
Crochet Quotes

There are 1419 quotes

"Crocheting has been my favorite hobby since I was like 15."
"Love it! Speaking of love, we've got hundreds of modern crochet designs for you to love."
"We're literally finalizing the striping right now, and the reason for it is that this is the last time you're going to be doing any kind of single crochet on this."
"I think the only provision I would amend is the amendment provision."
"Again, I hope you enjoyed this video. Thanks for watching and until next time, happy crochet."
"It's a really relaxing way to crochet."
"It produces very pretty results."
"The heathered eyelets wrap is complete; it looks really beautiful."
"It's ready to wear or give as a gift."
"Hello there, Crafters, it is Amanda, and I am back with more crochet hacks."
"This is the version of the hack, and I want you to pay attention to just how straight and crisp these edges are."
"I always love crocheting with you, I hope you have an amazing day."
"Don't just crochet, make a memory."
"Basic stitches like single and double crochet are going to work up infinitely faster than more complicated stitch patterns like bobbles and cables."
"That's why I love crochet because it's so visual, and you can really see exactly what you're supposed to be doing."
"Our secret: we're not just a crochet company, we see ourselves as an education company too."
"If you're a crocheter and you're looking at me going girl your Technique sucks well it's probably because I don't know what I'm doing."
"This granny square looks like it was made with four unique mitered squares, all of them matching sort of into the middle with this one sort of singular cross of color. It's a really unique design."
"You're now working over top of the color you're not using."
"If you need to count them, be sure and don't count what's on the hook and count down, this would be the first stitch here, the first chain and this would be the next one and the next one so you go one two three four and all the way down until you make sure you have enough."
"Ignoring your tension is an important factor in crochet, and it can affect the appearance and quality of your finished item."
"Practice maintaining a consistent tension throughout your work and pay attention to any areas where you tend to get too tight or too loose."
"Quickly reading through a pattern before we start can save us so much time and frustration."
"Crocheting in bad lighting not only causes eye strain but can also lead to neck and back issues."
"I really do hope that you have enjoyed the tutorial as I say that is all you will need to do to create a blanket just like this one that we've got here."
"Ultimate crochet hack: teach your boyfriend how to weave in your ends and then you never have to do it again."
"Tick Tock has become one of my go-to places to learn crochet tips and today I'm going to be putting 10 viral crochet Tick Tock hacks to the test to see if they actually work."
"Alrighty Row two so for Row two we're gonna start by chaining up three one two three turn the work and into that first stitch we're going to add two more double crochets for a total of three like so."
"Just wiggle it in wherever and then I'm just going to put another double crochet in the opposite corner chain space and that's what I'm going to do for mine."
"I'm going to chain one, skip the stitch with the stitch marker in it and then go in the next one with a double crochet."
"I absolutely love this blanket so much, it is my most favorite crochet project I've crocheted in all my 13 years crocheting."
"It summarizes my crochet journey up until this point as well because there's so many different stitches and skills in here."
"It is bright, it is happy, it is fun, and it is easy. If you're looking for a beginner project, this is the way to go."
"I started this blanket in lockdown April 2020. I was working at the hospital during that lockdown and I was a little bit stressed. I needed something easy and I needed something happy, and I think this blanket was the key."
"I was super fortunate to learn how to crochet I think I was in second grade my mom is a phenomenal crocheter."
"If you can do a single crochet, double crochet, and a treble crochet with these chain stitches in between, you can do this shawl. It's really easy to do."
"Just like that, and our first row is going to all go into that ring. So we're going to chain up five, one, two, three, four, and five."
"And now we're going to be working back along, we're going to be working in the chain spaces. We're going to skip that first chain space and we're going to work in the second chain space, which is right here, and we're going to put our first shell stitch."
"Your tutorials have made me love crochet and create things."
"I mean, I know it's got no sleeve, I just, I'm an old hippie and we used to wear these sort of things and we would either crochet them ourselves or our Mum would do it."
"You don't need a professional camera to take crochet photos, your phone can do the job."
"It makes me so happy to know that so many people are starting their own crochet businesses."
"We need more crochet businesses out there."
"Part of my cow pattern is that you crochet the arms directly in, and I really like how I designed that."
"I love these, they're really good for like beginners getting into crocheting for the first time."
"Crochet shorts are not for the weak, but they are so cute."
"So always make sure you've got that very last chain two."
"One of the joys of growing your crochet skills is knowing enough about what you're doing so you can go off script."
