
Rightness Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Narcissists prefer to be right than to be happy."
"Sometimes knowing that I was right is enough. I don't have to prove it anymore."
"Whatever path you pick, whatever person you pick, whatever job you pick, whatever your decision is, it's gonna be the right thing."
"Now this is right, there's something primal about it like in the best type of way, like in that way that you're just like 'yeah, no, this is right.'"
"Doing ministry with you felt really right, like it just felt right."
"Trust yourself this month in November because you know if you do you will make everything right."
"If you've got a tool that can show you whether or not you're right, use it."
"It feels like home, it feels right. I think this is where you're supposed to be."
"It wasn't easy, but often the easy way is not the right way."
"I feel like everything was right."
"It just feels very familiar and right to you."
"They have this authenticity to them where it just feels right."
"I think it's good to be conscious of it but it's kind of like when things are right things are right you know."
"People think their rightness and wrongness depends on taking a position in politics."
"...it's just perfect way to describe it is when it just feels right."
"Do you want to be right or do you want to be effective?"
"Everything just felt right in the world."
"This is only right. It's how it's supposed to be."
"Being successful has nothing to do with being right."
"It doesn't have to feel perfect, it just has to feel right."
"There is a right and a wrong thing about submission."
"Feels comfortable, you know, it feels right."
"It just felt like alright, this is right."
"It took courage to do what you did, to face up to the fact that marriage to Derek would have been wrong."
"Sometimes, regardless of what's being said, everything seems like it's just the right feel."
"I think it's the right magical combination."
"Feels comfortable. It feels right."
"It's really great when it's right, it's amazing."
"We're right back where we need to be, I feel so right."
"It is not choosing the right partner, it is being the right partner."
"Everything there is right, there's nothing wrong, it's past peace."
"It's been a while, already it feels right, it feels as it should now."
"For the first time, things felt right."
"You can decide and act knowing your decision was the right decision to make regardless of if it was wrong."
"It was right that we should make merry and be glad."
"It felt like such a magical happening that it just felt right and it felt natural."
"There's something about opening the shutters in the morning and greeting the day that feels so right."
"It feels right when I'm around you."
"Sometimes it all comes together, you know it's right. A feeling like this never gets old."
"The customer is always right, even if they're wrong."
"Slavery was legal, but that doesn't mean it was right."
"That clicked though, you know that feeling when it just feels right? That's what that was right there."
"You're doing the right thing, guy."
"Sometimes things just feel right."
"We do what's right because it's right, and not just out of a fear of consequences."
"There is a sense of peace and harmony as if things are simply just right being there with them in their presence."
"It feels right, it feels complete, it feels just that much stronger."
"Just something about this moment that feels so right."
"Holy [__], I finally got proven right on something."
"I think the world is fine," I said. "For once, the world was finally right."
"It feels right taking care of you."
"Everything immediately felt as right as rain."
"We just knew that it was right, and we did very quickly."
"Sometimes traditions, just because it's a tradition, doesn't make it right."
"When it is right, and it's God, it just flows."
"It's like putting on a glove; sometimes you just feel comfortable in something and it just feels right."
"It feels like you belong right here. Nothing has ever felt more right to me."
"She didn't always feel like that, but a few times in her life she felt like something was just right, and this was one of those times."
"Eyes crinkled, but his arms opened, and she walked into them, and nothing had ever felt more right."
"And nothing else has ever felt so right."
"He felt pulled to it, drawn to it. Picking it up, he gripped it in his hand, and everything felt different, everything felt right again."
"Using our intuition, that puzzle piece will fit perfectly into place because it's what feels right."
"I guess I'm just looking for it again, the belief I had when I first went there and it all seemed so right."
"Everything just feels so right in it."
"This just feels right to be back."
"It just feels good, and it feels right as well."
"If you're going through a hard time, it does not mean you're doing something wrong; in fact, it could actually mean you're doing something right."
"Let's hold on tight, but things are finally right."
"I knew that I was with the right people."
"I've never been so content; it's never felt so right."
"It's one of those times in life when you just know that it's right."
"I've never seen anything, I've never felt... this something just feels right."
"This just feels good, like it just feels right when you walk in."
"There was something about being out in nature that just felt right to me."
"I love when it feels right, it is just one of these nights."
"I've always felt that we were doing the right thing, and now I'm out here physically seeing that we were not doing the right thing."
"I knew it was right, and I just felt this feeling like wash over me of like, this is good, this is perfect."
