
Japanese Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Thank you for inspiring me to learn Japanese."
"As any new learner of Japanese will tell you, Google Translate is fairly reliable for individual words or simple sentences, but the longer the sentences get, the quicker they fall apart."
"We hope you enjoyed our ultimate Japanese particles guide."
"Japanese food is so interesting, it's like light, nutrient-dense magic."
"Miso soup is so soothing, it's like being in a Zen place of magic."
"A dog and dogs are both 'inu.' It's kind of nice. 'Inu' means they are dogs, and it's a dog. And it's all context that makes it happen."
"University had the most impact on my Japanese, not in classes, but in the Japanese conversation club."
"In Japanese lore, Susanu, the god of sea and storms, attacked the serpent hoping to easily defeat the creature."
"It's still a very Japanese luxury car, understated luxury."
"I'm pleasantly surprised, it's so '90s Japanese spec, isn't it?"
"The word Kaiju is a Japanese word roughly translating to strange beast."
"The Australians have proven that the Japanese are not invincible."
"I don't want Japanese to turn into a chore."
"Japanese is an irreplaceable skill."
"A little Japanese beachside barbecue with an adorable little camper."
"But what the Japanese did when they moved into Korea and Taiwan is they set about creating infrastructure."
"you can never go wrong with the reliability of the japanese like lexus."
"The IS series are all made in Japan. They hold up."
"I don't want any Japanese Survivor to think that I'm trying to lord these medals over them. Our opportunity is we have a common ground—they are survivors of the same action that I am a survivor of, and I just like to say a welcome brother."
"A toner or lotion is a must-have staple skincare product in Japanese skincare routines."
"Japanese movies know how to tell stories beautifully."
"I shouldn't have worried about joining in. I was well received and it gave me a chance to further practice my Japanese, make connections, and share stories about my own adventures."
"You're cosplaying as a late 80s Japanese middle management man."
"Best voice acting performance (Japanese): Tundra swept that."
"We're going for the really old Japanese look."
"Tenkara is a simple Japanese method of fly fishing that uses only rod, line, and fly."
"It's a great place to start a journey into Japanese literature."
"The ultimate pork sandwich, it's katsu Sando."
"I think XG is doing as a new Japanese girl group is kind of brilliant."
"Japanese culture, yeah, it's amazing."
"I started teaching myself Japanese."
"Ichigo means the number one protector."
"Sayonara and see you later and thank you for watching."
"Toku-uma means special delicious."
"Chōkatsu means having a healthy diet that contains a lot of dietary fiber in order to keep your intestinal environment healthy."
"That is Triplet Beat, the first ever Japanese booster box on the channel."
"There is so much interesting Japanese folklore out there."
"Once I started learning Japanese, I got more interested in the Japanese culture."
"It's the quintessential Japanese winter scene when you think of winter in Japan."
"I feel like when I force myself to write out the Japanese, it sticks in my head a little bit better."
"Learning Japanese has been a lot of fun, and I only hope to get better and better."
"Kaizen, meaning change for the better."
"The Japanese call this poetry Haiku, yes."
"This deck is going to teach people the most common 1000 Japanese words."
"The Japanese climbing style is very flowy and effortless."
"Lots of great Japanese food, lots of great Japanese shops, spend a couple of hours here."
"It was great seeing how the Japanese court system worked."
"Japanese sunscreens have done it again, it is a hit."
"Kaizen is a Japanese term that means improvement."
"Hey everyone, welcome to our first official Japanese KitKat rating."
"The Supra is one of Japan's most iconic sports cars ever made."
"Japanese, Please speak in Japanese."
"Komorebi is the Japanese word for subtle beauty, the sunlight shining through the leaves of trees."
"This here actually says 'glow squid' in Katakana, which is Japanese."
"See you next time, till then, sayonara."
"Japanese can be a very nebulous language in many ways."
"What I really like is it's very quintessentially Japanese."
"The Toyota Century... an ultra luxury sedan that's made by the Japanese."
"I've been trying to study Japanese; it's really hard."
"The palace was of Japanese origin, standing about eight floors high with its walls being the purest white and roofing to be as gold as the sun itself."
"Most of the stuff that we have heard so far just in Japanese music in general have been absolutely nothing short of amazing."
"'Kakkoii' means 'cool' or 'good-looking'."
"'Hanabi' means 'fireworks'; literally, it means 'fire flowers'."
