
Seeds Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"These seeds have a cure for everything except death."
"I love seeds hey I bet these seeds will be really tasty if you're a bird but they're also really tasty if you want to stay nice and healthy."
"You need to eat certain seeds folks... that is the cure for cancer."
"A pumpkin is a fruit because it has seeds."
"Let your thoughts be the seeds of a future filled with limitless possibilities."
"Plant the seeds but also tend to the seeds and overcome limitation."
"I love collecting seeds, especially when it's something I grew from seed myself."
"Heirloom seeds have been around for generations, tried and true."
"Seeds are the most compact and dense food that exists. Nothing is more potent than food values in seeds."
"Starting seeds indoors is essential for us, even when it's still almost completely covered in white outside with snow."
"If you kill some, start again. There's usually enough seeds in there. Do it again."
"All organisms protect their babies more than anything by and large, and a seed is a plant's baby."
"It is amazing how many seeds you can collect from a few of these Bloom Fox that are now dried up."
"One pack of seeds is more than enough for my family of four."
"Isn't that interesting? Look, and it's the seeds that have the most dying power in them."
"It's a good investment to buy Scotch grown seed."
"These seeds are gonna be so powerful in the future, they're gonna overthrow governments."
"But these are the specific things that I like to use for seed starting. Thank you for watching, happy seed starting if you're starting seeds."
"Non-hybrid seeds are really key to long-term survival."
"If you want to get into growing your own microgreens and sprouts, your seeds matter."
"...plant seeds moment to moment, and those seeds, even if they're not bearing fruit when you're there, the beautiful thing about a seed is its miraculous. Sometime or other it's gonna make a difference."
"You don't have to starting your own seeds in conventional soil is better than not starting your own seeds at all, so don't make it super black and white."
"Seeds will actually fall from plants and lay in the soil over the winter, but they might even have moisture in that situation, but because it's cold, they stay dormant."
"For you to escape famine, a seed is the way out."
"By the end of the video, you're going to know my approach to starting seeds, which works really well for me indoors."
"It does say tree seed pellets maybe there are seeds of trees in there I need to actually have a little read through that and figure out how to do it but that's a really lovely idea."
"Every seed that is placed in the ground to die comes back to life multiple times over."
"Nuts and seeds are a very powerful food that makes the Nutritarian diet unique."
"These are the things that, you know, the seeds are planted for this to grow."
"It's not a special add on extra, it's not the icing on the cake, it's the tiny seed from which all things spring."
"The most important thing is the seed that you're going to put on the ground."
"A man's harvest in life depends entirely upon the seeds he sows."
"These seeds are fundamentally important and may support our survival in the future."
"Winter sowing your seeds is probably one of the best easiest ways to sew seeds."
"Seeds are our lifeline to keep us fed for a long, long time."
"Toasted nuts and seeds offer a great crunch factor and are also high in healthy fats and fiber and antioxidants."
"We have used Berlin seed for years."
"Harvesting involves removing the ripe fruits from the tree and opening them to get the wet seeds."
"You can take literally a tablespoon of seeds and turn them into cups upon cups of nutrient-dense sprouts."
"plants like joe pie weed or iron weed or golden rod um bone set a lot of those plants have a ton of these tiny little seeds that disperse by wind and so they're going to get everywhere"
"...these seeds, they actually germinate better when they have good contact with the soil around them."
"Here they are all the seeds of Maine preserved by the trolls."
"Seeds are geotropic. They respond to gravity. They're always going to try to go down naturally, they want to get into the Earth."
"There is so much seed bank in this ground."
"These are from my Turkish friend Ahmet, his beautiful Turkish varieties."
"Seeds need three things to stay viable for a long time: cool, dark, dry."
"Coffee beans are the seeds of a coffee cherry."
"Every single one of these seeds is genetically unique."
"Seeds are little Power Packs of nutrition and full of healthy oils for your hair."
"You decide your harvest by the kind of seed you sow."
"Picture the scenario: I'm at home alone, I'd really like some seeds, but I cannot open the jar. One moment, trusty device."