"When something's really right for you, that's when that sense of peace will come over us."
"Every little thing with you just feels so right."
"Choose being kind over being right, and you'll be right every time."
"...there's some kind of deep, ultimate rightness. And it's a faith, which is not super logical. It's experiential. It's connected to mystery and wonder..."
"I just felt like it was right, something in my spirit clicked."
"She smiled as well, and it felt right again."
"Everything felt right when he was this close to her."
"When you love someone, it just feels right."
"I don't think anything else in my life has ever felt as right as this does."
"I'm just getting started thinking about how you feel so right."
"Following our heart is our right path."
"Everything just feels right and okay, yes, and things fall into place."
"Nothing has ever felt more right; I'm so happy."
"There's nothing bad when it feels so right."
"It's not necessarily the most logical thing, but it feels so right."
"I just know nothing else in my life has ever felt so right, no one else has ever felt so much like home."
"A breakup is always the right thing for at least one of the parties, which means it's the right thing for both parties."
"Whatever people think is right, is right, even if it isn't."
"Nothing had ever felt more right."
"It's a scary thing to do... but your heart always keeps telling you this is the right thing."
"It feels really good like I feel really happy for like everything in there is like where it's meant to be."
"It's just so wonderful, it feels so right."
"You were right, old horse, you were right," the man mumbled to the old-timer of Sulphur Creek.
"If something's not right for you and you know it in your heart right away, you're allowed to feel that way."
"I saw something that made me certain we're doing the right thing."
"It just felt right, kind of the way holding hands with you does."
"Kabul is waiting. Kneading. Journey home is the right thing to do."
"I feel something so right doing the wrong thing"
"It's so easy and like effortless, you know, like it just feels right."
"It's so easy and like effortless, you know? It just feels right."
"When you know, you know. It just feels right."
"It felt as though it were right, the path I was meant to be on."
"This just feels really right and it feels like this is where we're supposed to be."
"It's got to be the right story and it's got to be the right group of people backing you up."
"For the first time in a long time, the world felt right; it felt peaceful."
"It just feels so right, and it's giving you a sense of resolve."
"It's only ever been right with you."
"It just feels so right and our family just feels so where it's supposed to be."
"It feels right, it feels like this is it, you know, like everything about it feels right."
"There's nothing wrong when it feels so right."
"When I'm with you, things just feel right."
"Trust that you are on the right path."
"Everything felt so good and so right."
"If you're moving in the direction of what feels right, it's always going to be right for you at the end of the day."
"Now I'm in a position where it feels very right, I have a ton of clarity."
"It feels normal, it feels right, it's so joyful."
"It's that simple stuff for us, I think, that is just, you know, it's one of those things that just feels right."
"I can't imagine my life without her; when we're together, it feels right."
"When it is right, it's actually free and easy."
"It's one of those things that once you get it going, you don't want to stop because it just feels right."
"It was the right thing, even though I was nervous."
"We're opening up and rejoicing to a foundation that actually feels very right to us."
"The energy you have, the idea of your own freedom, when you allow yourself to indulge in the thought, it feels very right."
"You just have to follow your soul and know that whatever it is you're gonna do the right thing."
"I know in my heart that when something is right, it feels easy breezy."
"Sometimes it's just right, and if it's right, it's right; you can't fight right."
"Lady, hear me tonight, 'cause my feeling is just so right."
"Loving you has never felt more right."
"You're getting more confirmation that you're on the right path."
"It just feels right around this person or in this opportunity."
"The energy is right, it really is."
"It's almost like everything feels right."
"I just have this feeling like in my heart that something is right."
"Take comfort in knowing that you're on the right path."
"It's time for balance, it's time for what's right."
"It felt good, it felt natural, it felt right, it felt organic."
"Nothing has ever felt so right in the world."
"It felt really strong, stronger than just friendship; like you said, it felt right."
"No more worrying, this feels right."
"That's what makes everything just kind of just feel right, and boy does that feel right."
"I'm just so happy and it just feels right."
"You are doing the right thing but also really powerful sign how much this is going to make you feel happy."
"For me, I knew that this was the right thing to do."
"You've been giving love all this while, you may not have gotten it from the wrong people, but this right person is going to make everything right for you."
"Anything that I meet on this path, it's got to be the right thing for me because it feels so right to be here."
"Because when you hold me in your arms, I have never felt so right."
"God damn right you will be nervous, and that's how you know you're doing the right thing."
"This connection with you just feels so right."