
Accreditation Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Accreditation is basically a certification given to private schools so that college admissions departments know that the applicants got a decent education."
"Their accreditation means absolutely zilch because coaching is not therapy."
"Our records show that the success rate of the Beavers accreditation stands at 98 percent."
"CPA certification—the gold standard for knowledge, experience, and stamina."
"I'm very excited to hear about how the path to getting the credit accreditation for the platform works out."
"Accreditation by The Joint Commission demonstrates that an organization is dedicated to practicing safe and effective care at the highest quality."
"The Quip electric toothbrush is loved by over 7 million mouths and one of the first electric toothbrushes accepted by the American Dental Association."
"Certified Bankers right there, ICB."
"Remember, Internachi runs a school, it's a free online accredited college for home inspectors."
"But in general, like, they do seem to accept most regionally accredited credits."
"He's a man accredited by God to do wonders and miracles through Jesus."
"All courses are fully accredited which means that you can pursue your dream career or your dream education, your dream degree, whatever you decide."
"With these changes, certain licensed professionals are now considered accredited investors regardless of their net worth or income."
"We now have an accredited apostolic Pentecostal seminary."
"This presentation is educational and thus offers continuing education credits."
"WGU is completely accredited and it's super affordable."
"Having an accredited degree is very useful if you want to pursue a career along the biomedical science route."
"You just need to go to Google and just type in schools that are accredited."
"Make sure that your school is accredited, that's a major thing."
"Our basic policy is to allow credit for courses completed with a C grade or higher at accredited colleges and universities within the US."
"If you want to check on a charity, go to the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance to check their accreditation."
"If an entity wants to be an accredited investor, the entity has to own investments in excess of five million dollars."
"I'm an ACCA qualified member from the UK."
"Make sure you find a program that is accredited."
"A certificate is a certificate; it is globally recognized, it is accredited."
"Turning self-taught skills into accreditation, showcase the high standard of your security testing and advance your personal career."
"Make sure that you do find a program that is accredited."
"Achieving this accreditation will support their vision of being a leading international provider of transmission services for potable water and electricity."
"We are accredited under the ISO 17025 and that's the International Organization for Standards."
"Black Spectacles is the first ever NCARB approved test prep provider for all six of the ARE divisions."
"It's also the organization that publishes the international standards for lab accreditation."
"I passed! I got my accreditation!"
"ISO one seven zero two five is the standard for which most labs must hold accreditation in order to be deemed technically competent."
"Building websites with WordPress is an accredited and warden way of building a website."
"If you have like a school in mind, definitely it's a good idea to check with the school first if they accept Study.com credits."
"Do I want this academy to become accredited? Absolutely, yes."
"Stiles University is proudly celebrating 30 years as the industry's only nationally accredited training program."
"Being awarded accreditation means that the sonography lab and sonographers adhere to the best practices put forth by these agencies."
"The Air Hawk lightweight folding power wheelchair has a five-star accreditation with four different international organizations."
"The degree programs are recognized by the IITs; they are approved by the Board of Governors of different IITs."
"Accreditation is a process in which trained auditors and assessors and other scientists who work in the field come into our lab and do an independent assessment on our entire quality system."
"Styles University is proudly celebrating 30 years as the industry's only nationally accredited training program."
"I collaborate with, I accredit everybody. I'm always for that because I just think it's the right thing to do."
"Development of competency and managerial skill related to accreditation."
"Accreditation assures the client that the test calibration procedures and results are technically valid."
"This training program is a good step forward for becoming a certified internal auditor with a complete in-depth understanding of ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory accreditation process."
"Look for a properly accredited financial advisor and don't accept advice on the hoof."
"We were proud to receive the accreditation for meeting the highest national standards for excellence, sound finances, ethical conduct, and such."