
UI Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"It's like terraforming 2.0, the UI looks sick."
"Most EV reviews are almost heavily dependent on their software integration within their UI."
"This layout is kind of the default layout that every Blazor application gets."
"It's a good pattern to make the UI feel responsive as you're doing that upload."
"The ability to split up your UI into reusable pieces is just so important for a good developer experience."
"Updating your UI on the main thread is something you'll do all the time as a developer."
"There's no Android like pure Android when it comes from a software UI experience in my opinion."
"By setting up a stream of data between the layers, we are creating a reactive UI. It just needs to be told how to update its state when new data arrives."
"Empower your development with our extensive UI component library."
"These are platform agnostic snippets of UI that are authored in JSON and apps and services can openly exchange these."
"Card elements are effectively drag and drop elements that you can put onto your card."
"Angular material library contains some components that do a lot of otherwise time-consuming work for us."
"Don't block the foreground the user is interacting with. Only do long-running operations in the background."
"Nu UI actually uses iconify which gives us access to over 100,000 different icons."
"We're going to render each card dynamically."
"Snapshots are really helpful and it also makes sure that our UI does not change unexpectedly."
"Reactor Rooter keeps your UI in sync with the URL."
"Percy makes Cypress more awesome because it smooths out the integration and makes testing cosmetic alignments in UI easier."
"Even minor UI changes that might not be noticeable to the eye are detected and highlighted by Percy."
"This is a beautifully crafted UI library. If you're building a dashboard kind of interface, what better way would be to start the application than using the Next UI?"
"Custom layouts allow us to override the default layout."
"The caller doesn't know, card doesn't care. However this card is rendered, whether we're on a small screen or a big screen, it doesn't matter. The overall screen size, what matters is how much space the container has. So pretty awesome feature."
"Everyone needs UI, so that's going to be something that we'll be known for and people will be using R for."
"Efficiency tip: Use padding on parent containers for consistent alignment."
"Consistent alignment: the secret to a polished UI."
"Using Tailwind forms, we have a really nice collection of form elements that we can use."
"Skeleton's input chips component allows us to add multiple values or tags to a single input."
"Toasts are also singletons which means that they're queued up and displayed in the order that they're triggered."
"The modal is another singleton component that we can use anywhere in our app."
"Storybook essentially provides you with a runtime environment to bring your component to life with change detection and provides you with a nice user interface to display your components along with variations of them."
"You can perform any asynchronous task without blocking the rendering of the UI."
"It's okay to use the actual user information to hide and show and do different things based on your UI on the client."
"That logic will be especially helpful while integrating the game with the UI later on."
"Storybook is an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, Angular, and more."
"We're going to create a daisy UI navbar and give it some color with primary."
"Adaptive cards are platform-agnostic snippets of UI authored in JSON."
"I'm really focusing on building web apps right now, mostly UI and UX."
"It is an open source cross-platform immediate mode UI that has a lot of advantages to it."
"As your data updates, to update also the UI... RxSwift offers that."
"My goal with this tutorial is to purely focus on how to use the common widgets to cook up a nice looking UI."
"React is a front-end JavaScript library used for building beautiful user interface components."
"Web components is really great at compatibility and building reusable UI elements."
"I've defined template fill and I'll just type in white here so I've got a little bit of a separator within my gallery."
"We're going to spin off a new chatsea and UI project and then make it ours by creating some abstractions that let us reuse the same theming functionality across multiple projects using these components."
"We want to dynamically change the variable because we want to display the list in our screen and whenever we make any changes to the list, we want to re-render the UI to show the new changes."
"All UI components built with Stencil are based 100% on open web standards."
"React is a library created in JavaScript for building user interface experiences."
"The UI text in every form plays an essential role in the quality of user experiences."
"React server components allow you to write the UI that can be rendered and optionally cached on the server."
"Let's go over the design system and what it actually is: It's a style guide that helps you build consistent UI."
"Tailwind is essentially just Lego blocks for UI design."
"The idea with Tailwind is that we compose these atomic classes together in order to create a unique design."
"The best thing that React did for the frontend community was to popularize the idea of state driven user interface."
"We want to make our PyQt5 UI look as modern as possible."
"You have to understand UI design fundamentals and principles."
"Whenever the data in the model changes, the UI will notice and update itself accordingly."
"So the first thing we're going to do is design our keypad widget."
"The design library approach is probably the one to expect with things with a forward-facing UI component."
"Kivy allows us to do the app logic and the UI all in one bundle."
"Okay guys, so let's hop back into our contacts controller, and we need to implement some UI tableView methods."
"Let's go ahead and spawn this UI into our game."
"Conditional rendering is when elements are added or removed from the document based on a condition."
"This whole thing is native; this isn't simply just a div with a grey background and some box shadow, this is a native action bar."
"We can bring all that WebAssembly into basically any browser, even on a mobile browser, and have this really amazing UI experience."
"This blows my mind, I can essentially code this color to be dynamic."
"We could embrace the statelessness of HTTP and deliver a fully rendered UI on each request and response cycle."
"UI is where you get most bang for the buck optimizing it, at least in Android."
"The renderer takes those changes and pushes them out to the UI."
"We want to provide you beauty, power, and functionality at a UI level."
"Material Design is an open-source UI design system with a set of code components across platforms."
"If you're building a UI library and you're working at a mid to large-size company, custom elements and web components are really the way to go."
"One of the most underappreciated features of JavaScript is that you can add such marginally easy and yet terribly useful UI enhancements."
"Components are essentially reusable UI building blocks."