
Negation Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"The goal is the negation, the abolishment of the existing culture."
"This card is absolutely ridiculous, negates any activated monster effect your opponent controls."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, okay."
"Absolutely no one came into this life to suffer."
"Never had us. Nah, Blue, of course not."
"We cancel every curse, every opposing prayer, and every envy directed towards us and our home."
"We're not going to be doing any of that today."
"When you say nope that means yep."
"I'm sorry, but I don't have nothing in my purse. Sorry, I don't have nothing."
"It's like fine, fine. That's what we're not doing."
"No matter which one you're having, no."
"That is the opposite of certain death."
"Through complete negation alone, that thing which is love comes into being."
"Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. This is nothing."
"Anything that could have manifested, you've canceled out"
"There isn't anything to negate. There is already no thing. Negating is just part of the story of me."
"If something in the question says 'not,' make sure you circle it, square it, underline it, just to make sure that you're paying attention to the fact that it's there."
"Meanwhile, I don't do none of that [ __ ]!"
"Positive properties don't entail negative properties. That means you could have a positive property like having power or having knowledge without thereby just by logic having to have some defect or some kind of negative property."
"That is nothing. That is absolutely nothing."
"Ideology mostly lies in this way today: it's the implied negation which is a false one."
"There's no way. There's no way I wouldn't. There's no way I would never in a million years ever do something like that."
"Negation means denying something which is not there but appears to be there."
"It's not going to happen anymore."
"Negation of the universe means a denial of the reality of the universe."
"So yeah as a not not a donny though no not a"
"The answer is no, and it's a no with a period after it."
"Double negation basically says that if you have P, that's really the same as saying it's not the case that Joey does not like ice cream."
"Any language about God is a via negativa, it's the destruction of idols."
"Absolutely, not, do you mean absolutely not?"
"That is just simply not the case."
"You're not, it's just not possible."
"You get no [__]." "You get no [__]." "You get no [__]." "You get no [__]." "You get no [__]." "You get none."
"I'm probably not using no, I'm probably not."
"Negative thinking is the core. We're going to get more by negating. That's literally his message in a bottle."
"I'm confident to say we're not going to see a watermelon."
"Vedanta circumvents the problem of the inexpressible Atman by showing what it is not."
"What the negative does is simply flip the fraction."
"Negation is false if it's false, then it's going to be true."
"Adding negative is the same as subtracting."
"Whatever they have said about your life, God has not commanded it."
"It is through this negation, this nothingness, this complete vacuum that we experience reality as our quote-unquote selves."
"Unicorns do not exist just means no things are unicorns."
"If you take Brian Winchester out of the things that have been shown to you, you have nothing."
"If you take a negative and you square it, it's now positive because the two negative signs cancel out."
"Minus 1 to the odd 'n' power will always be minus 1, and minus 1 to the even 'n' power will always be 1."
"Not this, not this; Brahman is not this, not this."
"Whenever you push the negation through, you simply change the existential to a universal or vice versa."
"If there's no such thing that is P, that means that everything has to be not P."
"Litotes is a way of describing something not in the affirmative, but as a negation of the contrary."
"Instead of showing a statement is true directly, we can show that that statement is not false."
"Evil is a lie with no truth in it."
"No is the opposite of yes, we use it when we want to disagree."
"Neti neti, not this, not this, which is like that the indescribable."
"De Morgan's laws tell us how we can distribute a negation through something."
"What does it remove? It removes what was never there."
"Stop saying these things to yourself; you didn't accomplish nothing."
"One of the ways of analyzing things is to analyze what they cannot be."
"I've never seen a power system that literally focuses on negating reality itself."
"If a spell or trap is activated while this card is attacking, you can negate and destroy that card."
"The knowledge of God is ultimately acquired negatively, through the via negativa."
"If there's a 'but' that follows it, it doesn't make the person feel good hearing it."
"It's not the case that the present King of France is bald."
"Gullah refers to both the dialect and those who speak it; 'gullah' is basic universal negator is 'ain' from 'ain't', and they use an awful lot of multiple negatives."
"Grave Digger's Trap Hole has the ability to negate a monster effect that was activated in your opponent's hand."
"The ability to negate that is absolutely phenomenal."
"His power is to analyze magic at its root and essentially divert it or cancel it out."
"Minus times minus is positive; it's like 'not not' in English."
"This factor is equal to minus one or minus w sub n to the r."
"If there is anything in the world that Mr. Dick is not, it's that," my aunt stated with great decision.
"The sins of the father should they carry on to you? No."
"Proving the negative is not necessary when probability is so low that it's practically zero."
"It never ever actually never done that."
"When you raise something to a negative power, it does not make a negative number."
"So when you take any number and multiply it by -1, you actually get the opposite answer."
"The probability that an event will not occur is one minus the probability that it will occur."
"If I have ten pennies, then I have ten cents. I don't have ten cents. Therefore, I don't have ten pennies."
"A double negative is equal to the original value of the proposition."
"We can't say what God is, but we can say what he's not."
"A negative times a negative, as we all know, is a positive."
"A lot of negativity out there, and you can cancel it out with positivity."