"The tiny first step that seems meaningless and unconnected to ephemeral concepts like ikigai and passion is where all of these things are seeded."
"There is a huge satisfaction in raising any plant from seed, and if you collect it yourself, well, that tops everything."
"Home-saved seeds are more reliable."
"The seeds of the future are always planted in the present."
"We want to divert and make sure it's pretty diverse so we're going to take seeds from a bunch of different heads and mix them all together to keep that genetic diversity going."
"It's so powerful to be able to plant seeds, and that's why a lot of people have been kind of freaking out, like, 'I don't know what seeds to plant.' I can't really see too far ahead of me."
"Seeds, all they want to do, they have one purpose: just to grow."
"But so many of these seed packages have so many seeds that we can't possibly use them in a single season."
"The more you garden the more you're going to want to save your own seeds."
"Understanding about the seed itself is very important."
"Collecting the seeds from your garden plants is pretty easy."
"This is a great way to organize seeds."
"I think it's easy to save and store seeds and the more you do it the easier it gets."
"We sell well over 600 different varieties of heirloom organic and non-gmo vegetable seeds for two dollars a pack."
"What about seeds? Sunflower, sesame, flax, chia, hemp, pumpkin. Other than the exotic ones like chia, I think these are actually better and more universal."
"So while they may be small, their contribution to dental health is mighty, underscoring the multifaceted benefits of these nutrient-dense seeds."
"By simply sprinkling these nutrient-rich seeds onto your salad or blending them into your morning smoothie, you're not just enhancing the flavor; you're also taking a step towards safeguarding your eyes."
"This seed has the power to change my future."
"Nuts and seeds eating them regularly on a daily basis had a dramatic antiarrhythmic effect and anti-seizure effects associated with a 60 reduction in sudden cardiac death."
"...god did not create seeds, he created plants that produce seeds."
"The seeds of things are quite fragile, and you can often miss them."
"Seeds do not expire we're not talking about yogurt here we're talking about seeds which in their natural setting will fall from a plant literally lay in the dirt in the freezing dirt for the entire winter and then grow in the spring I mean that's what they're designed to do."
"Climate change is threatening the availability of seeds."
"It's actually pretty nice when you get to the seeds."
"All of the plants in my vegetable garden I started from seed, even the peppers and the tomatoes, and I can collect and save the seeds of every single one of these plants."
"Everything we do, say, and think plants seeds of karma to ripen on us at a future time."
"I really want to encourage you to be willing to try starting these from seeds."
"Plants were initially bred for their oily seeds, which served as a food crop."
"For a five-pound box of seed, you get, I think, four or five different species of English wildflowers."
"One thing I'm excited about is this Chinese garlic chives, which I got from real seeds."
"In these seeds are the answers to problems mankind has not yet begun to encounter."
"The grooves in the soil is a place where we can drop the seeds and the seeds are protected."
"The nature of seed is to arise on its own forever and ever, because the seed doesn't ever get exhausted."
"I definitely recommend eating flax seeds or chia seeds in your diet on a regular basis."
"Heirloom seeds are seeds that came from open pollinated plants, which means they're naturally made."
"This is where humans will store food crops, and it contains 100 million seeds."
"The seeds are good used in baking, and poppy seeds are the only edible part of the plant."
"We have more of the Lacinato kale here going to seed because we love this for our kale chips."
"I haven't had to buy lettuce seeds in years."
"I started saving seeds when I was 18 because I was interested in connecting to the source of my sustenance in as direct a way as possible."
"You want to include some of the seeds in your diet especially can be sunflower seeds or nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, or pine nuts."
"Get your pumpkin seeds, get your chia seeds, get your nuts, get a balanced diet."
"Birds can be feeding on them, on the seeds."
"Tiny seeds planted will eventually grow."
"Once you buy celosia, you can basically kind of skip buying for years as long as you're collecting the seeds."
"When you harvest the loofah, you get free seeds for next year."
"Canophytum Kouyoumon is in bloom. I don't have any seeds collected from this plant yet. So, I'm looking forward to collecting these seeds."