"Each granny stitch layer is a different color, and I feel like that is so summery, so cute."
"Granny squares are fabulous and fantastic and gorgeous and they're easy for beginners to learn."
"And now I am going to work one double crochet in each of the last three stitches."
"You can do this 100% as long as you know how to double crochet in chain space."
"It says, 'Size 20, eight balls of white or ten balls of ecru.' I've got white size 20 and a 1.25 mm hook."
"This really is meant for beginners so if you are learning how to make a granny square this is the ideal video for you."
"The granny stitch is one of those iconic stitch patterns that has become synonymous with crochet."
"Embracing the unknown of vintage patterns is part of the adventure of crochet."
"So at the end of this row you are going to have one less stitch than your number of starting chains."
"I personally added a stitch marker to the last increase row so I can count how many rows of normal double crochets I did."
"So I just did my last triple double crochet."
"This will complete our first petal with a single crochet into the same loop."
"You just want to make sure you have an even number of single crochet stitches all the way down the side."
"The terminology I am using for this pattern is U.S terminology."
"I really like it. It's the Furls Streamline hook."
"Each one of the patterns in Amigurumi People is so adorable, and I had such a hard time choosing which project to make."
"And that is all there is to this method of adding beads to crochet. It creates such a lovely effect, such a great texture."
"Quick review of these hooks: I'm really really liking them, they're super smooth, they've got hook heads just like Susan Bates which are my absolute favorites."
"These colors are so cute for 33 dollars for a full set of hooks, mostly full set of hooks, they're fantastic."
"I want to love my crochet process, I don't want to just deal with it, I don't want to just be okay with what I've got."
"If you want to crochet faster, you have to be able to trust the hook."
"Your hook weight matters in the long term, because if it's too heavy, your hand and your wrist and your elbow will get exhausted from the motion of crochet."
"So to move on for the baby shell blanket, you're going to repeat rows 2 and 3 until you get about 29 inches for your blanket, or your desired length."
"I really want everyone to be able to get this concept, know how to crochet this granny square because like I said in my other video it goes very fast, it's very nice, it's fun."
"Before you start crocheting along with me, I highly recommend that you download the row counter app using the links in the description."
"It's actually pretty easy to do, you can do double crochets, single crochets, you got this down."
"Insert your hook into the second back Ridge Loop and single crochet all the way across."
"Dedicate 30 minutes to learning how to crochet. You're gonna change your whole life."
"It'll be interesting to look back and see how many of them I actually got right maybe one hopefully maybe but I would love to know what do you think is going to be on trend for us crocheters next year."
"Sorry eliminated, time to go crochet."
"So for the setup row, we're going to chain three and turn just as you have been doing. We're going to work our first single crochet into that first chain one space."
"All of these crochet ideas are super easy, super beginner-friendly."
"Anything involving granny squares is very simple, very beginner-friendly."
"Crochet is supremely satisfying to do. True for work grows quickly and patterns are instantly effective."
"So, once you've finished that repeat all the way across, your last Stitch is going to be a single crochet stitch that you're going to work into."
"Hello and welcome to Just Vintage Crochet."
"... so crochet flowers are a great start to start experimenting with your stitches."
"I really really love crochet because once you get the hang of it it is such a relaxing mindless Hobby."
"... so if you calculate four chain stitch as one triple crochet, we again end up with a total of ten triple crochet."
"If you're someone who has never crocheted before but would like to learn crochet, then this video is for you."
"Every row will increase by a v-stitch, so row three will have three, row four will have four, row five will have five, and so on."
"We are not working in the round, so I turn my work and I'm going to work on top of these same stitches I just got done working with."
"I make tutorials that are simple and clear, and help ease some of the frustrations of learning crochet online."
"Now, you can use a double crochet stitch if you want."
"I'll show you how to do the v-stitch."
"Now we're just going to work back slightly into that double crochet so yarn over and go into that double crochet stitch."
"Start Row two, we're going to chain three and turn our work."
"When I get this square done, I'll show you how big of a square you can make out of one cake."
"You want to start off by chaining one."
"Until next time, stay inspired and happy crocheting."
"Now it's just kind of a repeat now of a star row and a half double crochet row."
"I actually think this challenge is going to be one of the easiest if not the easiest to crochet because I'm already familiar with doing a yarn under instead of a yarn over."
"Let's talk about crochet rugs. Some are insanely beautiful!"
"Crochet poofs come in different shapes. They're fun to make and add a unique touch to your space."
