
Joint Health Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The recommendation from osteoarthritis experts around the world is to do exercise and lose weight."
"One of the most dangerous exercises you can never get, one of the most beneficial exercises you're ever going to get for the joints."
"Cadence... slow down the reps... after a set close to failure like, 'Oh my god, my triceps and my elbows feel great!'"
"Your knee wants to be used, it wants to be compressed, it wants to be filled and surrounded by the synovial fluid."
"Liquid collagen offers over 90% absorption rate, supporting joint health and reducing inflammation."
"Popping your fingers does not cause arthritis."
"Agonist supersets are really awesome because they reduce the joint loads."
"Tumeric can regenerate cartilage, it means your joints could regenerate."
"Any joint to not only build resilience and prevent injury but also to massively improve performance."
"The advantage of viscosupplementation injections is that you're putting a fluid into the joint that actually belongs in the joint, so it's a more organic way of treating the joint."
"If you find that a specific exercise causes joint discomfort, it is probably worth changing it to a different exercise which trains the same muscle group."
"Weight loss is the second one. So somebody who is a big heavy person, we'll tell them if you can take some weight off, it will absolutely take pressure off of that joint."
"In the realm of arthritis management, the foods we choose to consume can play a crucial role in alleviating symptoms and promoting joint health."
"Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, have been shown to help mitigate symptoms and promote overall joint health."
"Pushing against bands is a nightmare for my joints, and for most older people I know who've been through the mill."
"It's easier on the joints because it's lighter load, you're going to be able to get more range of motion."
"Arthritis is not just a degenerative wear and tear disease; it's a systemic disease manifesting in the joints."
"One could imagine that it would do because osteoarthritis is related to wear and tear on joints."
"Our shoulders, our knees, two joints that really give us problems as we get older but there really are things we can do to strengthen those joints and to build the muscles around them."
"The main job is to get blood flowing to the joints and around your body, so don't hammer your toes into the ground."
"Hey, if you want to get some joint Warfare so you can roll, work out, lift, train, and not feel like you're 8,000 years old, get yourself some joint Warfare."
"Exercises that circulate joint fluid help nourish and heal the cartilage."
"If you’re using your quads more than your glutes during walking, you’re getting your quads stronger, and they’re going to pressurize the knee joints, making it worse over time."
"Our joints have to be better than you hope it's going to be or else it'll play into your fear of what this company is."
"Castor oil, a natural warrior against the discomfort in your joints, working quietly as you sleep."
"Remember water helps flush out toxins and provides lubrication and cushioning of the joints."
"Every joint in the human body should be put through its full range of motion every day."
"This is so good for healthy knees."
"Having joints that are strong and mobile and supported well and that move the way that they're supposed to will make whatever your propensity to have much better."
"Mobilizing through the spine, making sure all the joints are lubricated and ready to load."
"Intermittent fasting is one of the things that inhibits interleukin, so that's beneficial for your joints."
"If you can get this all working correctly, you'll feel better, you'll perform better, and your joints will function much better."
"Make sure shoulder health, that should be a priority, these are things that they're not expendable: hip health, shoulder health, back health."
"If the body isn't fully stable in a joint, it's not going to allow you to exude maximum force with your muscle output."
"It develops due to the deterioration of the cartilage, specifically that articular cartilage, the hyaline cartilage."
"This can reduce the stress and load at the joint area resulting in lower levels of pain and discomfort."
"Improves your body posture, you use more than 90% of your body's muscles, it takes some of the impact off of your lower joints."
"The goal of treatment is to cure infection, prevent recurrence, and achieve a pain-free, functional joint."
"Maps prime Pro is designed specifically to address most of the joints in the body."
"If you eat kind of an anti-inflammatory diet, it helps to prolong and nourish those joints."
"Hey there, good looking! If you're looking for a joint-friendly workout that will still train those muscles, then you have come to the right place."
"If you have sensitive joints, if you have osteoarthritis, if you have osteoporosis, or if you're just a badass looking for a joint-friendly workout, alright, let's go get busy."
"As a patient utilizes their joints repeatedly over the course of their life, the joints become weakened and damaged leading to osteoarthritis."
"You're going to increase the mobility as you get into it, your joints will open up."
"Moderate dose running can actually be protective of your joints because that moderate level of stress actually helps keep the cartilage healthy."
"So for joint mobility, really every joint you want to have, see how it has a good bounce to it right there."
"The number one reason to use trekking poles is to save wear and tear on your joints, especially the knees."
"Cannabidiol can reduce pain, it seems to repair or prevent the damage of joint nerves in various different arthritis conditions."
"This machine has abundant cushioning, so it is excellent for anyone who has joint issues, limited mobility, and is looking for something that really absorbs some of that impact as you walk along."
"Most daily activities involve multiple muscle groups and joints, so our workout will include exercises that work several muscles and joints together."
"The longevity and health require that we strengthen the tendons and the connective tissue."
"It's just a matter of attentiveness, paying attention, opening the joints gently, focusing your will in this space."
"Each movement has to be joint friendly because you're going to be doing a lot of them."
"Rheumatoid arthritis... usually from your immune system attacking your joints."
"Being able to get down on the ground without making a thousand noises, snap, crackle, pop in the knees, ankles, and hips, that's a cool goal."
"MSM supports joint health, cartilage, maximizes mobility, physical functions, and supports the immune system."
"When it comes to range of motion, you either use it or lose it."
"This stuff is going to make your joints healthier so that you can continue to do yoga, running, weightlifting, or whatever it is that you might be into."
"Creating traction space in the joint is essential."
"We need to create traction first."
"Swimming is a type of cardio that is overlooked... it is extremely easy on the joints."
"Walking is also very easy on the joints and the tendons, it is peak low intensity steady state cardio."
"Preserve the joints, make sure they continue working."
"Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease, a progressive degeneration of the joint as a result from wear and tear."