"It's fun to eat sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds; there are many types of seeds in the world that are very yummy to eat as well."
"This is going to be a cutting garden, so I'm going to be using seeds, hardy annual seeds, perennials, and biennials for my cutting garden."
"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed."
"It's really fun to collect seed... you really get an appreciation for those little seeds and the growth that actually happens right before your eyes."
"Anything that has seeds on the inside is a fruit."
"Saving seeds will help you become more self-reliant when it comes to your family's food needs."
"By saving the seeds... you're acting to increase the genetic diversity of the world."
"Home-saved seed tends to be pretty vigorous."
"Patents are granted for inventions. A seed is not invented."
"I've got so many seeds from last year, but it's just an addiction, and it's not an unhealthy one, so I'm just leaning into my really ridiculous love of growing things from seed."
"The green organisms on earth are proof of this, and the history of evolution is carried in their seeds."
"Seeds are something easy that you can grow, you can make yourself, and that you can trade and bargain for."
"I've grown all of these from seeds."
"I prefer to grow from seed or from transplants."
"The Happy Mandrake Seed Company, quality seeds, finest sprouts from the garden of magic delivered."
"Feminized seeds almost seem like, on average, they're more stable than traditional seeds."
"My favorite thing about starting from seed is it opens up the world of heirlooms and rare seeds."
"Starting seeds really is the way to go if you're looking to garden frugally."
"Flaxseed and hemp seeds are beautiful ways to get omega-3; they are on par with salmon."
"Seeds grow better than clones. They have a taproot."
"We've always really loved working with seeds."
"Seed is life. A seed is everything you need for, I mean without seeds we'd all starve to death."
"They're more acclimated; these are the seeds of the plants that have performed well in your zone, in your neighborhood, in your microclimate."
"I just encourage everybody to buy seeds, grow seeds, and make seeds."
"Here are all the seeds of the world kept in this vault that they call the seed vault or the vault of the end of the world."
"Nobody owns the seeds; we just take care of them and help them, but the power is through nature."
"I've had seed stock for 10-15 years that still pop within 24 hours."
"I am an heirloom seed snob and I love me some seeds."
"These seeds and clones and everything are very sacred and very special."
"Seeds are a collective heritage we've received from our ancestors; we have to protect them for future generations."
"Seeds are the hope. These are seeds of hope."
"She planted the seeds in little rows all over the garden and watered them with her watering can."
"Let's talk sunflowers: when you harvest them, you'll not only get a nice flower but you'll likely get some seeds as well."
"Not only do seeds add their own spectrum of unique disease-fight substances, but the fat in the seeds increases the absorption of protective nutrients in vegetables eaten at the same meal."
"Every pod has like a million seeds; they're so small, very very effective."
"I like seeds. I like growing things from seed a lot."
"The best thing to do is buy your seeds earlier in the year."
"I love this card, and in there are seeds, and because she just lives in my area of Virginia, these are probably all going to work out really well."
"Being able to harvest the correct seeds and use them properly to grow next season's crops is going to be more than important; it's going to be an absolute necessity."
"Seed-bearing plants are the most recent group of terrestrial plants."
"I like to buy seeds that are supporting small business."
"Strawberries, the only fruit whose seeds are on the outside."
"I'm going to cut these open so we can see how beautiful they are and pull out the seeds."
"It's interesting that seeds don't actually need nutrients to start their life."
"It's such a privilege to get to steward seeds."
"It's kind of like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory for those of us who are still little children inside and we love seeds."
"Harvesting is truly fascinating when you delve into the process of creating pumpkin seeds like these."
"You're sowing seeds and a lot of times what legacy looks like is sowing in a season where it costs you something."
"We've been enjoying our morning, looking through the seed catalogs that tease you and tempt you with all the beautiful things that you wish you could grow."
"The wonderful thing about seeds is even if we bought some that we didn't need or didn't get to this year, they last, seeds last for a long time."
"I'm going to talk to you about something that I am passionate about, and that is seeds and growing food."