
Employees Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Ubisoft employees lent their support to the Activision Blizzard staffers."
"Corporations are people, my friend... answering to shareholders instead of their employees."
"To be a great leader, you must be trusted by your employees."
"Make profits and provide for the people that work for you."
"Humans, not just as employees but as part of the ecology."
"The happier employees are, the harder they work."
"Employees must be empowered and energized to do meaningful work so that they can thrive."
"We're beginning a new era with a new shop, new goals, and new employees."
"The Halloween Haunt is not just an entertainment park event I think it's a lot more than that and I think the reason why it's more it's because it has a soul that has been created by those employees that come back year after year."
"I love paying good employees, I love retaining them."
"Bob Iger said they are going to be letting go 7,000 employees."
"So I start here I I I think we have to talk about who the constituents of an organization are of a company and the you know one of the most important constituents for today's young people one of is is our own employees."
"Lean gives employees a purpose, a direction, a sense of belonging, a sense of contributing, a different way to think and work, and an opportunity to build a better work environment."
"Investment in people is the single most important thing for a company."
"Your employees need to know what to expect from you."
"The law only expects you to follow processes when dealing with employees."
"I wonder if we could do that, companies taking random life insurance on their like old employees and then just silently collecting on their desks."
"Good management, reputation, and talented employees don't appear on the balance sheet."
"Empathy is understanding the needs and concerns of employees."
"We're not going to change anything, your employees will be happy and we're going to hold for the long term."
"Security awareness training for employees is a proactive control."
"You have great subordinates. Employees like them are what makes our company."
"...because let's be honest, without your employees, there would be no need for payroll."
"Employees loved it, employees embraced it."
"Be extremely generous with your employees and be less generous with your investors."
"Most people just casually restock their Pantry, my dramatic ass brings how many employees do I have here one two three four five five employees just to restock the pantry."
"Every day you come into the office, you've got these girls working for you."
"Every chain is only as good as their employees."
"Employees want to see themselves throughout the organization. They want to feel like they are part of the company, connected, and valued."
"He's dedicated. I'll put him in really good. He makes sure that each of his employees are taken care of. If they have to take medical leave or whatever, he is there, covering three shifts at the same time. This man is dedicated."
"WWE offered psychiatric help to every employee that went through that."
"Chick-fil-A's employees: the backbone of the operation."
"Chick-fil-A's polite employees: a hallmark of the brand."
"Guys, shout out to Six Flags employees. They're literally all over the place cleaning."
"Every employee should encourage work return in phases from 20% or 25% of 40% to 50%."
"This is beside your best employees. No, it is, it is, it is."
"...only one or two truly scary stories but mostly things like employees seeing shadows out of the corner of their eyes getting uneasy feelings in the stations or hearing an unexplained knock or Voice or being hissed or growled at occasionally."
"Recognize the ability to have a profound impact on a company's customers and their experience, as well as, of course, the employees and their experience within the organization."
"Typical government employees who get paid by the people to act this way."
"I want to have a community where my employees can live in."
"These employees in this company are invaluable treasures to me."
"I've decided to always give back to the employees when the revenue increases."
"We have to encourage our employees to take calculated risks."
"Most organizations have an abundance of fantastic ideas from their employees."
"550 employees make this all possible."
"Collective Bargaining is the performance of the mutual obligation of the employer and the representative of the employees to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith."
"What hasn't changed is the essential role of employees in doing the work."
"We would be nothing without our employees."
"We're the kind of place that supports our employees against unruly customers."
"Your employees really are your number one asset; they are the ones that kick the goals that make things happen."
"I'm honored to represent the current 403,000 employees of IBM and the 900,000 retirees and alumni of our company."
"You're going to need to sit down and have a cup of coffee with your employees."
"Understand what the employees actually do."
"Locks are absolutely wonderful, especially with employees. Most employees are not trying to do the stupid things that they end up doing."
"A company cannot function without its employees."
"Yeah, the employees were pretty cool."
"Once a month, employees will receive bonuses and vacation time."
"The culture lives and must exist at the most fundamental level on the line employee in an enterprise like this."
"They are sharing some of the profits with their employees."
"I'm really blessed to have good employees."
"The idea behind stock based compensation is that it's simply a way to make it so the employees of the company are aligned with the shareholders."
"If you look after the people who work for you, they're going to look after customers better."
"You've got to put some sort of policy in place; you've got to put guardrails for your employees."
"It's an appreciation to your employees."
"Our employees stepped up when our students needed them."
"Take care of your employees and they'll take care of your business."
"It's not me that's making these people happy; it's the employees."
"The best companies... are really treating employees and people as the valuable assets that they are."
"A business will have a bunch of different departments and a business will also have a bunch of different employees."
"Take care of your employees, and they take care of you."
"If you want amazing employees, you have to create an amazing job."
"Caring about your employees is really good for business."
"Our employees are really the reason that we're able to do what we do."
"So what I would say about this county that I see is some of the employees are a little rough, some are very, very nice."
"Training is the big way to demonstrate to your employees that you are investing in them."
"Let's say we've got our customer table, and each customer is going to have separate employees that they deal with."
"Hello, hello, hello, just want to give a shout out to our employees of the month."
"Most firms will say their most valuable assets are their employees, and I tend to agree."
"Employees feel better when given the chance to talk with others about what they're going through, both good and bad, they appreciate being heard."
"Invest in your employees in every way that you reasonably can to build your business."
"Okay, arrange a success party for the whole employees tonight."
"Federal tax is an income tax which is applicable to all the hourly and salaried employees."