"Crochet chair covers are simple yet effective. They're perfect for adding comfort and style to your seating."
"Crochet mirror covers or picture frame covers are a great way to jazz up your space."
"Crochet pet beds are perfect for pampering your furry friends."
"So, the first kind of strap that you can make is going to be a linked double crochet strap. Very strong and sturdy. I will show you how to do that. It's only going to be seven stitches wide."
"Once Jordan and I move, our home will be covered with crochet lamp covers. I think it'd be really fun to string them up and nail them to the ceiling."
"Crochet is perfect for home decor projects like blankets, baskets, and pillows. It also makes beautiful garments and toys."
"As you go, we're just going to work three doubles in every chain one space, and every time you get to your V stitch in the chain one space, you'll do a double, chain one, and a double."
"Winter can be a little bit doom and gloom, but our crochet makes don't have to be dark and lackluster."
"So when you're ready to join your next square, you've already attached your yarn, we're going to chain one and single crochet into the same space."
"Now you are confident on how to crochet Anita's vintage hexis and how to join them."
"So, counting the ones from the row before, one, two, and then this one, three, and then this one, four, and this one, five, that means we need one more set of the three double crochets, okay?"
"Okay, so I've worked one double crochet."
"Okay, now we're just going to work down the other side, same thing."
"If your last stitch in the round is a triple, just add a single to that triple crochet stitch."
"It creates an evenness and it's also just because every row grows by four double crochet per side or 16 double crochet in total for the whole row."
"All right, I grabbed some yarn and my hook and we're ready to roll."
"So that's what we're going to do, double crochet right into the top of that Stitch."
"So every row starts like this, chain three, double crochet in the next Stitch."
"Every row grows by four double crochet per side or 16 double crochet in total for the whole row."
"So go ahead and repeat that all the way across until you get to the next corner."
"Once you've worked the corners on both ends, you should have 112 single crochets across each side."
"The next stitch after the corner will always be a triple crochet stitch for this round."
"Make sure that the total number of your single crochet is an odd number."
"So, we just finished another V-stitch A and we're looking at our next couple spaces."
"As always that chain 2 does not count as the stitch."
"To make a mini Square just work the first three rounds of the basic square that we made in the beginning."
"I'm just going to fasten off and now we're going to create single crochets all the way around."
"You only need to know two stitches, the chain stitch and the double crochet."
"Remember any Stitch that looks difficult to use is just made up of all stitches, they're just made up of the basic stitches of single crochet double crochet that's all."
"...single crochet right in this chain six space of the previous row and then one single crochet in each of those three single crochets of the previous row so we have one two three so four single crochets in total and then remember we're going to put one right after."
"So here I am, and remember I'm not counting that chain three as a stitch."
"You're just gonna keep doing that into each V stitch, into each two chain space here. But before you move on to the next V, you need to make one chain first, right here. Always make one chain in between, okay?"
"Then we will work a series of 3 double crochet."
"Just remember that at the end of each decrease you should have four chains four loops on your crochet hook."
"We're gonna chain four and then make five double crochet into each space."
"For the fourth row, start with a chain seven, slip stitch in the fourth chain from hook, flip it up."
"Yes you can actually make money crocheting whether you want to start a side hustle or you want to pursue crochet as your full-time career there are so many options for you to profit with crochet."
"I've never really come to terms with crocheting, but I can do granny squares."
"Go ahead and work all the way down and you should end with seven double crochet into this space here."
"My tip is crochet something that you think is out of your range so if you look at something and you're like oh that looks way too hard for me crochet it that's the only way you're going to up your skill if that makes sense."
"I am not even done with this pattern yet and it is the cutest thing I feel like I've ever made... Melly inspired crochet... she said in one of her videos that this is her favorite pattern ever... it's so simple and so beautiful you guys and it's making the cutest plushy..."
"Powerful crocheted entities about 10,000 people have participated in."
"Crochet in all of my free time anytime I have any free time I'm working on orders."
"This is our very last row and we're just going to single crochet all the way across."
"Every single store has their own knit and crochet pattern, and I'm pretty sure all of them were shawls."
"Odd rows begin with a shell and end with a shell."
"Just chain one, now that chain one does not count as a stitch."
"For round two, chain one which does not count as a stitch, and we're going to work right back into that same spot that we just slip stitched into, that very first stitch."
"The best item that you can crochet is the thing that you should sell."
"The best way to seam these sleeves is with a crochet hook."
