
Divine Life Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The true God separates himself from all others by saying he is alive, living."
"The life of God is in your born-again spirit."
"If you are born again, then the life of God is in you."
"I have been born into the kingdom of God out of darkness into his marvelous life."
"I am not stealing, I am not killing, that is obvious... but what makes you spiritual is understanding that my life, the life that I live, proceeded from God himself."
"In the experience of union, one not only enters into the peace of Christ but becomes oneself a transmitter of the divine life."
"Every healing, every bit of good that he did, every word that he spoke of divine life, everything, he received from his father. It was given to him before time was created."
"You've got the life of Jesus in your spirit."
"God has given us everything we need for living a godly life."
"Everything we do matters for all eternity, and the Eucharistic sacrifice that Christ offered and gives us is precisely what makes it possible for us to enter into a life that is divine."
"He loves us so much, He wants to relive His life in you."
"With him is the fountain of life; in his light we see light."
"We are not called to live a natural life; we are called to live a supernatural life."
"This is the life thou has promised; this is the life the Spirit will give."
"The life God bestows is imparted not once for all, but each moment continuously by the unceasing operation of His mighty power."
"It's possible to live before God in such a way that as the devil was afraid of Jesus, he'll be afraid of you."
"The goal of a virtuous life is to become like God."
"The essence of regeneration is the restoration of the life of God in the soul."
"If you're born again, you got the life of God on the inside of you."
"My life will not be negative anymore; I am filled with the life of God."
"Life under the eyes of the Lord, life such as he calls life, life which he can look upon with pleasure."
"You shall live in his sight; what Heavenly living that must be."
"Instead of indwelling sin, the indwelling life and light and love of the Blessed Son of God, He is the secret of holiness."
"Always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body."
"The last three parts, Transcendence, Beatitude, and Peace, represent the Divine Life calm, wise, and beautiful of the sage and savior."
"There must be some insight into the beauty and worth of good works as the expression of the divine life."
"Doing is the very essence of blessedness, the highest expression, and therefore, the fullest enjoyment of the life of God."
"Ignorance can alienate you from the life of God."
"When life with God is better in every way, every day."
"Our life is in this servitude to the Divine itself in that way."
"When you sow into it, you're sowing towards your spirit, and then the life of God takes hold on the inside."
"We are not our own life; we are the manifestation of God's life, His shine."
"Speak to us, Lord, and fill us with divine life by Your Word."
"We must live for God, Martin. He gives you life, and for His sake, you must live."
"The gods justified human life by nature, by living it themselves."
"When the life of God enters you, that is when you become alive."
"He wanted to give me the best Divine Life and healing in my life."
"By struggling to become like Christ, we receive the fullness of God's life."
"Allah... He gives life and the hour is coming, have no doubt."
"We have the life of God within our lives."
"In Jesus, the best years of our life can be the last years of our life when we're living by the life of the Father."
"God's life is unlimited and inexhaustible."
"God as divine infinite life, the life we all belong to."
"Jesus will take the water of our obedience and He will turn it into the wine of His divine life."
"All of our little tiny human acts here on earth will be filled and overflowing with the power and the love and the infinite goodness of your own divine life."
"The more a man dies to himself, the more he begins to live unto God."
"If you manifest the life of God, you fulfill your purpose on earth."
"If you live in God... you become centered in a great aura of light."
"You already have the life of God within you; it's not just something that's going to happen, it's something you already have."
"I am not alive for me; I woke up to be like Him."
"Just as the father has life in himself, so the son has life in himself."
"The right way of living is born out of compassion; Divine living is the offspring of compassion and contentment."
"Victory over the prince of this world was won once for all at the hour when Jesus freely gave himself up to death to give us his life."