
Base Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The Rebel Alliance had been able to finally set up a permanent base on the incredibly remote world of Avalon."
"Is this another underground base? It's Miraculous Ladybug's base. She's saying she wants to get revenge on Pennywise."
"The lasting impression and the righteous indignation that produced is one of the most powerful motivating energies behind the Republican base."
"Let's face it we're living in an era of Base flation."
"Koh Samui is the perfect place to settle and base myself and live in Thailand."
"Even if we decided to move further out or something we'd keep this as a base in London because obviously for our work we'd always need a base and this is kind of the perfect place."
"And now we have our base we can deselect just by tapping on the selection icon and now we have the beginning of our planner."
"Chaos was also happening inside the base."
"In politics, a person who is elected almost inevitably doesn't kiss goodbye is the base, the followers, but operates in a world in which the responsibilities are quite different."
"Home is your launch pad and home base."
"Because every great superhero team needs a base, so the three boys just kind of stole the now defunct Justice cave."
"It's not that hard when you have a really good base to work on."
"If your base is good, your whole results will be amazing."
"If I have a really good flawless looking base that doesn't look cakey... it stays kind of true, the colors stay true all day."
"Don't be surprised if you use Freiburg for your base to go visit other countries."
"RAF Lossiemouth, the largest and busiest fast jet base in Europe."
"Good base makeup starts with good skincare."
"You just have to make sure that your base is super flat."
"My mindset is if I can get on base, I know I can get hit in by anyone who's after me."
"It's mostly like a mousse and the bottom is like a cookie crumb."
"...the cobra launch base is really incredible."
"The Serene Stacks give me the best base for an edit, even though surprisingly the Photoshop stack performs really well."
"I really do feel like Sorrento is the perfect sort of base and then just to go on like day trips."
"Base is more decentralized than any other op stack chain."
"Alderon was being used as a base to house the Rebel Alliance."
"An acid is a substance that releases hydrogen ions, and a base is a substance that will combine or attach to hydrogen ions."
"A huge tick from me on the diorama display base front."
"Everyday iron-on makes the best base for layering."
"It's the best example of the base and Beyond formula."
"I use this home more or less as the base of operations when I'm in Europe because I have to travel a lot for work."
"The Republican base wants a politics that represents their values and their concerns."
"These are really good as bases when you're doing eyeshadow looks."
"I want to see more of the world, and I very much see Dubai as being my base."
"The ocean would still be your base of operation."
"The Nazis began moving to the South Pole to construct a base."
"How exciting is that, beautiful base."
"Now the base is about two foot in diameter."
"This makes a great base. Oh my gosh, it's so fun, I love this stuff."
"The place would be their Hideout from now on."
"Whenever we multiply two things with the same base we add their exponents."
"Honestly, this is the best base you can use whenever you're doing an eyeshadow look."
"The agents didn't really get their own main base, they absolutely got this entire place a playset."
"E is the most important and the natural base of all the bases that you can use for an exponential function."
"That base is good, that base is perfect."
"A base is a substance that when dissolved in water, increases the concentration of hydroxide ions."
"A base is described as a substance that can accept a hydrogen ion."
"The very important lone pair of nitrogen in ammonia which makes ammonia such a potent base."
"Express 37 base 10 as a base 5 numeral."
"Phytoplankton are the base of the world's food chain."
"Our base is literally vampire-proof."
"I love the rock face here and just the whole base of this is incredible."
"These are the tints that are great to use as base lip products."
"Scripture says he left Nazareth and came to Capernaum, and this would be his ministry base."
"A Bronsted-Lowry base is a substance that can accept a hydrogen ion, also called a proton."
"A base is a chemical that releases hydroxide ions when it breaks apart."
"Triethylamine is a common base, and we can say something about the basicity of the lone pairs on triethylamine by looking at the acidity of the conjugate acid of triethylamine."
"I'm just applying this all over my eyelids and this is going to act as a nice base."
"I think it is an amazing eyeshadow base primer."
"This is my new go-to product for the most flawless base."
"The Illuminati's base of operations were even located in Necropolis, Wakanda's land of the dead."
"It's giving me a really nice base and actually really like how it's looking on my skin."