
Hemoglobin Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Blood is red because of red blood cells or hemoglobin."
"The pulse oximeter works by reading the light reflected from hemoglobin molecules inside the finger."
"It reacts with the hemoglobin in the blood and turns it a purple color."
"If you want to make your image sensitive to the presence of deoxygenated hemoglobin, you want to use an image that is maximally sensitive to T2 star differences."
"All of this happens because of one single nucleotide difference."
"It greatly affects hemoglobin's ability to carry oxygen."
"Carbon monoxide binds to your hemoglobin 200 times more effectively than oxygen."
"The specificity of hemoglobin is vastly beyond chance."
"Copper deficiency can also cause anemia because you need copper to form hemoglobin, the protein circulating in your blood that carries oxygen."
"Oxygen content in blood is defined by the formula: 1.34 times the hemoglobin times the arterial saturation plus 0.003 times the PO2."
"Hemoglobin is a protein in your blood that carries oxygen; it's bright red when it is bound to oxygen."
"Each red blood cell has about 250 million molecules of hemoglobin."
"Iron is an important nutrient in the synthesis of hemoglobin."
"Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder where red blood cells are sickle-shaped due to a mutation in the gene for hemoglobin."
"If you have low hemoglobin, your oxygen carrying capacity of blood will be decreased."
"Everything was normal, my hemoglobin was actually 16.4, 16.6. I was actually very, very happy."
"Oxygenated hemoglobin is nice and red; that's why a healthy person looks nice and red."
"As soon as the oxygen is less, a deoxygenated part of the hemoglobin is very tense; it is taut, so to stabilize this, there is a salt bridge which forms."
"These negatively charged terminal amino groups, which are called carbamate groups, form salt bridges with the opposite dimer which has positively charged amino groups, and these bridges then stabilize the T state or the tense state of the hemoglobin."
"The hemoglobin tense form generally favors unloading, so whenever there is tissue hypoxia which is occurring, it will generally try to give off oxygen to the tissues."
"Our goal with thalassemia is to try to keep the hemoglobin above 9.5."
"Every single red blood cell has about 250 million molecules of hemoglobin."
"Sickle cell anemia is a heritable disorder where it's a defect in one of the genes for hemoglobin."
"Carbon monoxide forms a stronger dative bond than oxygen does, meaning it's harder to break, so the hemoglobin can't carry oxygen around, which is why it's poisonous."
"Heme is in hemoglobin; it's what carries the oxygen around in your bodies."
"Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to all the other parts of our body for cellular respiration."
"In one red blood cell, you have 250 million hemoglobin molecules."
"Red blood cells are absolutely packed with hemoglobin for oxygen transport."
"Hemoglobin is a very important protein."
"Sickle cell disease is a disorder of hemoglobin."
"Hemoglobin can carry four oxygen molecules."
"The relationship between saturation of hemoglobin and partial pressure of oxygen is nonlinear."
"Erythrocytes have hemoglobin, an oxygen-carrying protein."
"Hemoglobin is actually a protein and it's used to transport oxygen around the body."
"Both nears and MRI can pick up on this signal chains in oxygenated hemoglobin as an indication of localized brain activity."
"Normal hemoglobin, which is hemoglobin A in adults, is made up of two alpha chains and two beta chains."
"The oxygen saturations are the percentage of the hemoglobin in the blood which is oxygenated."
"It combines with hemoglobin in blood and can't carry oxygen."
"Hemoglobin is a quaternary structure composed of four units: two alpha globin chains, two beta globin chains, and four heme units."
"Each hemoglobin molecule within a single RBC can bind to four oxygen molecules."
"Chlorophyll is virtually identical to hemoglobin."
"Hemoglobin can carry four molecules of oxygen."
"It is the structure of the hemoglobin that imparts the properties of the dissociation curve."
"Fetal hemoglobin is the direct result of a gene duplication event of the original hemoglobin gene."
"The primary function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen."
"A defect in the gene for hemoglobin is called Sickle Cell Anemia."
"If you have more hemoglobin, you can carry more oxygen, therefore you will have a higher VO2 Max."
"Hemoglobin is the red colored protein that transports oxygen in a red blood cell."
"Each hemoglobin molecule is able to bind four oxygen molecules."
"Hemoglobin, because of cooperativity, can satisfy an immense, or a diverse set of oxygen concentrations as they occur in our bodies."
"Hemoglobin is, I hope to convince you by the end of the lecture on Friday, one of the most magical molecules in our body."
"As you shift it to the right, there's reduced affinity of oxygen for hemoglobin and better release of oxygen to the tissues."
"As you shift it to the left, there is a better grabbing on of hemoglobin to oxygen, greater affinity."
"Hemoglobin is, of course, the molecule in our red blood cells that carries oxygen around."
"The R state has a high affinity for oxygen; it binds oxygen tightly. The T state has a low affinity for oxygen; it releases oxygen."
"The Bohr effect is explaining another important property about hemoglobin, how it delivers oxygen and why it's working the way that it works."
"Hemoglobin was a pretty amazing protein."
"It's sole function is carrying oxygen and dropping it off where it's needed."
"That's hemoglobin, an absolutely fascinating protein."
"That's exactly what happened in hemoglobin, and that's exactly what's happening inside of an enzyme."
"Hemoglobin is the protein in our blood that is responsible for carrying oxygen."
"Hemoglobin exhibits a property that we call cooperativity... The binding of one molecule to a protein changes the binding affinity of the other subunits of the same protein."
"When the hemoglobin gets to the lungs where the oxygen concentration is high, it's got great affinity for oxygen; it grabs onto that oxygen."
"I think is personally one of the most interesting proteins, that's hemoglobin."