"Granny squares are on Trend now but they're Timeless in the world of crochet."
"So that's how you should look, you should have four chain one spaces."
"To begin round four add a slip stitch into the chain four space."
"Nothing says crochet quite like a granny square."
"Tension is one of the hardest things to get right in crochet."
"There are quite a few different ways of making a slip knot, but I will show you my preferred way."
"The simplest way for beginners is simply to, as we crochet, we wrap it like this around our hook."
"So I'm gonna go ahead and hide all them tails and then we'll, I'll show you how to go around it and then we'll get it sewed together."
"And then I'm going to chain one, now that chain one does not count as a stitch."
"...it makes me crochet faster. So, it releases the good chemicals in my brain, you know?"
"So we are going to be basically creating double crochets on top of what we already have, but we are going to be making an increase right into the middle double crochet."
"This method is a little bit more effort than the traditional join as you go granny squares."
"So I'm making one single crochet here my marker and I'm gonna do one single crochet in each stitch so I'm at two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen and eighteen."
"After working all the way across the row with those single crochets."
"...I really hope you enjoyed this one and if you're a crocheter let us know in the comments what is on your wish list this year because I know we would all love to know."
"Increasing and decreasing with Tunisian crochet is really simple. Very, very easy."
"The large clear plates which show each stitch permit the least experienced crocheter to satisfactorily complete her work and makes copying from them a delightful pastime."
"Continuous Join As You Go is a method that changed my life."
"Once you get your head around the going around, pick up the next row, going around, pick up the next row, it's easy."
"You're not going to finish off this bottom corner you're going to chain three or again however many is you're chaining and you're going to go straight into this bottom corner here - just three doubles don't complete the corner - just three doubles straight in here."
"So your first row will look like this - starting over here you can always see a little tail for you started you just go up, round, down and across - round, down and across throughout the full length."
"This join is made up of two rounds, the first one is just a round of straight single crochet."
"Single crochet your way up to the point."
"For round two add a slip stitch into that first chain one space."
"This is going to serve as your first double crochet and now we're going to do another double crochet into the same space."
"Just go ahead and turn your work and chain four because you're going to be working a triple crochet again."
"If you're very new to crochet or knitting and trying to learn Tunisian crochet, and wondering why maybe it's not as easy for you, it could just be a matter of your hands figuring out how to hold all the things."
"The double crochet stitch... there's a lot of steps to it but... practice and it will become second nature."
"I think it's so fun to just take knitting and crochet and analyze things a little bit and learn more about yourself through the process."
"So go ahead and repeat like I said before rows 2 3 4 and 5 until your blanket is a square."
"I had to order more to do the crochet neckband because I had a terrifying round of yarn chicken with this cardigan."
"As long as you know pretty much how to single crochet and slip stitch, you'll be able to tuft this pillow."
"If you could crochet like sit down with any celebrity in the world and crochet with them, who would it be? Freddie Mercury."
"There is nothing that you can't do. I will show you how to do that and you will see how easy it is. You single crochet, you double crochet and make a chain, you can make that. Don't I know that you can. Now you believe that you can too and you will."
"Crochet has long been seen as an activity meant for grandmothers or stay-at-home wives, but these misconceptions are being challenged."
"And I ended up with this gorgeous masterpiece of a crochet subscriber blanket."
"The pattern is super repetitive and once you get the hang of the steps you can make these squares any size you want."
"Once you're comfortable making this kind of a granny square, you can gradually reduce the number of chains in your beginning ring."
"This is how you would do their Bernat Pipsqueak Star Blanket or the Fluffy Unicorn Blanket, both of the exact same stitches, but you can physically see the stitch work here when it's done in a different color and different types of yarn."
"Your last petals should end with a chain one."
"A temperature blanket simply is a blanket that you crochet one row on every day for an entire year."
"Granny squares are literally so good for beginners because once you know how to make granny squares you can make it into bags, pouches, blankets and so many other stuff."
"Don't do any chains or anything, and to the chain space of that double cluster do a slip stitch."
"The main purpose of doing this round, that is we are reducing the chain to space, I mean not doing two double crochet in the chain two space, was to reduce the number of stitches and to make it flat."
"You're going to single crochet into the second chain from your hook."
"Your traditional square granny squares feel like they take forever sometimes."
"So, just like in the previous round, we're gonna work into the spaces between the little groups that we've created."
"And I always feel like the circles that turn into granny squares end up going a little bit faster, but they feel faster to me. I don't know why that is."