
Extracurriculars Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Participate in after school activities and experience the roller coaster of puberty."
"He distinguished himself with his extracurricular activities, which were primarily building very dangerous homemade rockets out of explosives that he gathered himself."
"The students who've been in the plays and are in these are in these classes."
"Johns Hopkins matriculants have impressive extracurricular backgrounds."
"Just having extracurriculars is not enough. Just checking off the boxes is not enough for med school. I want to see a story."
"If you're consumed with other extracurriculars that you're very serious about or maybe you have a part-time job or family obligations, realistically you might not have enough free time to seriously commit to a research position while also going to high school."
"Here at Shemmassian, we usually recommend that students aim to be known as specialists who excel in one or two particular areas, rather than spread their extracurricular energies far and wide."
"Colleges really want to see what you did during your free time."
"...sometimes instead of taking like another AP class your time could be better spent focused on like extracurriculars and things that are making like an impact in the community."
"For me, looking back on uni, I would think that a positive thing to do if you want to get more involved is to participate in clubs or extracurricular activities."
"What really shone through my application was the extracurricular section and the essays that I wrote."
"Find the activities and the areas of extracurriculars that you really truly enjoy and then try to dedicate a lot of time and effort towards those activities."
"We actually give weight to both the academic background and extracurricular activities."
"It's also a good idea to get involved in extracurricular activities as most universities want some evidence that you have a good work-life balance."
"I was very involved with my children's lives because I got the chance to do band camp with them, go on field trips with them."
"Join clubs, join a club, join every club that you can."
"Don't join every club. Prioritize what clubs you want to join."
"He's done an incredible job all that while being in band in high school and doing band camp and all the practices."
"Start off early, your freshman year, start getting into new activities because it really is good for when you're applying to college."
"We feel like [extracurricular honors] said a lot more about us than our test scores did."
"I love how in-depth he goes into his extracurricular activities, and a lot of people don't realize how valuable these extracurriculars can be."
"Most colleges do a holistic review... your extracurricular activities will probably make up for your low grades."
"If you're looking into extracurriculars and maybe want to buff in your confidence stats, I definitely recommend theater."
"Extracurriculars are super important just because they really showcase what you're passionate about."
"Doing extra activities not only teaches you important skills but also teaches you what your interests are."
"Work on your extracurriculars, build them or add new ones if you can."
"We want a well-rounded student with lots of activities in there as well."
"I participate in academic Bowl, do a bit of swimming, MUN, and then I've got this ATP internship that I'm really excited about."
"We want to see if you're actively involved in societies or clubs, volunteerism, mentorship, public services, and/or athletics."
"UM does have a lot of extracurricular activities... if you really have a passion for something or you're interested in something, go ahead, join a club, it'll be really fun."
"I would totally recommend joining extracurriculars; it's a great opportunity to make friends."
"Don't feel that high school is all about the stats and the scores because the extracurriculars are just as important."
"Joining clubs and sports... they're good for the future and they are great for making friends."
"With all the extracurriculars that you mention in your personal statement, try as much as you can to tie it to your major."
"Extracurricular activities and awards can be a huge boost to your application."
"What are some extracurriculars that you three would recommend?"
"Extracurriculars plus mediocre grades has a better chance of getting accepted than straight A's and no extracurriculars."
"Stick to two or three extracurriculars and really commit your time and effort to just a few."
"Students who participate in activities like music, sports, and drama not only have better grades and attendance but they develop the character to handle adversity."