
Epicness Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The battles are great... the epicness of the fight."
"This is such a beautiful looking game and it was so epic."
"The Hammerheart is just the absolute embodiment of epicness."
"I'm so freaking excited, guys, this series is about to be epic."
"No, it was epic too, like the filmmaking was incredible, it was so riveting."
"'Blackwater Park' - just epicness and creative prog a penis."
"It's just epic, you guys. This is just epic."
"The entire moon and with it the entire Imperial and rebel fleet will go out in a fiery blaze."
"That's the truest thing I've heard all day. It's so epic, and we've got these towers, so it looks like a real castle. Like, it's awesome."
"You know you're doing wrestling right when even Mother Nature gives you a little boost by sending the rain to make the Cody beating even more epic."
"The best party I've ever been to was at Puffy's 50th birthday. It was so sick, epic."
"...if everything else was not so epic, I would have a hard time buying something like this."
"Being a part of something so epic... it's a little mind-blowing."
"Overall, just an epic, beautiful, passionate story."
"A stone that can grant wishes, that's epic!"
"Damn, that was savage, that was one epic."
"This thing looks absolutely Epic."
"These epic battles become legendary in anime because they show how powerful teamwork can be."
"Epic. It feels like a culmination of something that's been building for a really long time."
"That moment itself is so incredibly epic. It kind of transformed this chapter into something rather incredible."
"There is no winner. They are all on the same level of sheer epicness."
"Six million views, our most viewed video, Barry versus Larry. That's pretty epic."
"Oh god, that's so epic. It's in sync with the music."
"Some memories can be hard to swallow, can't they, Mr. Skeleton? Pretty epic."
"This is just one of those times where I just have to pause the video for a second to just admire epicness that is epicness."
"... it really was the ultimate space battle."
"No words, that was epic on an unbelievable scale."
"It's really epic, you can feel it right?"
"It was really touching and on top of that to contrast it, it was absolutely epic."
"That was epic, y'all. That was epic."
"This is arguably the most epic moment, forget about closer but moment in rock and roll history."
"It's like Star Wars in real life."
"Give yourself a round of applause for clicking on this video. I know it was difficult because you're epic, you're mega."
"But yeah, the Superman girl it is out epic."
"It's just so epic that's a lack of words but it really is."
"Cannot come up with a word to describe what we saw it was just epic."
"Tell me this is not the most epic."
"This is gonna be epic, I can already tell."
"I hope you guys are ready, I hope you guys are prepared for the epicness that is about to ensue."
"The legendary Titans monstrous Golems which by the way is a sick name for a trio the legendary Titans I mean what's the other ones Birds Genies okay Genies kind of goes a little bit hard to be honest but the other ones just aren't as cool as Titans that's a really sick name."
"That was epic. Oh my gosh, I can't believe just the whole like pandemonium of it."
"This titanically wide juggernaut of a robot, like a transforming robot Dark Souls boss born from the day that an unholy Factory decided to stand up and reveal its artillery."
"You stabbed an actual vampire in the [__] face. That's pretty epic."
"The doctor strange will return is so epic um."
"The introduction of that character was freaking epic and just so good, so much fun, so interesting."
"This is probably the coolest snow fort I've ever seen. Dude, this is epic."
"You've literally been hiding farts, that's freaking epic."
"These noodles are epic and they're a great noodle dish to make for a crowd."
"This is one of the few comic book films that I think earns the word epic."
"Are you excited for Elbaf how epic was it to hear Luffy tell the Gorosei directly that he will be the next pirate king."
"That was some of the most epic things that's happened on Gravity Falls, seeing Stan just man up and legit fight a pterodactyl. That was absolutely epic."
"Mr. Brightside by The Killers, that song is epic."
"That is about one of the most epic things I've ever seen."
"Is it necessary? Probably not. Is it epic? Absolutely."
"I feel like they should get one here for how final bosses they've made this feel the size and scope is like that of the end of a huge jrpg with end of the world kind of Vibes."
"This one is a clear win for the UK in terms of safety but for epicness, it's a win for Canada."
"It feels epic because of the music."
"That's why I do this. Look at that picture, how epic is that!"
"Wow, okay, this is pretty epic; this game definitely wins the biggest ending scenario of a Bond game ever."
"Superman the movie, Superman II are more epic than this and they had something called heart."
"I want it to sound just a touch more epic."
"This band does a lot of epic, like multi-part suites, tracks that sort of thing, so if you dig that sort of thing, you've come to the right place."
"Down since day one ish, very epic."
"Fuzz is such a great place to start because it's so simple and it can sound epic."
"Every bit is epic in play as it is in the subject matter itself."