"'Sugoi' means 'amazing' or 'incredible'."
"Niconico means smiling from ear-to-ear."
"Did you know written Japanese actually uses three different scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji?"
"These five characters are the five vowel sounds in Japanese."
"Mikimoto... developed by Japanese in the 18th century."
"Japanese is not that easy of a language; it took me eight years of serious academic studies and four years in Japan to learn to speak the language properly."
"It's really good, it's like a Japanese meatball pretty much."
"The Japanese quality is paramount; they are known worldwide for their attention to detail and precision."
"This little tiny nugget of Japanese joy is a Honda S660."
"How did they come up with these things? Japanese engineers are just incredible."
"It's an absolutely stunning example of like 1600s Japanese architecture."
"Every year thousands of Japanese men and women vanish without a trace."
"Japanese is definitely a language that I really want to speak."
"We have a word for that in Japanese; it's called 'Ma'."
"I really do like collecting Japanese volumes, mostly shoujo Japanese volumes."
"I'm considered a specialist in Japanese flower arrangements."
"Eating cold noodles from a bamboo stem is also a way to celebrate food, a piece of Japanese tradition."
"Hiragana is the basic Japanese alphabet... it represents all the sounds in the Japanese language."
"One Japanese sentence can use all three writing systems together at the same time."
"This is a fantastic Japanese Dirk; it's a large size, probably a really high-ranking Naval officer, maybe even an admiral."
"Learning hiragana will 100% increase your pronunciation skill."
"Learning grammar is the best thing you can do to get good in Japanese."
"It's an Ichigo, that's Japanese for strawberry."
"Yakisoba is like a Japanese style noodle."
"These really look like old Japanese water paintings."
"I have this repeating theme of Japanese postage stamps."
"Crowd here is saying 'Ikem,' which is 'go' in Japanese."
"Thanks for watching and sayonara."
"Japanese system, it kind of looks like a lot of the characters could be written with a sword."
"Blast from the past, an old school Japanese pocket rocket."
"Pimsleur isn't perfect, but compared to some of the other Japanese language programs that I've taken and reviewed so far, Pimsleur is a rock solid option and should work for most people."
"The Japanese quality is just unsurpassed, I love it."
"This is a great piece of Japanese art right here. This is the essence of a good piece of art."
"Baksu is a premium Japanese snack delivery company."
"...I could understand Japanese very well and I could read novels pretty much no problem..."
"...I only watch Japanese movies, I only watch Japanese TV shows, and read Japanese books..."
"I'm more into like the Japanese lifestyle called Wabi-Sabi, and it's like embracing the imperfect."
"Ichiban, Japanese of course, means number one."
"The steel is VG-10, arguably the most popular and widely used steel that Japanese makers will use."
"Arigato. It means thank you in Japanese."
"We have a nice Japanese exhaust here, which is really freaking cool."
"This ingredient is perfect for Japanese Cuisine."
"A chilling Japanese psychological thriller about four women forever connected by one horrible day in their childhood."
"It's a Japanese samurai but it's a temple sword, that's why it's got all those ornate features."
"The Japanese have perfected the art of crafting steel into legendary hardness and toughness thousands of years ago."
"It's a dream come true if you can read Japanese."
"Forget talking about the lesson, let's talk about all the Japanese we can learn from Sailor Moon."
"Japanese pancakes, oh those are great."
"See you guys in the next part of the video. Arigato gozaimas. Peace out."
"We should know every hiragana and every katakana in the entire Japanese language, and we start learning kanji."
"Minna is the Japanese word for everyone."
"You gotta love these Japanese owner's manuals and instruction manuals."
"We are so lucky that Japanese has katakana."
"This is one of the very few Japanese whiskies that I would recommend right now."
"I love that traditional Japanese sounding instrument intro."
"Japanese cleansing oils tend to be superb."
"I'm really happy about this; this is the first Japanese single that I've ever bought, so it's really nice to have it finally complete now."
"Japanese parenting is known to be one of the best parenting techniques in the world."
"These are like a Japanese magazine photo cards that were gifted to me, and they're really, really, really beautiful."
"Over the past few months, I have become so obsessed with Korean and Japanese beauty products."
"I feel like Japanese people are so good at paying attention to detail."
"I love the sound of traditional Japanese music, it's just a gorgeous light sound."