
Plurality Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"There's not only one truth. There are a million ways to walk."
"Remember, you can have more than one soul mate."
"Assassins, as in more than one, that's right."
"Multiple things can be good at the same time."
"Unity in one category doesn't mean that something can't be plural in another category."
"The self is not just living in your body; the self is a plural verb."
"That's the statement that there are multiple models of piano arithmetic for example."
"Our enlightenment culture put in a lot of work to try to build a nation or set of nations which could tolerate this amount of plurality."
"God talks about himself, he calls himself ‘Us’."
"Quietly listen to those who speak against the plurality of wives and against almost every principle that God has revealed. Such persons have half a dozen Devils with them all the time."
"There's no such thing as one truth. There are many truths. They challenge each other. They recoil from each other. They seduce each other."
"Elohim in the Hebrew is a plural word... Our God is a plurality."
"At the core, I'm an elder-led church kind of guy. That's going to be my approach. But I think the biblical principle there is plurality, the biblical principle is we need accountability one with another."
"The biggest misinformation danger is when you have only one monolithic source of truth, whatever it is."
"They don't believe in absolutes and it's like why would you not want to teach children about plurality?"
"The self is not one. The self is called non-dual because you see the idea of one as an opposite. The opposite of one is many or none."
"The one itself, chopped up by being, is many and unlimited in multitude."
"The plurality enshrined in polyrhythmic playing is a disciplined plurality."
"African music is polyphonal, their religions are polytheistic, their calendars polycyclic, the plastic arts poly angled and their social organization polycentric."
"We live in a time in which the prevailing worldview says there can’t be one answer to anything."
"A multiplicity of numbers does not necessarily mean diversity of views."
"...it's the same guy, right? But then when you go down to the 26th verse, it says, 'Let us make man in our image,' so what's going on here is that God is not actually singular, that God is plural."
"I think we're going to have three or four viable parties like some of these other countries have, three and four viable parties and coalitions."
"I do feel though and maybe it kind of goes in with this, we're going to get to a point here soon where it's more than just a two-party system. I almost feel like three and then a four-party system, really."
"The law and the courts are often required to address very difficult questions on which there are conflicting but possibly equally plausible views."
"And, of course, if we look at the Beldam as being multiple beings at any given time, then of course you might refer to yourself as 'we'."
"Truth is one and many for our sakes, to teach us about the one in love through the many."
"Let us make man in our image: you can see the plurality of a singular God."
"The one is not out there; there are many ones."
"Elohim... it's plural, which means there's always more than you could ever put into words."
"If God does exist, I'd wonder whether our problem is not religions too many, but perhaps one religion too few."
"She was proof that there was an afterlife and not just one, millions of afterlives."
"The best thing that could happen for the two parties would be for there to be more than two parties."
"A true church will be marked by a plurality of godly leaders."
"In democracies, we have different people deciding these things; we don't have just one person deciding them."
"What is love, right? It's not this thing that can only exist for one person."
"Plurality doesn't scare you because it's in evidence that the richness of God in creation is still going on."
"...it's quite reasonable to suppose that there are boundless Suns and moons and all of the same substance as this Earth."
"God's love of plurality created many angels."
"If you think about mentorship that way, then you don't have a mentor, you have many mentors."
"There is no one truth, there are many truths, and they confront each other and tease each other and seduce each other and recoil from each other."
"The natural state of the mind is to be multiple."
"The use of plural pronouns in the texts shows that God was speaking to his son, the Lord Jesus."
"The house of Jagat, the world of plurality, the home of the waves is the ocean."
"What we need to understand is what underlies these plural possibilities of recomposition."
"...researchers across a range of disciplines have increasingly advocated for greater plurality and knowledge about and representations of Global Environmental change."
"It's not math, there are multiple types of math; it's maths."
"The one contains the many, and the many contains the one; without the one there cannot be the many, and without the many there cannot be the one."
"If there's multiple fish they're the same kind of fish, it's 'Look at all those fish,' but if there's different species of fishes, it's 'fishes'."
"Any debate in a democracy should be open. That's what a democracy is, it's a plurality of voices."
"The certainty of a unique source of light that religion used to describe descended from above gave way to the idea of a plurality of light sources spreading from one person to another."
"Our fate is not to become one, and yet many."
"There are more Kangs, right, but are there more Victor Timleys?"
"By the mere fact that the persons are inseparable from each other doesn't mean that they cannot count as three Gods."
"Christians believe that God is love from all eternity and since love is an orientation towards others, within the godhead there must be a plurality of persons to express and exchange this eternal love."
"Plurality is the core of our nation; our country is a plural country."
"The very existence of India is its plurality, and if you want to destroy that, then why even exist?"
"Multiple truths can be true at the same time."
"Elohim, which is the word for God in Hebrew in the Old Testament, is a plural word."
"There's an equal ultimacy of the one and the many."
"It's a way back into multiplicity to discovering the outrageous and irreducible plurality of life, the multiplicity of the real in its wonder."
"Books has two morphemes: 'book' and 's', telling you that you're talking about more than one book."
"In the New Testament, elders or the leaders of the local church are always mentioned in the plural."
"We are the same light in many different bodies."
"It is in the highest degree unlikely that this earth and sky is the only one to have been created; nothing in the universe is the only one of its kind."
"Yah is the most high power and it's in the plural because his power goes out into multiple areas or it is the source of multiple things."
"Everyone has more than one soul mate."
"We're talking to multiple spirits here, there's 12 spirits here."
"You're always going to have a dialectic in your system between one and many."
"How do you even know that there are pluralities that only exist because of each other?"
"Underneath this experience of plurality, there is a fundamental unity which we are missing."
"There's more than one way to know something, right?"
"Britain is a country that believes in a plurality of things."
"Catness is many in cat hats and one in the mind."
"The plurals are important because they connect that world and this world."
"There may be more than one message for you."
"You have options and choices, and there is more than one soulmate for you in this lifetime."