."
"The way I find these stocks is through the scanners. This is like radar, searching the entire market for stocks that are moving."
"To have a continuous record of whatever you're scanning is an incredibly powerful tool."
"HP Tuners give you such power with the scanner."
"With Google Code Scanner, you get access to a high-quality flow powered by Google's barcode model and a provided UI that is consistent across the ecosystem."
"If you have a lot of film to scan, you definitely want to be using one of these."
"To be able to go for scan in a systematic fashion, it helps to use visual rating scales."
"You can even use the scan button to find stations and listen to."
"Wazoo performs periodic scans of the hosts for vulnerabilities."
"You want to produce identifiable standard views, and this is so critically important for a successful scan."
"Everyone's scanning coming into shops... now it's just like an everyday thing, isn't it? It's crazy."
"If you see a scan, don't freak out. Check your expectations against your workload and what you think should happen."
"Don't assume that just because you see a scan, that's a problem."
"These are my highly portable scanners by CZUR which allow me to carry the scanners with me, scan thick books, scan documents, and convert them to PDFs, take PDFs and make them searchable."
"You can just use a paper and pencil, and then either take a picture of your drawing and send it to your computer or just use a scanner."
"I'm going to mute the RF on them so I can get a clean scan."
"The main skill that 'be your best' trains is your scanning on the field."
"The technical term for this is client side scanning."
"Lab scanners tend to add a lot of character to a scan that would otherwise look a little bit more flat."
"One of the draws to scanning film at home is having that additional freedom and flexibility."
"You'll see just how fast and easy it really can be to scan these parts."
"It's free to try and make scans; you do have to pay if you want to use specific export versions, but it's only a couple bucks a month and it's totally worth it."
"It creates a 3D scan of that room."
"A Pharaoh scan is an electronic device. It uses a laser beam and mirrors to collect millions of data points. The data points are then put into a point cloud."
"You can scan these; you own these. There's no copyright other than you."
"This is great for visual scanning, to find all those colors and make sure we have them all."
"The scanned image will form an image file such as the JPEG."
"Right now you are more likely to scan the document, and send it as an attachment with an email."
"One of the big improvements was automatic rotation to get a full 360-degree scan."
"3D scanning is definitely a big part of computer graphics."
"Verbose allows us to set the verbosity of our scan."
"Nmap is sort of like a radar except we can change how it scans."
"Barcodes are read using a scanner that detects the pattern with a laser."
"Having the scope when using it as a general-purpose scanner is one of the really cool things for those interested in scanning and hearing what signals are out there."
"The upcoming release... will feature a dual scan protocol."
"You've got to be able to skim and scan."
"Perform an internal PCI DSS vulnerability scan according to PCI DSS Act 11.2.1."
"The thing that's really remarkable at these scans is the level of detail that you can get."
"We have a baseline scan... it runs quickly."
"We only scan columns that are accessed."
"They scan movie sets, they scan actors, they scan props."
"The benefit of the phased array one-line scans is that a traditional raster scan can now be replaced with a one-line scan."
"The best scanners are ones that are designed for one particular application."
"Use the black color ballpoint pen for scanning purposes; it's very helpful."
"Always put the item that you're scanning and photographing on something that has good texture."
"It's really quite good for scanning around the place, the field of view is quite good."
"The ability to scan objects free hand is one of the standout features for me."
"The scanning phase is more tool-oriented rather than performed manually."
"Using Nmap to scan your own web server is a powerful way of identifying security vulnerabilities."