
Self-fulfilling Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Think about this: whether you believe you can or you can't, either way, you're right."
"Saying more negative things is only going to manifest more negativity for us."
"If you think you can or you think you can't, you'll be right."
"It's amazing how self-fulfilling that is and it turns into a cycle."
"So much of the curse especially at the end is self-fulfilling he's it's like you know it's like Oedipus or a bunch of other you know myths on this topic where trying to avoid the prophecy is what turns out to make the prophecy come true it's like this beautiful irony."
"You don’t see anything more or deeper, you assume there isn’t anything more or deeper to … So it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Whether you think you can or you cannot, you are right."
"When you say 'I am,' you are drawing a blank check on the universe. If you say 'I am tired, sick, poor,' you are drawing checks for future trouble and limitation."
"Those who thought that they couldn't, didn't; those who thought that they could, they did."
"You and I become what we think about."
"Whether you believe that you can or whether you believe that you can't, either way, you're right."
"If you believe you can't, or you believe you can, you're right either way."
"The things he was writing about were beginning to happen to him."
"Sometimes when you worry about something coming true so much, you end up making this thing come true when it otherwise wouldn't have."
"Whatever you expect with confidence becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy."
"When you worry about something going wrong, you program it to go wrong."
"Whether you believe you can, or you can't, you're right."
"If you think you'll lose, you're lost."
"It's a very George R.R. Martin kind of thing that in order to try and prevent a prophecy from coming true, you actually make it happen."
"Every negative profession you make becomes your permanent residence."
"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." - Henry Ford
"Whether you say you can or can't, you are right."
"Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't, either way you're right."
"If you think you can do it, you're right. If you think you can't do it, you're right again."
"If you think you can, you probably can. If you think you can't, you're probably right."
"If you put it out in the universe when you tell people you're going to do something, you're more likely to do it than if you just tell yourself you're gonna do it."
"Remember this: if you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
"Whatever you think about and constantly think about, project, and tell yourself, that's what comes back to you."
"If you think old, then you're old. If you think you're tired, you're so tired."
"By reinforcing my thoughts, it was in turn becoming my reality, and I was becoming what I was thinking because I was thinking it."
"If you think you cannot do something, you will not do it."
"You become that which you think about the most."
"What you say matters. What you say becomes your reality."
"Whether you think you can or cannot, you're right."
"What you say, how you act, how you think, you're basically a fulfilling prophecy to your future."
"Your pessimism will be your prophecy."
"Maybe it's predictive, or maybe it's like I somehow create the conditions to bring the thing to me."
"Whether or not you think you can do it, you are right."
"If you think you can, you are correct; if you think you can't, you are also correct."
"If you believe you can or believe you can't, either way you're right."
"If you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right."
"A man becomes what he thinks about all day long."
"Act as if you already are something, and you will be very successful."
"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're probably right."
"Whatever you tell yourself, you're gonna believe it."
"Law of Attraction, manifestation, whatever you want to call it, is a way of prophesizing, is a way of Prophecy, is a way of fortune telling."
"If you think you can't or think you can, you're right."
"Whether I think I can or think I can't, I'm right."
"You will become what you think about most."
"Whether you believe you can or you believe you can't, you're absolutely right."
"If you tell yourself you can't win, you will act in accordance with that belief."
"You say and think 'I can't do it, it's impossible,' well, you're right, you just created the situation that makes it impossible."