
Migraine Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Most of us would relish a sunny day by the water, but for Tara Thorne, who like 39 million Americans suffers from migraines, summer's best can trigger her worst."
"Now that we have this information, we can focus our full attention and resources on saving more."
"Ketogenic diets, fasting, and exogenous ketones can be used to manage migraines."
"Unfortunately, for many people, migraines can be debilitating. It can really affect attendance at work and school. But here's the good news: migraines can be prevented."
"So 1 in 10 Americans or 30 million people in the United States suffer from migraines, and women are actually three times more likely than men to have migraines."
"Tyramine is a compound that's found in aged cheeses, wines, soy sauce, even ripe bananas, and it can trigger migraines for some people."
"The literature shows that if you have a mutation in this gene, specifically the C677T genotype, it is associated with migraines with aura."
"Migraines can be caused by deficiencies in one or more of these vital nutrients."
"American Academy of Neurology gives magnesium a B rating as probably effective for the prevention and treatment of migraine."
"CBD is theorized to be helpful in migraine headaches."
"Melatonin may be safer and just as effective as prescription migraine medications."
"Patients who have migraine can get a lot of neck pain and they can feel like they are having more neck issues or they think they have issues with neck arthritis when in fact it's just from migraine itself."
"The CGRP medications are exciting, but there's also been the devices that have come out that have been just really exciting to help reduce the disability that patients have from migraine."
"One of the most important things I tell patients is not how many headache days you have but how many days of the month do you feel completely normal like you've never had a headache before."
"Migraine is the third most prevalent illness in the world and affects 12% of the population."
"Migraine management is very multidimensional and involves not only medication options but also non-pharmacological treatments."
"The most important thing I tell patients is to treat early in a migraine attack. Medications work best the earlier they're treated."
"Migraine is the etiology for white matter spots in MRI in about 7.5% of the U.S population, where MS only affects 0.1% of the U.S population."
"For migraines, it's about treating the person, not the disease."
"If it’s not intense, it can’t be a migraine."
"Green light therapy showed improvement in migraines, fibromyalgia, and positive emotional responses."
"When you have a migraine, there's nothing better than lying in a dark room and closing her eyes, and down there, it's about as dark as it gets."
"Another unusual manifestation of migraine that is away from the head and neck and that relates to dysfunction in the autonomic nervous system is precordial migraine."
"Neurologist dr. Stuart Tupper explains why he's so excited about the release of the first preventive medication seen in our lifetime developed specifically for the purpose of treating migraine CGR P blockers."
"I wanted to make sure looking at the LED and whatnot I didn't get overwhelmed and start getting a migraine."
"Mindset is everything when we talk about more of the treatment approach, how we manage migraines. Mindset is everything."
"A migraine for me is both like being on fire and yet having someone drilling into my skull with an ice pick. Both of these things are somehow true and at the same time all of my thoughts have been put into a blender."
"...because when you have a migraine you're extremely nauseous but you're also like craving one specific food at least I do and for me usually a lot of the time that food is Chipotle."
"A person with migraine has such a sensitive brain; they're sensitive not just to emotion but they're sensitive to light and to smells and to touch and to every kind of sensory input."
"For most migraine sufferers, you know it doesn't have to be one-sided."
"The physiology behind migraines is still the elusive thing."
"Migraine derives from Hemi cran because classically we viewed migraines as one-sided headaches."
"There is definitely a genetic component to migraines."
"Migraine isn't just a vasoconstrictive effect, there is an inflammatory component to it as well."
"It's a lifesaver for some people who suffer from migraine."
"Triptans for vestibular migraine, they seem to work well."
"Those migraine sufferers out there, I really feel for you because that's tough."
"Through personal stories and interviews with experts, we expose the true scope of migraine by exploring symptoms, treatments, research topics, and more."
"Your typical textbook migraine will be one-sided... they also have the nausea, vomiting, the light and sound sensitivity."
"In migraines, the research is finding that higher vitamin D levels correlate with better migraine control."
"It's also meant to spread awareness about migraine disease."
"Any advancement in preventing migraines is a step in the right direction."
"It sounds like you typically have migraines with aura."
"Migraine headaches... are characterized by intense pain that can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to lights and sounds."
"Chronic migraine affects 30 million people in the United States."
"Migraine headaches are pulsatile and often unilateral head pain that is often disabling and occurs with associated symptoms."
"I actually have a migraine today; it's not a horrible one, but I have just laid down on my bed for a little bit because I can feel it on this side of my head."
"Migraine alone was almost a dose-response curve; chronic migraine had the lowest quality of life, visual quality of life, episodic migraine had then had lower quality life than controls."
"Chronic migraine really has a profound effect on visual quality of life."
"The visual quality life is reduced in chronic migraine, that it's most closely correlated with these dry eye symptoms."
"The most common aura symptoms are visual disturbances such as bright zigzag lines and flashing lights."
"The dietary triggers include alcohol, especially red wine, certain types of food notably aged cheese or chocolate."
"Wrapping the head with an ice pack can bring migraine relief through the cooling of the blood vessels."
"Feverfew is famous for its anti-migraine properties."